HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 64-63 RESOLUTION NO.. 64'63 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL.. 0F.,TH-E CITY 0F. '- BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE .FOR HEARING P.,ROTESTS BY ·PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN "PROPOSED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "STINE N0. 1, . . TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.. WHEREAS',"a petition was filed with the Council of the City of .Bakers'field on the 12th'day of AUgust.,i 196t~.reque~.ting that cer"tain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed-to and inCorpor'ate·d·.within the City of Bakers field, and WHEREAS, said petition WaS signed by the owners'of not less than one-fourth (1/.4) of the area' of the land in such territory, and representing not less than one-fourth (1/4) of th'e assesSedvalue of-such terri't0ry according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the ~gunty of'Kern. NOW, THEREFORE', in compliance with the provisions 'of 'the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory ACt of '.1939, Chapter 297, as' amended, BE IT.. RESOLVED by the Council of. the City of Bakersfield, as -.follows :' That-the boundaries of the territory so proposed to'be "annexed' to the City of Bakersfield are described as ~ollows: :A parcel of. land situate in the County of Kern, State o'f California, 'and being a portion of Sections 2, 3, and 11, Township 30 SoUth, Range 27.·East, M.D.M.: Beginning at the northwest corner of Parcel A, as said parcel iS shown on the ;'Altered Map. of Tract .No. 1.916, recorded March 24, 1'961, in Book 11 of Maps at page .174 in the office of the COunty Recorder 'of said Kern County, said northwest. corner 'being a point On the ·easterly.right of way-line of South;Real Road; and'also said northwest corner being a point .on-the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield" as defined by Ordinance No. 1473, New Series; THENCE '(1) southerly along the corporate .boundary and along the said easterly right of way 'line and the southerly of way line of Ming Road, as said southerly right of · .':' way' line is ·.shown on the map of·Tract No. 2720, . · - " recor.ded June 15, 1962,. in BoOk 12 of Maps at pages · ·.. 196 and 197 in the Office of the said County Recorder:; THENCE .(2) easterly along the said' Isoutherly ri·ght of way-line =· of Ming Road and along the corporate boundary, to~ the northwest corner of the "Additional Dedication" parcel of Street right of way as shown. on the map Of '." ·said Tract No, 2.720; .· .. THENCE (3) S'. 0° 34' 09"· W., 30.00 feet ·along'the westboundary'of · · said parcel to the southwest' corner thereof; .."~HENCE (4).'- continuing S. 0° 34' 09"·W.~ departing from th~ corporate . ~r· boundary, 165.69 feet to a point in the north line of Lot 26 of said Tract No~ 2720; THENCE (5) ·N. 88°'' 48' 49i' W., 29.52 feet .to the northwest corner of ,s.aid.Lot 26; THENCE (6) -S. 00 34' 09." W., 130.00 feet to the southwest corner of ' .. "said Lot 26; THENCE (7) '·N. 88° 50' 11" W., 232'.-00 feet to the easterly right "~ of. Way line of said ReEl 'Road,"of 60 feet in ·width; 'THENCE ~.(8).. Southerly along the said-e~sterly right -of way. line to · intersect the easterly prolongation of the 'south line ~.'/.. of Lot 3 of' said Section' 11,.-.as said L6t.' 3 i's "Shown · . on the "Sales Map of Kern County Land .Company in .- " ~See'tion· 11", filed January 25', 1894, in the office of '· -· .the said County Recorder; ~ 'THENCE'(9) westerly·along the said' easterly prolongation and the ' ' south line of Lots 3, 4·~ 6 and the westerly prolongation .. of the said south line .of Lot 6 to intersect the' '. westerly right of way. line of Stine Canal in Lot 7 · · of said "Sales p .- Ma "; -THENCE (10) southwesterly along said westerly right, of way line 'to " .~intersect the westerly boundary of said Section 11; THE. NCE" (1'1) northerly .along the said westerly boundary of section· .· 11 to the northwest ·corner thereof; THENCE'~'(i'2). westerly along the southerly boundary of ~aid section -. 3 to intersect· a line parallel with 'and distant 55 · · I ·.-.. feet easterly,. aS measured' at right angles to the · . . ~westerly boundary of'th'e East'half (E.1/.2) of'the ' ~. East-half (E. 1/2)-of said Section 3; 'THENCE (13)· northerly along last named parallel 'line to intersect · 'the northerly boundary of the southeast quarter (S..E. 1/4) · " ·of said Section · 3; THENCE (14) 'e·asterly along Said northerly boundary tO interSeCt the · easterly boundary of said'Section 3; ..~l the .southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of said Section 2, .. ·. ~.'to intersect a point in the wes'terly right of way line .· 'of said Stine Canal; THENCE ('16) southwesterly along the said westerly' right of way line .. Of the Stine Canal to intersect the northerly boundary· · along the 'westerly boundary'a distance of 200 feet froml. the said nor~thwest corner of Lot.'4 to a northwest -cOrner of that grant deed recorded March 18, 1959, in . .'_ _' ...........L...~__-??_L~:::_~ ....Book"' 3-tOO~a't'~-age~- -257'-o'f"th~-'O'ffi~i~'~i""R~'co'rd~s"'o'f~'~id' '~' "' ....... ' Kern. County; ' THENCE'.' (28) easter ly, parall'e 1 tO the . .northerly 'BoUndary 'of said " 'Sec. tion 11, along a nor'ther!y !ine.of.~last named grant .' deed 349 feet, ·more or less to a point in the easterly '.. .... "Of the South-half.(S~ 1/2)'of the South-half.~(S. 1/2) · . .. of said Section 2; ..,, THENCE (17) easterly along the last`· named northerly Iboundary · the northwest corner of Lot t0 of Tract No. 2337, as said Lot 10 is shown On 'the map of Tract No. 2337 recorded December 31, 1959, in Book 11 of Maps at · ·' . page 35-in the office of' the, Said County Recorder-; THENCE ·(18). S. 14° 51' 41" w., 54.'428 fee~;" = THENCE (!9)- N..2~° 11' .32" W..? 33.258 feet;.'=! 'THENCE (~0) N'.~ 75~ 08' 19" W., .9.960 feet tO..intersect the easterly right"of way line of Stine Road,r'of 60'feet in.width;' ..,. THENCE' (21) Southwesterly along said eaS[eriy right of way line Of said Stine Road to .intersect :the Southerly boundary. ~' ·.'Of the North-half' (N. ~./'2)'·bf the ~ soUtheast quarter ".. .'. (S. 'E'.' 1/4)~. Of ~he southwes~ quarter· (S. ·W. '1./4) of ' said Section 2; THENCE (22) ,easterly along llast named .S, 0Uthe~r!y boundary to a .· ~.point in the west· line of Tract. No. 2'638 as..'said · Tract No. 2638 was recorded December 7, '1961, in · ." ·Book 12 of Maps at page. "109 in the .office of'..the said County Recorder; .·- . . THENCE' '(23) southeasterly along. said westerly line of said Tract · No~ 2638 tO the' Southwest corner thereof, also' being .the northwest corner of Tract No~ 2833, as_shown. on . "the map of said Tract No.· 28~3 'recorded March 22, 1963~' ...-~I~ 'in 'Book 13 of Maps at pages-136 and' ·137 in the 'offiCe : of the said County Recorder; THENCE (24)'. 'S. 150 13' 32" E., 291.08 ·feet to the southwest' 'corner 'of said Tract No. 2833; .. · ~, THENCE.(2'5). 'S. 89° 22' 08" E., .aiong.the"South,e'rty boundary of said ".Tract No. '2833 to a point in the easterly .boundary of the 'southwest quarter. (S~ W."l/4). of said SeCtion 2; ~HENCE (26) southerly along last name:~.~easter. iy.b0undary to the · south ~ quarter (S. 1/4)· corner of said SectiOn 2, said · .'south quarter (S .' 1/4) corner.. also being a. point On the northerly prolongation of· the westerly boundary Of aforesaid Lot 4 of said "Sales Map 'of Kern County. '-Lan. d Company in Section 11"; ,. . THENCE (27) southerly along the said northe~'ly p.rolonga·tion 'to 'the northwest corner of said Lot 4; 'and ..continuing southerly boundary of · that' grant deed recorded February 28, 1940, in Book 921 at page ·166 of·the·Official··Records of said Kern County; · THENCE (29) northerly along said easterly ·boundary of last named grant deed and along the northerly prolongation .of · . Said easterly boundary to, intersect the northe. rty boundary of said Section 11;· THENCE (30) easterly along last named northerly' boundary to point in a ·line parallel wit~ and distant 30 'feet westerly as measured at right angles to the Centerline · · of Lymric Way 'and the ~southerly prolongation thereof, · · as said Lymric Way is shown on aforesaid map· of Tract No. 2833; THENCE (31) ·northerly along said 'parallel ~line 'to the 'northeast corner of Lot 14 of said Tract' No. 2833,.· said northeast· " ·~ corner being a point on the northerly ·boundary of said Tract No. 2833; · THENCE (32) easterly along the. north line of Said Tract ·No. 2833 and along the southerly boundary, of Tract No. 2221 as shown on map of ·said ·Tract No. 2221 recorded April 16, '1959, in Book 10 of Maps at page 13'5 in·' the office .· .of the said County Recorder, and along the easterly '· prolongation· thereof to the northwest..'cqrner of said .. Parcel A, the point o.f. beginning and containing 36'5.61 acres of land, more or less. That a designation appropriately naming such territory is ."Stine No. 1." · .. LBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED', that ·Monday, the 23rd day·. of' · September , 1963, at the·hour- of 8:00 P.M., 'in the Council Chambe·rs of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun AVenue, Bakersfield, Caii- fornia,-is the time when and the place where .any person owning real property within such territory so P~opoSed ~o·be ·'annexed and having ,.. any objections' to the proposed annexation may appear before the CounCil of the City of Bakersfield .and-~h~w cause why .such. territory should not be annexed. .o0o ........... · 'I.HEREBY CERTIFY that-,the~.foregoing ReSolution was ~passed and 'adopted by the Council of th~ City of Bakers field-.at a regu.lar meeting thereof 'held on the'/12th' 'day of :, by the 'following vote: · ', ., August ~' 1963 . ., %y=~, . ~,ALFANZ, i¢, . ' ' ' . - ' ': ' ..... ABSTAI~NING:_ ._~ Council of the City of Bakersfield. · . August ,. i963. of Bakersfi'eld.