HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-63RESOLUTION NO. 11-63 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF ,T. HE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF 26TH STREET IN THE..CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. .. WHEREAS, on the'21st day of January, 1963,· the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant, to the provisions of' the "Street VaCation Act of 19.41.," being Division 9, Part. 3, of the Streets and·Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted its Resolution of Intention No. 780, declaring its in- tention to.order the vacation of a 'portion of 26th Street,, 'City of Bakersfield, California, and WHEREAS,. said Council di'd fix a tim'e and place for hearing all persons interested in or objec'ting to said proposed-vacation, which said hearing was held On the .llth day .of February, 1963, after notices' ~were duly posted as 'reqUired by,law,. and'_ ' WHEREAS, this· Council after duly .considering the-matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows:- '. .. 1. That that portion. of .26'~h Street., situate in the City' of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State 'of California, more ·.particu- lariy descrlibed as follows, is 'unnecessary. I'f~r presenf. o~ prospective public street." purposes: .' .~"All of the northerly 41.25 feet 0f 26th Str.eet, being' the northerly one-'half of said 26th Street~ bounded on the east by ~he .prolongation of the westerly,boundary line' of "Q'! Street; bounded on'? the north ..by the southerly boundary line of Block 22 of "Homaker Park"' and the.westerly prolongation of said southerly boundary line, as .said. Block 22 is shown on map of "Homaker Park". recorded April 1, 1915, in the~,offic'e of the~County.Recorder of said Kern County,' in ~Book 3 of Maps, at page 9; to a point of intersection in the nor~theasterly right-of-way of Golden State Avenue;bounded on the west by the' .northeasterly right-of-way line of Golden State Avenue, as .said Golden State Avenue Was established by· Decree of Condemnation, had in Case No. 25454, in the Superior Court Of"the State of California,,. · -in -and" for--~t~he-County of ~ Ker. n,' ~a- cert~iLfied copy. of ~which...Decree was recorded January 17, 1933, in Book 451, Page 467, of Official RecOrds, i6 the office of said County Recorder; bounded On the south by that portion of 26th Street abandohed by ResolUtion of 'Intention No. 725, .ordered abandoned by the City Council of 'the City of Bakers field on July 16', 1956 and· recorded July. 19,1 1956, in Book 2638 at Page 476 of the Official Records oft-said Kern County.. .Reserving and excepting frOm'said vacation the permanent easement and right at any time, or from time' to time, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, and renew .sanitary. Sewers ,. and further excepting and reserving ~from said vacation' the easements· and rights,. if any, of public utilities, for the purpose Of maintaining, . re- newing. and 'operating and r~placing gas pipe lines; telephone .and power lines, and water pipe lines, and other. existing uti.lities.~ " 2-...' That said portion of 26th Street be and· the~·same is hereby closed up,' vacated and abanadned 'for p~bliC/stre:et·'p.ruposes,. subject' to and in conformity'-with the. 'reserva. tions and exceptions contained .in.and contemplated by said Resolution of 'Ineention No.' 780. ReferenCe "to '·Said Resolution Of .Intention is hereby:made for' further particulars. ·. ..... 3. The· City Clerk shall certify~ to the 'passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified C6py .hereOf, attested-.by the Clerk under the seal of the City, tSl·'be recorded'in the Office of the County' Recorder Of the' 0ounty of Kern, California. .. "' . - - o0o. I 'HEREBY' CERTIFY that the foregOingr.Resolution'Was paSsed.and-adopted by the Council·'bf the City~ of BakerSfield at a r. egular meeting thereof., held on 'tEe llth day Of Februaryj 1963,.. by 'the following Gote: '. .'. " : APPR"~ED t~;:' li[~.~aa~ of February, 1963.. , ~:O,f the Ci,t=y~:of Bakersfield. City of 'Bakersfield.