HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-62P~$OLUT~ON NO, 61-62 RESOI,UT~ON AMEnDiNG THE RESOLUT%ON PRE~ AND DEF%N~NG ?HE DUTIES OF T~ AT~~ OF THE CXTY OF ~RSF~D~ WHEREASp by virtue of the provisions of Section 39 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield~ the Coumcl! shall 6,efi~:~e the duties of appointive officers] NQ;~, ~E~EFO~ B~ XT P~SOL~ that ~he duties of the City Atto~ey be a-~d the same are hereby prescribed and, as follows: 1~ To appear for and represent the City in civil incb~ding the investigation of claims against the City~ and ceedings 'for the collection of f!nes~ taxes~ and claims i~ favor of the City~ 2~ To prepare criminal c~plalnts and prosecute violations of all City ordinances and all misdemeanors aT~oising of vlola~ions of State laws co~itted ~,thim the corporate of the City of 3o To give legal advice~ in ~iting ~hen requested ~iting, to all legislative and administrative officers of the City, 40 To give instructions and training to City c~iicietls in the elements of public 5. To prepare all :legal papers and ~oc~.ents~ 6~ To draft all legislative doc~ents~ charter and s~a~tory changes ~ ordinances ~ and resolutions ~ 7o 'ZLo perfo~ ~he legal vzork i~ co'~ec~ion wi~h ~;~i the :~,'~as:;r~ctio~ of the tit7 :~janager~ conduct negottatioz,s f,:-r acq%:isitic~, of 8~ To ~erfo~ the legal work in connection witk all public improvement proceedings, 9. To assist a~%d advise on all fiscal procedure, 1Oo To assist and advise the Cosine.it and. the adminis~ t,vative and advisory agencies of the City in the cond~.ct of hearings and investigations° in addittcn to the s.bove~ ~:he City Attoz~e7 ~i~!I his office at the City Hall a~.d shall ~,evote the ~orki~.g ~he'~z,~iTs each ~yorking day t~ the service of the City~ it shall be the duty cf the City Atto~.ey to attend a'i! · $~atings of the Citl.' Co~ncil ~!ess exc%~sed fr~ such by the ,~unci!~ He shall give b, is ~inicn upon legal ,7,ues<~ior~g the business ef the meeting ~c~en requested to dc so by Co~ncilB provided~ ho~yever~ t~=at ~!e absence of such request not preclude, de his giving bin opinion nor relieve him of the bility of advising the Cc~ncil ef &~ny irregularity or ltack of a~3,th~rity in any ag~hion being taken by ti~.e Co~$~cii in i%is X't shall r~ot be t~e cl'~Jty of the City Arroyo. or;.' to ~act a~'. cobuse! to the gone:ca! p'c~lic i~? relation to City ordf.nanc~ ~n~nicip~a! functions= nor to give a~ay opi~/,.iens c-.$ to an~F ~f matters to mem~hez~s of the ge~.eral pub!Ic~ bu~: he znay ;!nfe~t;7.on as <co ';~he existence o:f ordinar~ces~ regula~':i.c;~:;.n !a~ys bearing cn such. POO O IGINA[ ............ c~Oo ........... X MF~REBY CE~TXFY that ~he foregoing Reselutiom was passed and adopted by the 8ouncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the _Cth day of October, 1962, by the foiloiling vote: AYES, BALFANZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, IUCKEI~ ~i'iE1N ABs__.....T, ABSTAININGt/""//.,~-l/;J_.-.I . . CXT"~ 8LER~ and Ex~Officio Council of the City of Bakers fie !d ~ APPROVBD this 8th day of October, 1962o Gene Winer MA~;OR of the City of'B~kersf~'i'C~