HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 42-63RESOLUTION NO. 42-63 : RESOLUTION DECLARING POSITION. AND" POLICY OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD:'ON"DONATIONS OF EQUIPMENT'OR FACILITIES.TO THE CITY PARK :' SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the .Ci-ty of Baker~field' operates a park .system: for the enjoyment and benefit of its .citi~iens, and- · WHEREAS, the park system. Operate'd by the City o'f Bakers- field is in need of additional equipment and" facilities, and- WHEREAS, certain citizens of the City of Bakersfield have~ '.frbm time to time, .expressed ;a desire t'0 contribute additional equi:pment and· facilities· to the park .system operated.by the' City of Bakers field. .. i... .': · "7 " "' :. NOW, THEREFORE, .BE I'T' RES~L.VED by the/City CoUncil of the 'City' of Bakers field that the City COUncil,of the City of · ', Bakers fie !d .'hereby expresses a. po lid~ .·of 'we lc6m{ng"'c6ntributions of equipment..and other ·facilities 'to' the park system operated by the City of Bakers fie ld ~ .. .- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResOlution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City 0f Baker'sfi'eld at a regular meeti'ng thereof held on the 12th 'day of JUne, 19'63' by the following vote.: .... ' AY_.ES,, BALFANZ, II, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RU~jKER., STIERN NO~S: ~- -#_~ : ' ' ~ABSTAINING, ...... . ....... ' .... ~-~LiJ~r (t~ ...... "' _, ;, 'CITY cl e -ro'f Council of' the City o[ Bakersfield. APPROVED' thins iT~h~day of June, 1'963 1~~ .-;,~ of Bakersfield. of the City'