HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 68-63RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY · DESIGNATED AS "PACHECO NO. 3" TO THE ' GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF · ~'. . ' GRADE DISTRICT. WHEREAS,. the' Council of' the City of Bakers field did, 0n 'the lstl.day of July~ ·.1963, pass its Resolution Of Intention No. 51-63, ' to include certain proper·ty ·designated-as "Pacheco No. 3, ,,I · '. within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade. District, and· did se~·the.. time· and place for hearing.objections to the-inclusion of said. territory ·within said District; and · .' WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was'. duly· and legally published' once a week for two weeks, the fir~·t publication thereof being at least twenty days· prior to the date of"'the .hearihg"as provid~e.d by law; .and .~ .... "'' 'WHEREAS, Monday, the 12th day. of August, 1963; at the ''' · hour of 8:00".P.M.,' was set as the. time for hearing objections to .th~.i..n'c'!uSion of said territory within ··said DistriCt; and ... WHEREAS, no objection.' has been.~filed or.presented to said COuncil to the inclusion' of said..~erritory'or 'anyi:part thereof wi'thin 'the Greater BakerSfield Separation' of Grade District,· ~nd · the Council further finds· that all Of said territory will' Be : be~e'fited. by its ·inclusion within..said District. .-. '" .' NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT ·RESOLVED AND THE 'COUNCIL DOES HE BY FIND.: : .- , " ' 'That no objection· 'to the inclusion of said' territory or · "' any part thereof within the Greater'Bakersfield Separation of Grade DiStrict, has been filed or presented to' this Council. ...... :'---.---=-' '-!- That -~saidl territory-and~e-very part thereof ~be.,._..and .the. _..' same i's 'hereby 'annexed to and i~cluded .within the .said Greater ,BakerSfield.zSeparation of Grade Distric-t upon completion of ~nnex. ati0n·of said·territ0ry'·to the.,,Cf,ty of Bakersfield, which territory ., is .deSCribed' as ·follows: ~ Aparcel of land ·situate in the County 'of· Kern, state of california, and being·a p~ortion·of the southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of Section 18 ~and · the northeast~ quar,te.r (N.E-, 1/4). Of Section 19, TOwnship· 30 SOuth?' .Range...28, +East, M.D .M:. · z ,., ,,, Beginning ·at the northwest corner..0f·Lot 18, as said· Lot 18 "iS " /·shown·on ,the "Kern County Sales Map 'No..l'·of Lands Of j·. B.·'Haggin" · filed· for record May 3, 1889, in the· office of the COUnty Recorder of said, Kern. County,' said northwest corner being a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of ·Bakersfie·!Td as defined· by"Ordinance No. ,1378 New Series; ,' ~ THENCE·'(1)'. ~ easterly, departing from the corporate ·boundary., along .--~ 'the north line of Lot,18 to ,intersect the easterly .·· 'boundary,of the West-half (W.1/2) of said Lot !.t8;, THENCE (2)· ,·Southerly along"said easter!~··boundary to intersect the, · ., . northerly boundary,of· the SoUtheast quarter (S.E.1/.4) '~ .of said Lot 18; " .I . · THENCE'~'(3)' eas·terly along said·northerty boundary to intersect' · 'the east l~ne of said Lot 18;· THENCE '(4) southerly' along the said east line ,of LOt 18 ·and the· southerly prolongation ,thereof, to intersect. the "· ' ·~·southerly boundary of said ·Section 18; THENCE '·I(5) continuing' southerly 'along' 'the-· northerly prolongation .,. ·· of· the west line of, Lot 1 of said SectiOn 19 to the · northwest' corner 'of said Lot 1, as · said· Lot. 1· is shown ~. On the map of aforesaid "Lands of J. B. Haggin!'; . THENCE (.6) easterly'·aiong the·north line 'of said.Lot' 1, .s'aid "~· " north line being ~the s'outher!y right o'f ·way· line · ·"' of Pacheco·Road, of 6·0 feet in width, to intersect ,, the easterly boundary .of·the West-half (W.1/,2)' of. ',. , s',aid LOt 1; ,· ·' ·· ~' ,. .THENCE '(7) southerly along·. Said ea,sterly boundary, and the-easterly 'z boundary, of' the Wes t-ha.!,f- (W. ,1/2) ..of ..LOt 2 t,.01~ the ' ,- northwes·t corner of· the south 7 adres· of' the East-half · (E.1/2) .of said Lot 2',·,··as' described in ' that '. certain ' "·Grant Deed recorded March 26, 1951, in BoOk 1788 at · ·. ' page 508 in the Official Records of said Kern County; ~.THENCE .(8)· easterly· along ·the northerly boundary of 'said south ,· 7 acres, and .parallel, tothe~ south line of said 'Lot ·2, to a .point. in a line ·parallel with and distant 360 feet .... '_~,-_.i_i~I~'~'_ ....we'slte-r~ty~~' .as measured-~a,t-~.irighlt--angle.s'~o the~-centerline .... of ·U·.· S. Highway 99 (VI-Ker-'4-C) also,known as 'Union · -, ,, ~ AvenUe; -~ .. 'THENCE ·(9) ·southerly a,long ·last named pa~a!iel line.· to intersect. "' the south li'ne of+Said,Lot 2;, (n) aE CE (12). T3Z CE (13) HE CE :(14) THENCE ' .~10) '. westerly along the said' south line of Lot 2 and along the south line of Lot 3 of said Section 19, to the soUth- west corner of the East-half (E.1/2) of said Lot 3; . northerly along the 'westerly boundary of' the. E. 1/2 of' said Lot'3 to the northwest corner of the E.1/2 of said Lot 3,'.' said northwest corner being a point on the southerly right of way line of said Pacheco Road; WeSterly along the north line of said Lot. 3 :to the northwest' corner of said Lot 3; ... northerly along the n0'r.th.erly prolongation. of' the west line-of .said Lot 3 'to intersect the northerly boundary of said Section, .19, said point of intersection being a ~oint ,On' the: current corporate boundary of-the City of Bakers field. as 'de.fined'by .aforesaid Ordinance No. 137 8 .New Series; -. . . continuing norther'ly a!ong the southerly prolongation of .the west line of said .Lot 18, and along. the corporate.. boundary,. and along the west line of-said Lot 18 to the northwest corner thereof,. the' point of beginning and .containing 73.25 acres of land, more or less. ........ 00o ~ · . 'I HEREBY CERTIFY that the 'foreg0ing~Resolu[ion was pasS'e:d and adopted by .the Council Of 6he City of Baker's fie ld at 'a.. ~regutar meeti.ng thereof held on the 12th day of AuguS't, '19'63, 'by . . .', . .. the following vote: '~, '. .' . .