HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2-63RESOLUTION NO.. 2-65 RESOLUTION OF· THE COUNCIL OF L'THE CITY. OF · BAKERSFIELD· ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF THE DEDICATION. OF VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS FROM LOT 1. OF TRACT .NO.I 2521 TO HUGHES LANE, CITY OF. BAKERSFIELD. 'WHEREAS, on the 10th day of ·De~emSer, 1962~ the C'ouncil · of the'City of BakerSfield,' pUrSuant·to the· pr'ovisi~ons of the-, . "Street VaCation Act of 1941~ .being Division 9 Part·3 of the Streets and 'HighWays Code of the .~State· of Californfa, passed and .- adopted its · Resolution' of Intention No. 'z778, declaring its .intention to order the abandonment of 'the dedication of vehicular 'access · , . . rights from Lot' 1' 0f· Tract'No. 2521 tO Hughes Lane, situate within the.City of Bakersfield, County of·Kern, State of Califor'nla,' and · WHEREAS, said council did .fix a time and..'pla6e for hearing all persons interested'in q.r ~obj~Cting to said p'rop~.sed abandon- .. ment,. which said hearing· was· held· Qn the 7th. day of .JanUary, 1963, after notices were. duly poSted.as '~ required. by law,. ·and - · " .. WHEREAS, this Council after/duly considering the matter, does hereby find ahd resolve' as· follows: ' · ' 1. That that certain dedication of vehicular access rights .from Lot 1 of 'Tract No. 252i'to Hughes Lane, situate. within the City·'of Bakersfield, County of-Kern'," State of Cali.fornia, 'as ... stated on' title sheet Of Tract N0. 2521, recorded july ~i2,.'1961, _. in Book. 12 of Maps at page 19, in the Office of the CoUnty RecOrder'. .... of the. County of Kern, .-state of zcalifornia, is unnecessary for present or proSpectiVe public. street purposes. . · · · 2. That said dedication of vehicular access rights be , . "' .and 'the same is .hereby released, surrendered and abandoned for all purposes, subject to and in conformity with· Resolution of Intention No 778 Reference to said r~solu~ion iS hereby made· for further- 'partiCulars. 3. That the City· Clerk shall certify .to the' passage· of this Resolution and.shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested_ "by the Clerk under the seal. of the City ·to be reco'rded in the Office of 'the COunty ReCorder of the County .of Kern, California. o0o i HEREBY· CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was 'pasSed 'and adopted ·by the· Council of the City of. Bakersfield, at a regular' meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of January 1963, by the .fo 1 lowing ~vo te: :.,:'~V~S: ABSTAINING~ ' ,,,- ~~ 7~- ....... BALFANZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCK~::R,' ST IE~N and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council-of the City of .Bakersfield. 'APPRO,VED-this 7th day of. JanUary, 1963. ,, ~~e',lC,~,ty oZ 'Bakersfield. ,.. - ~5 · .......... :"2 .... : ' , .