HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-62 RESOLUTION NO. 62-62. ' RESOLUTi'ON OF DEDICATION OF.' FUTURE. STREETS OF CERTAIN STREETS SHOWN ON MAPS OF TRACT N0. 1396, TRACT NO. 1061, TRACT NO. 1547 .AND TRACT N0. 1527. WHEREAS, on Tract No. 1396 as per map recorded August 5, 1947 in Book 6 of 'Maps at Page 56,' Kern County Records',. there is shown a portion '~f said Tract No. i396 designated as' "Future ,tand · ., Streets, ... WHEREAS, on Tract' No. '1061 as' per map r~corded April .28, 1938.'in Book 4 of Maps at Page 112, Kern County Records, 'there is shown a portion of said Tract No. 1061 designated .as "Future Streets ," and WHEREAS, on Tract No. 1547 as per map recorded September 11, .1950 in.Book 7 of Maps at Page 109, Kern County Records, th'ere is shown-a_. portion of said Tract No. 1547 designated as "'Future ' Streets ," and' WHEREAS, on Tract 1527 as per map recorded Dacember' 13, 1949 in Book 7 of Maps at Page 56, Kern County Records, there is .shown a portion of said Tract 1527· designated as "Future Streets," and WHEREAS, on Tracts No. 1396,.1061,'1547 and 1527 appears a certificate'signed and acknowledged by'those,'parties having any record title' interest·in the~land Subdivided, offering certain parcels of land for dedication for certain specified public uses, and.' -, ..WHEREAS, by law, the legislative'bOdy of .the City must accept or'. reject said offers of dedication;. .'. ...... NOW, THEREFORE-,=-BE- I'-T ~RESOLVEB that ..-the ~Co,unc-il~'.-of~-t.he City· o'f. Bakersfield, 1. Does hereby accept all those portions of Tracts No. 1396, 1061, 1547 and 1527 as said designated as "Future Streets." 2. DOes hereby adopt and make a part of this resolution · the description of the lands designated as "~uture Streets" on said Tracts No.' 1396, 1061, ':1547 and'1527, s~'t forth in' the attached document labeled "Exhibit o0o. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and ·adopted by the Council of the City of BakerSfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of october, 19'62, by the' following vote: AYES: . BALFANZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STI~RN and .Sx-Officio ~l~rk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield· DE SCRIPTIO NS FOR PORTION S O F "FUTURE STREET DEDICATION" REQUIRED FOR THE IMPROVING OF BRUNDAGE LANE BETWEEN UNION AVENUE AND OAK STREET Tract 13 9 6 That portion of Tract No. 1396 as per map recorded August 5, 1947 in Book 6 of Maps at Page 86, Kern County Records, being that portion of the laneIs designated as "Future Streets", on said map lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing for reference at the intersection of the centerline of "V" Street with the centerline of First Street in said Tract; THENCE (i) THENCE (2) THENCE (3) THENCE (4) THENCE (S) THENCE (6) THENCE (7) THENCE (8) THENCE (9) THENCE (10) THENCE (11) THENCE (12) THENCE (is) along said centerline of "V" Street 8.0°47'40"~vV., 380.53 feet; (per Tract Map No. 1396 - S. 0°02'34"E) at right angles, N.89°12'20"W., 32.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the line to be described; S.45°53'23"W., 7.06 feet; N.89°00'14"W., 376.94 feet; (per Tract Map No. 1396 - N.89°51'IAf.) N.43°59'50"lAF., 7.07 feet; N.89°00'14"W., 60.00 feet; (Per Tract Map No. 1396 - N.89°51'V~r. ,) S.46°00'10"W., 7.07 feet; N.89°00'14"'~V., 547.18 feet; (Per Tract Map No. 1396 - N.89°51'IA;.) N. 44"00'32"W., 7.07 feet; N.89°00'14"lAF., 60.00 feet; (Per Tract Map No. 1396 - N.89°51'W.) S.46°00'01"W. , 7.25 feet; from a tangent which bears S. 89°31' 10"W., westerly along a curve concave southerly, with a radius of 2,540 feet, through an angle of 2°11'24'' an arc distance of 97.09 feet; S.87°19'46"~r., 77.60 feet to a point in the west line of said tract, said point bears S.7°17'58"W., (Per Tract Map No. 1396 - 56°27'14"W.) 423.18 feet from the intersection of said west line with the centerline of said First Street. "EXHIBIT A" TRACT 1061 That portion of Tract No. 1061 as per Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps at Page 112, Kern County Records, being that portion of the lands designated as "Future Streets" on said map lying northerly of the following described line: BEGINNING at a point in the east line of Lot 7 of said Tract No~; 1061, said point bears N. 0°39'a4"E., (Per Tract Map No. 1061 - N. 0°01'W.) 139.92 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot; THENCE (1) N.89°00'14"W., 257.28 feet; (Per Tract Map No. 1061 - N.89°40'W.) THENCE (2) S.45°59'46"~Ar., 7.03 feet; THENCE (3) N.89°00'14"lAr., 60.00 feet; (Per Tract Map No. 1061 - N.89°40'lAF.) THENCE (4) N. 44°00, 14't~Ar., 7.12 feet; THENCE (5) N.89°00'14"W., (Per Tract Map.No. 1061 - N.89°40'lAF.) 95.04 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 1061, last said point bears N.0°40'15"E. (Per Tract Map No. 1061 - N.0°01'W.) 140.00 feet from the southwest corner of said Lot 1. TRACT 1547 That portion of Tract No. 1547 as permap recorded September 1.1, 1950 in Book 7 of Maps at Page 109, Kern County Records, being that portion of the land designated on said map as "Future Street"lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of Lot 18 of Said Tract No. 1547; Thence along the westerly boundary of said lot, the following courses; THENCE (1) 'S.1°04'27"W. (Per Tract Map No. 1547 - S.0~30'33"W.) 159.94 feet; TESNCE (2) southerly along a curve concave easterly with a radius of 20 feet through an angle of 40°41'23", an arc distance of 14.20 feet to the~ TRUE POINT OF BEGILNNING of the line to be described; THENCE (3) along a' nontangent line, S.89°04'39'~E., (Per Tract Map No. 1547 S.89°39'29"E.) 246.03 feet; THENCE (4) easterly along a tangent curve concave southerly with a radius of 1,840 feet through an angle of 0°06' 02", an arc distance of 3.23 feet to the easterly boundary of Lot 15 of said Tract No. 1547. TRACT 1527 That portion of Tract 1527, as per map recorded December 13, 1949 in Book 7 of Maps at Page 56 ,., Kern County Records, being that portion of the lands designated on said map as "Future Streets" lying southerly of the following de scribe d 1 ine: Beginning at a point in the west line of Lot 66 of said Tract No. 1527, said point bears S.0°52'33"W. (Per Tract Map No. 1527 - S.0°22'04"W.) 143.00 feet from the northwest corner of said lot; THENCE (1) S.89°04'39"E.,. (Per Tract Map No. 1527 - S.89°35'E.) 463.17 feet to the easte~y boundary of Lot 24 in said Tract No. 1527.