HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 65-63RESOLUTION NO. 65-63 PARCEL 2:' 'Beginning at 'the southeast corner of'Sec·tion 3, TOwnship~ 30 South,:, Range'27 East; RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT' ~ORTIONS'~ OF CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "STINE NO.. 1,"'AND SETTING .THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE INCLUS'IQN OF SAID TERRITORY WITHIN ·SAID DISTRICT..' ~WHEREAS, proceedings have' b'eenqo~enced for the annexation Of certain unincorporated territory, designated as "Stine No. ·l,"..t0 the City of Bakersfield,·and WHEREAS, poFtio~s. of said territory lie. outside the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and WHEREAS, Section 8290 of the Streets and Highways' Code of the ·State· of California, provides .that the unincorpqrated territory of a county which was.not inCluded-within a separation of grade district at the time of the formation of:such district, · and which ~ubsequent to the formation of such dist'rie['is annexed. to or'otherwise included wi'thin a city which 'is a partof"sUch district, shall immediately upon such"annexati0n fro such city.be included within· the district and shall thereafter become a p.art' · of the district to the. same extent' as such' city; except .Such portio~ or portions thereof which the City Council' has determined, will not be benefited by inclusion in ·the ,district NOW, THEREF0 , BE IT SOLVED by, the"CoUnc'il of the City. o~ Bakersfield~ as'follows: · ' 1. That a description of t~e uninc·orp0rated. territory !described in the annexation proceedings, is as followS': PARCEL 1: · All of Parcel · 7, ·being a parcel ~excepted from ·the district, .and · being a portion of the southwest quarter of .SeCtion 2~ Township 30 THENCE·I(1) westerly along the southerly boundary of said Section 3 to intersect the easte~.!y right. of way. ·line of County Road No. 22.26, ,said ea'sterly ri·ght .of·way -line being a line parallel with and' distant 55 feet ·easterly, as measured at right angles· ·to the Westerly boundary' of the E.1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 o'f Said Section 3; .· THENCE (2)· northerly along last named parallel line to intersect .· -.the northerly boundary of the S.E. 1/4' of Said .Section 3; THENCE (3) easterly along said ..n0r~herty boundary 'to intersect the easterly boundary of said Section 3; THENCE (4) southerly along. said e~sterly boundary to the sou'theast· corner. thereof, the point. of-beginning. 2. "That Unless any portion shall b'e excluded by the City Council,. all portions of said uninc0rp0rated territory shall upon annexa:tion to the ~City of Bakersfield be included within the' Greater Bakers field SeparatiOn of' Grade District. ·. 3. That Monday, the 23d· day of Se~temb·er , 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambe~·s of' the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun AVenue, Bakersfield, California, i~ the time when and the place where, objections to inclusion within the district .will be heard. ,o0o 2 ": by the' following vote: 'i HEREBY CERTIFY that the/foregoing ReSolutiOn 'Was .passed ·and adopted by the Council 6f the City of.Bakersfield at a regular ·meeting thereof'held on the l2th '. day..'of ~ugdst , 1963, . '9~.~'~ . .. · , . ·, ~.r~o~ '~,:,:Z~, ~,.. ~ '~- ":-: .... " ~d" x-Officio Clerk of CITY E · ..-. : · the Council of the City of. Bakersfield.'-' APPROVED thf's~i2=th' ~:~_ day of August' the.~gi]~?f Bakersfie ld. , 1963','