HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 37-63RESOLUTION N0. ~37-63 RESOLUTION ANNEXING TO THE' GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION'OF· GRADE DISTRICT PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ·TERRITORY DESIG- NATED AS "SEARS NO. 1" NOT' ALREADY IN- .' CLUDED WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Council of the' City of ·Bakersfield did on the'18th day of March, 1963,..pass its ResolutiOn of Intention No. 23-63, to include within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District portions of certaih territory designated 'as "Sears No. 1" not already included within said District, .and did'set'the time and place for hearing objections,~t0":the inclusion Of said territory· within said District;' 'and .' · · '. ' .... ~... WHEREAS, ~said ReSolut:ion ofl Intention was dU!y..and le'gally~ publi,shed once a week for two Weeks, the first 'publication thereof being at least twenty days prior tO the' date of 'ehe' : hearing as provided by' law,. and · ~.' WHEREAS, Monday, the 29th. day' of" April, ~1963,.."atz the hour of 8:00 O'clock P.M.,."was setas 'the time for-hearingobjectiOns 'to the inclusion of said territory .within staid District; and ~'. WHEREAS, no objection has be&n filed or"presented to said COuncil. to 'the ·inclusion Of said t~rr,.itory or any' pa~t thereof within the. Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade Dist~ic't, and the Council further finds that all of 'Said territory will' be benefited by its inclusion within said District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND THE COUNCIL DOES HEREBY FIND: ·. Thatno objection'to the inclusion of said.territory or apy~par~-t .thereof within the Great~er _Bakersfield_ Separation= o.f-- Grade Dis'trict, has been filed or presented. to ~this CoUncil. That said territory and every 'part thereof be and the same is hereby annexed' to and included' within the said Gr~a'ter Bakersfield Separation of Grade DiStrict Upon completion 'of.annex- ation of said territory is described as follows.':· DesCription 'of .two parcels of land to b'e:annexed to .the Greater BakersfieldSeparation of Grade DiStrict..,· Said parcels being portions '.of EXCEPTIONS in the "Organizati. on of the-Greater Bakers- field Separation of Grade District," adopted by the Board of Supervisors-of the County of .Kern~ State of California, recorded June 29, 1954~ in Book 98 at page 15.3, o:f the Official Minutes; and said parcels being within the boundary of that annexation known as SEARS NO. 1. The parcels of land described more partiC61arly as .follows: Parce 1 L 1: The easterly portion of the SoUth one-hal·f of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter .of Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M~, being Exception. No. 11 of the' district. ' -"'-: Parcel 2. The northerly portion of the West 528 feet of the NOrth one-half of the Southwest quarter of .the Northwest quarter of SeCti'on 12, Township 30 South, Range. 27 East, M;D.M.., being Exception No. 13 of the district. ........ o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY 'that the foregoing Resolution passed and adopted by the CoUncil.of the City 'of 'Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of.April, 1963, by the .following. vote: AYE8: t]A~i,F,~OLIN MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN .,NOES: _. ABSENT; _ ABSTAINING: CITY. L K Ex-Officio Clerk' of the Council of the 'City of Bakers field.. Of .April, 1'9'6'3.