HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 64-62 RESOLUTION NO. 64-62. A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO DESTROY CERTAIN RECORDS. WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090 of ..the State ·of California requires a resolution of the Council authorizing the destruction of ~certain records and the written consent of the .City Attorney ,. and '· . WHEREAS, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department has requested d~struction of fiscal records of the Fire 'Department relating to the disbursement of funds prfor to the fiscal'year, 1955-56,. and WHEREAS, said records Serve no useful function and are duplicated by the' permanent records on file in the City Auditor's office.;---"and · WHEREAS, the City Attorney has given h{s consent in writing to such destruction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ·pursuant to the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, authorization is hereby given to the Chief Engineer to destroy the public records designated in his letter filed with this Council. ........ o0o ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting-thereof held on the 29th day' of OCtober, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: BALFANZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, $1'IERN - _N,9~s, ~. /-.¢z-,~L/ ,,,:2--7 , A__,,B,S_,T:I'IT: ,,- y f/~-'-,,,-t,,,:,, .z ABSTAINING, ~' ~", ,)..-<"--','Jr ;7 / CITY CEERK ~and Ex-O'~ficlo Clerk of the Council of .the City of Bakersfield.