HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-63RE SOLUT ION NO. '3-63 RESOLUTION DECLARING RE'SULTS OF SPECIAL ELECTION " .HELD IN THE SECOND WARD OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- · FIELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECALLING THE'COUNCILMAN . OF SAID WARD. ' "WHEREAS, by R~s·olution No. 69-62,. passed and adopted.by this CounCil o.n November 26, 19'62, a special election in the Second Ward of the City of-Bakersfield'was ~alled for' the' put. pose of recalling 'the., Councilman of ~'he .' SecOnd' Wa~.d,' Sa£d election t'o be held-on January. 8, 1963, and'.. " : WHEREAS after notice aS 'required' by law said election was duly' held and conducted on the aforesaid'date~. and the'. re turns of 'said election have been canvassed by this Counci~I." ' NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance 'Wi~h.. Section 22933of .the Elections.' Code of the State of 'California, thi. s-Council does' hereby determine and declare ..the re'SUits of 'Said ~pe~'ial election to be as follows: Cons. Precinct NuRlb e r Precincts in Consolidated Precincts 6 and 7 15 and 17 Regis tered Voters '271 159 -Votes Cast 146 77 Yes No 42 31 104 46 3 4. 5 8 and 18 16 and= 19 21 and 22 180 290 i97 80 139 134 20 60 54 s5 32 102 6 20 and :23 408 258 59 199 31 16'4 94 36 58 8 95 and 96 101 24 and 106 332 155 53 102 179 83 ' 1-7 66 376 216 78 138 11- 25 and 108 382 242 63 1'79 '107 and 148 Total Absentee V0.tes GRAND TOTALS 334 3272 i0 3282 206 1830· 10 · 1840 88 57.8 118 1257 5 1262 · . BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that,Kathr-yn W~ 'Balfanz.:iS'--he~-eby retained as. City' Councilman ofI the Second Ward 6f ·the-City of Bake·rsfie%d by virtue of the aforesaid election. o0o- · .' I HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ th'e foregoing Resoiution' was passed. and adopted by the Council 'of .the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof. held on the 14th day of January, ·'1963 by the following' vote :, , .. · None CITyC~L~-O . Clerk of the· Council of th'e City of Bakers field. APPROVED this l'4th" day.. of January', 1963'.'i- ' ' ":' "" the City Of Bakersfield- . .. I