HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-63 RESOLUTION N0. '44-S3 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CXTY 0.F ' BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN -~' TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "HUGHES N0. 1," PROPOSED T0' BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERS*. FIEL D. ... WHEREAS', a petition was filed with the Council of t-he City :of Bakersfield on the 19th day of june, 1963, requesting that certain uninhabited territory~,therein described be 'annexed to and incorporated within the. City of lBakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the Owners 'of not less than one-fourth (1/~) of the. area'of'the land in. such territory, and representing not less'than one-fourth (1/4)~ of the assesse'd value of'such territory according to lhe 'last proceeding equalized assessment' r~ll' Of the County of Kern. ' "~ . " NOW,-THEREFORE, in compliance with the proVisiOns of.the " Annexation of .Uninhabited Territory ACt. of 1939, Chapter '297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o~ the City'of Bakersfield, ~s follows: .. 'That the boundaries of the' .territory so "proposed to'be annexed to the City of Bakersfield' are described as follows.-. I. A.pa~ee.1 of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and. being: a portion of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27' East, and also a.portion of Section 18,. TownShip 30 South, Range 28 .East, M.D.M.,. and. as said Sec.tions 13. and 18 are shown onl the. ·"Kern County Sales Map 'No. 1 of Lands of~ J.B. Haggin", filed for record' Mhy 3, :." 1889, in the office· of the County Recorder of said Kern County: .. Beginning at the 'northwest corner of Lot 6 in said Section 18'- said northwest corner being a"p0int' on a line parallel with and distant '30 ·feet easterly, as measUred perpendicular,' to" the westerly boundary of' said Section 18, said parallel line also being the easte~lly ri ht of way line of ' Sou~h' H' Street (county 'Roads . Nos. 15 & l~0)~., of 60 feet in-'width, saldI northwest· .corner also: .being.a point on the current;'corporate boundary of the City of · Bakersfi~eld as defined by Ordinance No. 1122,. New Series; . '. THENCE' ('1) southerly .along. tb~ last name. d parallel line, and along -' the. ~current corporate .boundary, 'to the northwest corner of Lot 15 in sai. d Section 1.8, said northwest .corner ' being. a point in the southerl right of way. line of 'White Lane ~County 'ROad No. 7~2), of . . .. . . , . .~ . . 60 ·feet' in. width;:.· THENCE (2) .westerly, 'departing from the. Current corporate boundary, along the westerly prolongation of the northerly boundary .+. 'of said Lot 15 to intersect the westerly boundary of said '~ THENCE' +(3)· continuing Westerly along the easterly~ prolongation of the northerly boundary of Lot 17 of said Section 13 and along the northerly boundary'of Lots 17 and 19,. said · northerly boundary also being the southerly right of et, more or less, west of the northwesterly ..- right of way line of the Asphalto Branch of t he Southern Pacific Company, as measured along said'southerly. right of way, 'said last named 'point being the most northwesterly .corner of a parcel of land deeded to the S & F. Cotton. " Company recorded July 30, 1953, in Book 2111 at page 359 · of.the Official Records. of said Kern County; THENCE (4)I S,44o18' W',' along 'the' .boundary of said parcel,"703,36 feet, .more or less, to'. the southwest' corner thereof~' THENCE (5) S,45°42,E,,' 'along the boundary of said parcel, 167.29.feet "' to .the southeast corner :thereof, being a point on the northwe sterly right. of. 'WaY 'line of the Asphalto Branch of the Southern Pacific Company; THENCE (6)' southwesterly along-said right of way an arc'distance of 36.80 feet (said arc having a radius of 5,679,65 feet) .to the northeast corner of .a parcel of.land deeded to .. . Jess Smith &Sons, recorded February 7, 1961, in · Book 3346 at page' 774 of' the Official Records of said · Kern Countyl ~'.... THENCE ·(7) No '5°37'W,, the northwest corner thereo. f~ .' .16~ feet to along the boundary of last named parcel, THENCE (8) S,44°23,W., along the boundary. of last named parcel. 480 feet to the southwest corner thereof;. THENCE (9) S.45o37,E., along the boundary of. last named parcel · . 164 feet to the 'southeast corner thereof, said south- .· east corner being .a.point o'n the said'northwesterly right of way line. of the Asphalto Branch; ' THENCE (10):southwesterly along the' said northwesterly right of way line to intersect the westerly right of. way of' " - , h U.S .99 Hig way (State Route VI-Ker-4-C'} Baker,field By-Pas s ;' . TBENCE.(ll). northwesterly along the said' State Route right of way ... line to intersect the Southerly boundary of Lot 23 of said .Section 13; THENCE':(12) westerly along said southerly boundary of Lot 23.to intersects line parallel wi.th and distant 30 feet boundary of said Section 13; said parallel line being .... . , of 60 feet in width; THENCE (13) northerly and parallel wi~h:' the west line 'of sai'd : Section '13, to.a point., more or less 434.28 feet :.. ":' northerly and 30 feet easterly of the West quarter .. corner of said Section"13~ said point being the. northwest "' corner of a parcel of' land deeded to ~. DeRuchie recorded · August 29, 1957, in Book 2837 .at page 128 of the Official .- Records of said Kern. County'; THENCE '(14)·easterly along the northerly boundary of. said parcel a' " ...distance of 417.69 fee~,.'more or less, to intersect the .. " .westerl right of way line Of afore aid State RoUte ' " -' · VI Ker-~-C, Bakersfield By-Pass; S · . T~ENCE' (15).nOrtherly--along said ·right' of" W'ay line to intersec.$ th~ northerly boundary of Lot .10 of said Section 13; THENCE' (16)' easterly along said northerly boundary 'of LOt 10 .,. intersect the westerly boundary of 'Tract No. 2263 as .. .. shown on the "Altered'Map of Tract No. 2263", .recorded · . :- October 8, 1962, in Book 13, of Maps at pages 57.and 58, '.., in .the office of the said COunty Recorder,'; ."T~ENCE.' (17) southerly along the.,'sala' .westerly boundary' to·the north- -'. West corner, of Parcel '"C"~'of.said Altered Map of Tract ·' No. 2263; ' .. " "' 'THENCE" (18)"N.89o57,19"Eo, 359.297 feet along the north line of said "'-" Parcel "C" and the easterly. prolongation thereof, to "' . intersect the west 'line '.of Parcel B, said altered Tract No. '2263; .. · . . . , THENCE (19) N.O002,41"W., 2.076 feet tO' 'the northwest· corner of ... ,P.a~.Cel "B" of said Altered Map; .-'. THENCE (20).S.89°55,40"E., 471o487 feet to the northeast corner' .- ... of said Parcel "B", said northeast corner being a point .. on a curve, ·concave· to th~ .east, ·having a radius._of .... 1402.823 feet; ... THENCE. (21.) southerly a!ong'.'.said curve through a central angle of " - .3°48'03", a distance of' 93.059 feet to'a point of " tangency; .. · ?'- THENCE (22) S.89o56'50"E., 60.00 feet. to intersect the west line · . 'of Parcel "A" of said Altered Map of Tract No. 2263, said point of intersection being the beginning of a · THENCE (23)' northerly along said "curve' through a central angle . 0°15'34'' a distance of .6.08! .feet to the northwest . corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE (2'4)-S.89°41,16"E., 200.00 feet to the northeast 'corner ~·. .. of said Parcel "A,, said northeast.corner ~being'a ' point in the easterly boundary of ,said Tract No. 2263; - northwest quarter of said Section 13, to intersect the. · . easterly boundary of the northwest quarter of said Section 13, said point of intersection also being on · ·. the .westerly boundary of Lot 13 of said Section 13; · . THENCE (26)northerly along the westerly b0unda~y of Lot 13 tO .. intersect the northerly boundary of the south.' half of said Lot 13; ' THENCE' (27) easterly alon~' the northerly boundary of the south half of Lots 13 and 14~ and 'el ong the north line of -Lot 16, to the northeast corner of said Lot 16 in said Section 13, "' last. named corner being on a line ~parallel with and distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Section 13, said parallel line also being the westerly right of way line of SOuth H Street; THENCE. (28) northerly 'along t~last named parallel 'line to the northeast corner of Lot 15 of said Section 13., ~said ~. northeast corner of Lo~ 15 being a point on .~the c~u~ren~ · .corporate boundary of the CitI Of Bakersfield. as · defi'ned by ' Ordinance .1322 .New Series; .. THENCE .(29) easterly along the easterly .prolongation.; Of t he. northerly boundary of said Lot 15 to intersect the .easterly. boundary of said Section. 13; THENCE (30) continuing easterly along the westerly prolongation of :. ' the north3rly boundary of Lot 6'in 'said SSction'13 to .~ the. northwest corner of said Lot 6, the true. point. of beginning, containing l81,12 acres of land, more ..or less, That. a de signation appropria~e!Y naming such territory is "HUGHES N0. 1." BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Monday' the 29th day of · Jul~ , 1963, 'at the hour of.eight o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of '.the City .Hall, 1501 TrUxtun Avenue,' Bakersfield, California, "is the. time .when and ~the. place where any person owning real property within such territory so~Proposed to be annexed and. 'having any objections ~o the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of the City of Ba~srsfield .and show cause whyssuch territory should. not be annaxe d. · · . I..HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council~ of the ·City. of Bakersfield at a special.· meeting thereof held on the 19th day of June, 1963, by following vote: BALFANZ,I ~ MAR¢i..iBA~I(S'MOSSMAI"t' R. UCK~R-, STff. m ~x-bfficio ale rk of the' CounciI of the City of Bakersffeld. APPROVED "_ , ' :~h day of June, 1963 · NAY'OR of ti'~e~,,Z,e:tt'y ':6f Bakex, sfield