HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-63 RESOL 0 62-SS '.RESOLUTION ANNEXING To THE GREATER · BAKERSF~ELD SEPARATION OF GRADE D~STR~CT THAT PORTION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIG- NATED AS "HUGHES NO. l" NOT ALREADY. INCLUDED WITKEN SATD DISTR~CT 'WHEREAS, the Council of. the City of BakeP, sfiel'd.did, on the 19th day of June; 1963, pass its.Resolution of Intention No. 45-63, to~include within the Greater 'Bakersfield ,Separation of Grade District that 'portion of 'certain ,territory designated as "Hughes N0. l" not already included .within said District~ and did set the, time an8 place for hearing Objections to ~he inclusion of' said territory within said District; ,and " WEEAS, said Resolution.of Intention was duly and" legally publishe~ once a week for..two weeks,,~ the first publication thereof being at least 'twenty days prior to,the' date of 'the hearing as provided by law; and, :"- WHEREAS,~' Monday, the 29th day of 'July,~_%963, at the. hour of 8:00 o,clock P.M., was se't as 'the·tim for hearing-objections to the inclusion of said territory within said District; and WHEREAS, no objection has been filed or presented to said Council to the inclusion of said territory or any part ,thereof within· the Greater Bakersfield SeparatiOn 'of. Grade·District, and · the Council further finds that' all of said .·territory wili be benefited by its inclusion within said'District.' Now,, THEREFORE, BE,IT'RES0LVED A D'-,THE*COUNC L ,DOES EREBY FIND: ':. ' .'. That no objection to the. inclusion Of said territory or any' past thereof .within the Greater.Bakersfield Separation '6f Grade That said territory-and everytpa~t thereof be,' and the same is hereby annexed'to and included wi.thin .the Said 'Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District upon completion of annex- ation of Said-territory to the Ci. ty of Bakersfield, which territory iS described as' follows: ' Beginning at the west-quarter (W 1/~) corner of~Section lS, Township' .30 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., in the County of Kern, ·State of .California, said W 1/4 corner being a point in a. southerly boundary of the said "Greater Bakersfield. Separation of. Grade District"; ~THENCE .(1) easterly along the ndrtherly boundar of the Southwest quarter (S.W. 1/~).of said Section rl~ to intersect the northerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Lot 15 , as said Lot 15 is shown on the "Kern County Sales Map No.·l of Lands of J. B. Haggin,"-filed for record May 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder" of said Kern County; .THENCE (2) Southerly along .said northerly prolongation to the northwest corner of said Lot 15 in said section ~18, · · said'northwest corner being·a point in the southerly right .of way line. of.White Lane '(County Road No. 782) of 60 feet in width;. THENCE1 ( 3 ) THENCE i westerly along the westerly prolongation of .the northerly boundary of said Lot 15 to intersect the westerly boundary of 'said Section 18; Continuing westerly along the easterly prolongation of the. northerly boundary; of Lot 17 of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, and along the · northerly boundary of Lots 17 and 19, said northerly boundary also being the'southerly right of way line of said White Lane, to intersec+t· a point 158.59 feet, more or less, west of the northwesterly right of way line' of the Asphalto Branch of the Southern Pacific Company, as measured along said .southerly right of way, said last named p. oint being the northwest corner of a parcel of land deeded to the S & F Cotton Company- recorded. July 30, 1953, in Book 2111 .at page ·359 of the Official Records of said Kern County; -. THENCE (5) .S.44o18,W., along the boundary Of said parcel, 703-36 · feet, more or less,. to.'the southwest corner thereof; THENCE (6) S.45°42,E.,.along the boundary of' said parcel, 167.29 feet to the southeast .corner thereof, being a point on the northwesterly right of way line of the Asphalto Branch of- the Southern Pacific Company; southwesterly along 'said right of way an arc distance of 36.80 feet (said arc having a radius of 5,679.65 feet) to the northeast corner of aparcel Of land 'deeded to Jess Smith',& Sons-, .recorded.February 7, ................ 1961'~ 'i n' B~ dt~"33~' '~t'P!~' of said Kern County; .' THENCE (8) 'N.45o37,w. ," ~long the boundary. of'.' last 'named parcel, 166 feet to 'the northwest corner thereof; HENCE '( 7 ) THENCE (9) S. ~4°23'W.,-along the' boundary of last named parcel 80 .. the. southwest oorner thereof; 4 fee t to , ' THENCE (10) ' S.45o37iE., along the' boundary of las't~ named': jparce 1 164 feet to the southeast corner thereof, said southeast corner being a point on the, said northwesterly right of 'way line of the Asphalto Branch; THENCE+ (ll) southwesterly'along the said north~esterl.y,right of .· way ·line to intersect'· the westerly right of Way line of U. S. 99 Highway ('State Route ,Vt'Ker-4-C)'Bakers- field· By-Pass; .-~. northwesterly along the said State Route right 'way line to ~intersect ~the so~therly boundary· of · Lot--23 of said Sectt'onI'13;. ,~, THENCE (13) westerly along said southerly~boundary'of Lot 23 to intersect a line parallel with and distant 30 feet' easterly, as' measured perpendicular to the 'westerly boundary Of said Section 13; said parallel line being' Road , of 60 feet in width; THENCE (14) 'northerly and. parallel with the west line '6f said'. ~' Section 13 to intersect the' northerly ~boundary of the south-half (S 1/2)' of said Section. 13, said' northerly boundary beiB~ the centerline of said White Lane; THENCE (15) easterly along said northerly boundary ~o+'the east- quarter (E. 1/~) corner' of said Section 13, the point.~ .of beginning. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of July, 1963, by the fol. lowing vote: 'AYES: BALFAL,~Z, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STISRN, WHITTE/' ,ORE Council of- the City of Bakersfield