HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 50-63 ... RESOLUTION NO. 50-63 ,, .: A 'RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF · BAKERSFIELD I FIXING A ·TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ' ... PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY"WI.THIN' TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "PACHECO NO. '3," PROPOSED .I ".. TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY'7OF. BAKERSFIELD.. . . , , .., '. WHEREAS a petition was. fl. ted with' the 'Council' 0'f' the' ,,, ' . ,l ' ,. .. Z City of Baker~field On the lst'day of '~July~ 196'3, .requesting that .,,,~ .... , ,. , 'certain.Uninh~bited territory therein' described be a~neXed..to and , : , . . inCorporated.within the City of Bakersfie'ld, 'and ~. ·-. ' WHEREAS, said petition was' 'Signe'd by the·Swners Of' not .. · . , .. . -., '. . less than one-fourth (1/4) of'the a~ea of the .l~and· in' Such' . , .. . territory, and representing'. not" 'le s s' than' .0ne~ fourth'· (1-/..4). of .the assessed~ value of'suCh .territory according .to. the last preceding ,.' equalized assessment· roll of· the County 'of :Kern; ..· ' ., ".' NOW,'THEREFORE, in ~omp!ianCe with th~ p~ovisionS..of the · · · Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of.'.'lg'39,..Ch~'pter297, as . amended,.'BE IT RESOLVED by the Council 'of 'the .City Of Bakers field, ' as Ifoll'~ws: . · .- ".That the. bounda'~ies of the territory..s0 proposed to .be .. annexed to the City 'of-Bakersfieid are de'scribed as follows: ,. A" parcel of land situate in the .County of Kern, State of.-California, and being a 'portion of .'·the .southeast .quarter (S.E. 1·/4). of· Section 18 and the northeast quarter (N;Ei1/4) of SeCtion 19., T0.wnship 30 South, Range 28, East,. M.D.M: " .. .' · : .... ':Beginning at 'the northwest corner of Lot"18,..as saidlLot 18 is Shown . on the "Kern ·County Sales Map No... 1 of Lands "of:J.... B. Haggin" filed for ' record' May 3~'1889, in the office 'Of· the. COunty '.Recorder of Said.Kern · County, said northwest corner being/a point on-the. current. corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield .as defined by. Ordinance No'. 1378 .New Series; . . . , . THENCE (1). easterly, departing from '~he corporate .b·oundary, .along · the north line of Lot 18 to intersect the. easterly boundary .. of the. West-half (W.l'/2)' of said Lot 18; ' ' .... 'l · , · ..... · . ~ ,. ...... · . ..,, ......... · ...... THENd~ Yf)~"'.-~'~U~he~r'i~~ ~a'ig~g~'Sa'{'d"'~'~'.~b'~a~"~[~'7{~'~'~'~[' the .. northerly boundary· of: the southeast quarter (S .E. 1/4) ' " i of said Lot. 18; . . ·... . . ,. . , ,..., THENCE (3) ·easterly along said n0rtherl~ bouna~ry" .to'.'in~erseCt " the.east line of ' said" Lot 18.; ..'I . .. :' .. :r."..~ .: ' ., · . ,..- · ,. .'.. .. ," .. ...~' , . ,. .., ,, -..'..' · , .. ., - .. · .. THENCE (4)· southerly along the said east line of. Lot 18 and 'the southerly prolongation thereof, to intersedt 'the southerly boundary of' said' Section 18; THENCE (5) continuing· ,southerly along 'the' ngrtherly prolongation of ·the West 'line of Lot 1 of said. Section 19 ·to'the northwest corner of said Lot 1~. as said Lot. 1~. is shown " on the map· of aforesaid ·."Lands TOf J: B.· Haggin"; THENCE (6) easterly along the ,north line of said.Lot 1, 'said· north line being the, southerly right ·of way llne of Pacheco Road, of 60 'feet· inwi·dth, to intersect- ." . the easterly boundary of the ·West-half (W. 1/2) , of .said Lot 1; · THENCE (7) '.soUtherly .along said easterly boundary· and the easterly · boundary of the West-half (W.1/2) of LOt 2.to the · '.· northwest· corner of the south 7 acres of the East-half ,:(E. 1/2) of said ,Lot 2, as described inI that' Certain Grant · ~- Deed recorded March 26, 1951, in ·Book 1788'at page 508 in the Official ReCords of said Kern-County;. THENCE (8). easterly along the northerly boundary of said. south 7 acres, and parallel to the south .line of said'Lot 2, to a point in a line parallel With and distant· 360 feet westerly,· as measured-at.right angles to the Centerline· ,of .U.S. Highway 99 (VI-Ker-4C) also known as Union Avenue; · THENCE (9) southerly along last named parallel line ·to. intersect the south line of Said Lot 2; . -, THENCE (10) westerly .along the said-south line of LOt 2' and'along · the .south line of Lot 3 of said SectiOn 19,..to the south- west corner of. the East-half (E.1/2) of said Lot, 3;' THENCE (11) northerly along the wes[erly boundary 'of the' E.·l/2 of ., said Lot 3 to the northwest corner of the E.1/2 Of said Lot 3, said northwest corner being. a point on the southerly right of way line of said ·Pacheco.Road; THENCE (12) 'westerly along the north line of said LOt 3 to the'north- - west corner of said·Lot 3;' THENCE (13) northerly along the nOrtherly:prolongation of the west line..of said Lot3 to intersect the northerly boundary of said Section 19, said point of intersection being a point ..· on ·the current .corporate boundary of' the City of Bakers- . field as .defined by aforesaid'Ordinance No. 1378 New Series; THENCE (14)· continuing northerly along the southerly prolongation 5f the west line of-saidi Lot 18, and along. the corporate boundary, and along the west' line of ·said Lot 18 to the northwest corner ther'eOf, the point ·of beginning and ....... -.~r~v_ _ ' c.ontaining .·7·3.25~_acres..o_f !and,~ _more.~ or~le~sS ................. · ........ That a designation appropriately·naming such territory .is "PACHEC0 NO '. 3." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha't'Monday~..the 12th'day of August~.....1963,"at the hour' ofeight o'Ciock P.M., in,.the Council Chambers'of .the CityzHall, 1501 Tr~xtun'Avenue:~ Baker~field, California, is the time .when and t~e place where ~ny person 'owning real property'within such territory"so proposed to be 'annexed and having any Objections to'the proposed annexationSmay appear before the Council of the City of.Bakersfield 'and shDw Cause why such territory should not be annexed. o0o.--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the.foregoing. Resolution was passed and adOpted.by the Council of.the'.City 03 Bakersfield at a regular-meeting thereof held on the l~t day of JUly, 1963,...by the · following vote: AYES, BALFANZ,/, DOOLIN, ~,,~RCHBANKS 2 MOSSMArl, I~Lj~KER, STI~RN APPRe~E~;~hiT~."7~'~:~%~day Of July, 1963. CITY %~ E.xL io Clerk ~f the Council of the' City of Bakersfield.