HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-63 RESOLUTION NO. 61-63' A. RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING· THAT INSUFFICIENT PROTESTS WERE. MAI)ETM TO THE ANNEXATION OF TEREITORY DESIGNATED~.AS HUGHES NO..3~PROPOSED 'TO BE ANNEXED TO THE-CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD. ':,,, . WHEREAS~ pursuant to the GOvernment C0~e of the State of California,, Sections 35300 +and following, proceedings-have'. been instituted 'for the annexation-of certain territory designated as "Hughes 'No l" and WHEREAS-, pursuant. to such proceedings a petition was signed' and 'filed for such annexation, a reSOlution adopted describing boundaries of ,the territory 'sOught to' be annexed, publications '.had On said resolution .and a,..time .adopted 'for ,hearing of protests from..persons owning re~l proper:ty-i'n. said territory~ "'·.EREAS,/a hearing was duly· held~ in the Counc:il Chambers of the-City Hall'in the city of B~kersf. ield'i' t'he 29th day' of July .1963, "at 'ghe hour of eight o.' clock -p"..m., pursuant'. :to. notices given in compliance with law, and ',' WHEREAS, at said-hearing'· insufficient written or-oral pr6te'sts were made by any person owning' property 'within the' afore- said territory; .. · NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the' COuncil of the -.. City of Bakersfield .that; " Said City Council finds and resolves that insUff'icient pro.test-has been made to the annexation of real pr.0perty t6' the City Of Bakersfield,. said pr0pe~ty being designated' as "Hughes No. l" 'and more particularly described in'Resolution No~ '44~63 of the . -. City...o~f, BakerSfield- ........... 00o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego. ing. ReSoluti on.waS· '~ passed 'and adopted by the Council ~0f the City~ of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of. July, 1963, by the following vote: ' " AYES: BALF NZ, DOOLIN, ~-4ARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, ABSTAINING: . ,~ RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE .'i CI~ .CLERK and Ex-0~icio: Clerk of the Council of thS City of'. Bakersfield.