HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 63-63RESOLUTION N0. 63-63 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAEERSFIELD, ORDERING THE VACATION .0F A' PORTION OF CASTR0 LANE IN THE CITY 0F BAKERSFIELD. WERE'AS, on the 1st day of JUly, 1963, the Council of the Cit~! of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street "Vacation Act Of 1941," being Division 9, Part 3, of the Streets and Highways .Code:.of the .State Of California, passed and ~adopted its Resolution of Intention No. 783, declaring its .intention 'to order the vacation of a portion of Castro Lane, also known as County Road No. 50, City of BakerSfield, California, and WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed' vacati~on, which said hearing was held on the 29th day of July, 1'963, after' notices were duly posted ~as required by law, and ~. WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering 'the matter, doeS~'her-eby find and resolve as follows: 1.. That that .portion of CastTo ~Lane, also known as 'County Road.No. 50', situate in the City of'Bakersfteld,.County of Kern, State of California, and being 'a' portion of the 'north ·'half (N.1/2) of the northwest quarter. (N.W.I~). of .SectiOn 12,.Township 30 South,- Range 27 East, M,D.M.., more particula~.ly deSCribe+d as .follows, is unnecessary for'present or prospeC. ttve public street purposes: COmmencing at the centerline intersection of Ming'Road and.'Castro Lane'· thence easterly along the centerline .of"Ming Road. to intersect the northerly prolongation of thS easterly right o'f~way~line 'of .Castro Lane., of 60 feet in width, 'thence·. southerly. along sai~ easterly line to intersect a line '.parallel with,. distant '55.00 feet southerly,' as measured perpendicular to the centerline of said Ming Road, said point'of intersection being the true .~point '0f .beginning; THENCE' (1) continuing 'S~q~.therly along .the-~said easterly right. of ......... way line1. to inte'rsec~the--south- line ?~ the*~N.E~t~/4 Of the N.Wl/4 of' .said .Section 12;... -' .. THENCE.'(2)· westerly along last.named south line 'to the 'southwest corner of. the N.E.1/~ of the. N-W.'l/4'of~ said Section 12; hE cs (4) THENCE ( 5 ) c onttnui'ng westerly· along .the sou~h line· of .the N.W.1/4 .of the N.W.1/~ of said Section 12 to ·intersect the-westerly .right of way line of. said Castro Lane; n0r.therly along said westerly right of way line' t'o '.. intersect. a .line parallel with,. distant 55.00 'fee't southerly, as me asureld. ..per. pendicular' to the Centerline of .FLing Road; . easterly' along the last named, parallel line'to the point of. beginning.. ~ -. That said portion of c'astrO Lane, also known-as County Road No. 50, be and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and '[ ab and one d for public street purposes,' subject to'and' in conformity with Said Resolution of Intention No. 783. Reference 'to said ReSolution 6f Intention is hereby made for further particulars. · 3. The City Clerk.shall certify to .the passage oft'his Resolution' and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City to'be recorded 'in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, california.' -.-. _,, -----'-'---o0o-~ .... '--- I HEREBY CERTIFY-that the 'foregoing ResoiUtion was passed and adopted by the .Council' of the City Of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 29th day of July, 1963, by the following vote: AYFS: BALFANL DOOLIN, MA~CHBANKS,·MOSSMAN~ RUCKER,'STIERN, WHITTEMOR~ CI~'~L4;~ ~'~ Ex-Offic,o Cijrk of the ~he? -City '-o~ ~Baker. sfie_ldo ~: .= -