HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 48-63 · ' RESOLUTION NO '.' 48-63 , . - A RESOLUTION OF 'THE COUNCIL OF.-.THE CITY OF '. .BAKERSFIELD FIXING-A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ." ". · ·. PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REI..AL' PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET NO. 3~" PROPOSED- ' TO BE ANNEXED TO THE .CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. -.. WHEREAS., a peti'-tion was filed with the Council .of the. City of .Bakers field on the 24th .day· of 7June; 19'63, requesting th'at certain uninhabited territory therein described be .annexed .to and incorporated within the City. of'Bakersfi·eld, and " · · · · WHEREAS, said petition wa.'s 'signed by ~he owners .of not"'· less than one-fourth (1/.4)'of the area* of" the land in such · '. · territory, and representing not 'le,.s~.' than on~ifourth-(!/4) of the-' assessed value of such territory according' to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County .of Kern..,' "' : NOW, THEREFORE, in.compliance. with.the prOVisionS'of :the Annexation of 'Uninhabited· Territory' Act of "1939-~-Ch'apter..297:, as .. amended, BE IT RESOLVED. by the. council of the City of Bake'~'sfield';'~' That the boundaries of .the territory so propOSed .to be annexed tO-the City of Bakersfield are describe'd as. followS'.:, " A parcel' of land situate in the County of .Kern, StateI of California, and being. a portion of the northeast quarter of" Section '35, Township 29, South,..Range '27 East, M.D.M;. .. Beginning at. the intersection. of the south .right of way line Of .' Chester Lane. (County Road No.. ·1'228).', -of 6'0 .feet 'in widtH, 'and' the west right of' Way line of Real Road'.(COunty Road No,. 1086), of 60 feet in width, said 'intersection being...a point on'the-current. corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (1) westerly, departing from the said 'corporate boundary, and alon~ the south right·'of way line of Chester Lane., '. S.89 52'30"W., a distance of 434. 31feet,. 'morelior less, · to intersect the centerline of the Stine Canal; THENCEL~(2)~-N:..2 o 21' 0 2' 'W~'-,... along the__sa i.d.._cen te.r.-tine_o~f :.the_ .' S tine .. Canal, 200.1t feet; · .· -., "- THENCE (3) N.24°33'E.-, 109.92 feet, more' or le'ss,-to the western terminus' of courst (10)., of Ordinance- NO., .1445, '.'New . Series, being a point in the current:.c.~r,'poratel boundary; THENCE '(4) N.89°52' 30"E., 388.42 feet, and along ·the corporate boundary to the westerly- right .of way line Of said Real Road; .· · '· .,-· THENCE (5), southerly along said .wester!y. righ.t ,,of way line 'and the cor. porate boundary300 feet, more or'·less, to · ' ·the· point of beginning and 'Conraining 2.94 acres of land, more or less. · "' That a ·designation appropriately naming such territory is ·"SUNSET NO. 3." : I · · · · . · ,BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Monday, the 12th,day of· . August, .' 1963, at the hour of eight .o' clock P.M., 'in the Council ., Chambers of .the City Hall, 1501 TruXtUn Avenue ·Bakersfield · California., is the time when and' the' place .where any person ·owning· reai property within such territory. so proposed to 'be annexed and having. any objections to' the proposed annexation may appear before the-Council of ·the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory should not be.annexed. o0o~ ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the-foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the CounCil-0·f the City "of Bakers field at a regular meeting there0f'held on the 1st day of July, 1963, by the fo 1 lbwing vote: AYES, NOES: _A, BSENT: ABSTAINING: BAL~LiN, MARCHBA~K~, MOSSMAN, RUCKE~: 8T~FRN 'APPROVED ,.'t~is l~t 'd.a~y 'of July; '1963. lv~y '~l'f-the ~ity of Bakersfield. 2. CITY CL~ a~<~Officio. C:lerk of the Council of~he~ City of BakerS field