HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-62RESOLUTION N0. 53~,62 .... . A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIXING A, TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY'PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET NO. 1," PRO- POSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS~ a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 31st day of August, 1962, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described.be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition 'was Signed by the owners o'f' not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the area "of the' land in sUCK territory, and representing.not less than.one-fourth (1-/4) of the assessed value of such territory acdording to the·last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of'Kern. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with 'the pr6visions'of the 'Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the' territory so proposed to be annexed 'to the City of Bakersfield are described as follows: Aparcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Sections 25, 26,.35 and 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly boundary line of Oak Street, of 60 feet in width and the northerly'boundary line 'of Chester Lane, of 60 feet in width as said intersection is shown on that "Map of the City of Bakersfield," filed for record'November .25, 1898, in Book 1 of Maps at pages 13 and {4, in '·the Office of ~"~the County Recorder of Kern County, said intersection.also being a point on the current corporate.boundary· of'the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (1) WeSterly, departing from said cor'porate boundary, along the westerly prolongation of the northerly boundary ' line of .Ch~Ste~.LaDe...~9_iD~erse~.tthe ~es~e.~ly.~ou~da~y~ ................. "~' ......~'~ ......1{~ ~f'said Oak Street, said westerly line being the west line of said Section 36; THENCE (2) Continuing westerly into'said Section. 35, along the said northerly.boundary line of Chester Lane, also known County Road No. 1~' to the easterly boundlaryL line of the west 120 feet of that. certain grant deed ·.reCorded February 3, 1936, inIBook 619 at pages ·134 and 135'of the Of-ficial Records of'said Kern COunty., (hereinafter referred to as Parcel A);- THENCE (3) Northerly 242.5 fe~t along .th~ .easterly b'oUndary 'of said Parcel A to intersect the ~n0rtherly.boundary line thereof; THENCE (4) Weste·riy 12'0 feet along the northerly ·boundary o'f said Parcel A to intersect the westerly.boundary line thereof; THENCE '(5) SoUtherly 242.5·feet along the Westerly ·bO..undary to the southwest corner of said Parcel .A, said southwest corner also being a point 'on the northerly boundary line of said Chester Lane·; ~ . THENCE (6) WeSterly along the nOrtherly boUndaryi line'of said Chester Lane to ~the ·point·"of intersection of Courses (3) and (4) as per that grant deed recorded 'February 2~ 1961, in ~Book 3345 at Page 344 Of Kern County Official Records; · ' THENCE (7) Southeasterly departing.· from the northerly ·boUndary line of Chester. Lane. to intersect ·'a point in the southerly· boundar line of Chester Lane being 12=.65 feet westerly Of the ~'True Point of Beginning,'.' as per that grant deed r''-~ . recorded December 30, 1959 in Book 3224 at Page 459 of Kern. County Official Records; · THENCE (8) Westerly along said southerly bo'undary li~e of Chester Lane, and the westerly prolongation thereof, to intersect the westerly right of'way line of Real' ROad; THENCE.· (~9) Northerly '.'along the southerly .extension of the. west line and-the west line of County Road No. 1086,· .360 feet to the 'true point of beginning, "l as per that grant deed recorded April 25, .1949, in BOok 1602 .at page. 305 of Kern County Official. Records; THENCE (1~) S. 89~ 52' 30" W.', a distance of 388~42 feet·to intersect. -the east line of the Stine Canal Right of. Way, per last. named grant deed; THENCE (11) N. 8~ 08' 30" E., along said East line~a 'distance of 237-.03 'feet tO the north property line of that .grant · ' deed recorded August 20, ·1959, in Book 3180 at page 572 of Kern County Offi.cial Records;' THENCE (12) N. 25° 40' 30" E..i, a distance of 94.80"feet., more or' .' " less as per that grant deed 'recorded November ·3,. 1958, in Book '3030 at~ page 149, Kern County Official Records; THENCE (13) N, 38° 52' 30" E., a distance of ~44.I4 feet to Station'. A, said last name. d. course .being "thence S. 38° 52' 30" W,,' · ·151 feet," as shown by deed in Book 3030, page 149, and Station A being the southwesterly terminus of Course. ........ _(_1)_ of. _that ._~asement. recor~ded January 20, . 19~61 ,~.in .......... Book 3340 at page 765, Kern County Official Records; THENCE (14)' from a tangent which lbears N.' 5'4° 08" 02" 'E.,' north- easterly along a curve Concave northwesterly 'with a radius of 275 feet, through an-angle· 'of.4° 17' 2-3,', an arc distance of 20.59 feet to Station B, Station B being the northeasterly .terminus of Course (2) of that easement recorded ·in Book 3340, 'Page 765, and the southwesterly terminus of Course (2)I .of that grant deed r.ecorded February 1, 1960, in Book 3234 at page 525, Kern County Official Records.; THENCE (15) from a tangent which bears N. 49° ~0' 39" E·. , north- easterly along a curve· concave·to the northwest With a radius of 275 feet through an angle of 28° '05' '46", 'an arc distance of 134.85 feet to Station C, Station C being the northeasterly terminus of Course (3) of that deed recorded in Book 3234, Page' 525 and the southwesterly terminus of Course (-5) of that ~asement recorded January 20~-~1961, in Book 3340 at page 763., Kern County Official Records; "(THENCE (16) continuing northeasterly along a ·curve, *from Station C, .concave northwesterly with a radius of 275 feet through an angle of 8° 11' 59", an arc distance of -39.36 feet to a point of tangent; THENCE (17) N. 13~ 32' 54" E.,77.53 feet; THENCE (18) N. 70' 52' 05" E., 67.53 feet along Course (3) of that · . .grant deed recorded January 20, 1961, in Book 3340 · . at page 753, Kern County Official Records; THENCE· (19) N. ·15~ 43' 58" W., 79~70·feet,.mo're or less to Course (7) of that grant deed=recorded March· 29, 1961, in Book 3364 at pages 165 and 166, Kern County Official · ~. I· Records; THENCE (20) continuing N. 15~ 43' 58" W., 5.04 feet (and continuing along Courses (7) through· (20)·of the last named deed); THENCE (21) N. 4~ 44' 25" E., 100·.19 feet; THENCE. (22) N. 13° 32' 54" E.,. 214.84 feet (depar'ting from said Section 35 and entering said Section 26 on' this course); THENCE (23) N. 11° 19' 17" E., 386.00 feet; THENCE ~(24) N. 2° 07' 42'~ E., 87.70 feet; THENCE.(25) N. 15"57' 26" W., .244.96 f~et; THENCE (26). S. 89° 10' . 14" E., 357.23 ·feet; THENCE (27) S. 19° 00' 23" E, , 1Oi'~6 feet; THENCE (28) S. 22.0 14'-11" E.', 335.04 feet; THENCE_ (29) S~-!S-!Q---52'-.~5-2'2~E~-,=~2.~.~._28-'~feet;.' .............. j..;~i .............. THENCE (30) -S, 30° 36' 00" E., 16~2.77 fee t; THENCE (31) from a tangent'which bears S. 44° 37' 08" E., s0utheasterly along a curve concave northeasterly with a radius· of 225 feet through an angle of 43° 27' 01" an arc distance of 170.63 feet; THENCE (32). S. 88' 04' 09" E. 319.14 feet; THENCE '(33,) easterly along a tangent curve concave southerly, with , a radius Of 440 feet through an angle of 6° 57 07" an arc distance of 52.34 feet; ...THENCE '(3~) 'from a tangent which bears S. 85° 44' 4'7". E., easterly "' along a .curve concave 'southerly with a radius of 440 :feet through an an~%e'.'of· 4° 11' 04" an arc distance of. 32.14 feet (Course (3) of grant'deed recorded'April 4, 196.2, in Book 3478 at page 806, Kern County Official Re~ords); THENCE '('35) S. '81° 33' 43" E.., 172.19 feet;' ·. THENCE (36) S. 1°. 42' 08" W., 47.88 feet; THENCE (3~) S..890 05' 56" E', 32.06 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 26; ~ " . THENCE" (38)' easterly along the southerly line of Section 25~ to ..· intersect the southerly prolongation of the "easterly right of way line of Oak 'Street, of 82.5 feet in width, said easterly right of way line being the current. corporate boundary of. the ·City of Bakersfield as. Same .. is defined by that Special Election held March,21~ 1939, -~-.··.-~·'and the re·suit of which Special Election was.· certified March 29, 1939, by the ·secretary of'State., State of· · . ' California; · THENCE (39) southerly along the last named southerly 'prolongation ~ to intersect the southerly right .of way line of-. ·- · California Avenue, of 82.5 feet in width; THENCE (4D) westerly along the last named s0utherlylright of way' line to intersect the .easterly 'right·of way line of ~ Oak Street, of 60 feet in width;. THENCE (41) southerly along last named-easterly right Of-.· way' line ' 2 acre to the point of beginning, containing 57. '81 s of · land, more or less. ~...· That a designation appropriately naming ·such territory is ""SUNSET NO. 1." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Monday the 29.t~ day of Chambersof .the City Hall, 151qt~Truxtun Avenue Bakersfiel'd, California, is 'the .time when and the place where .any person .owning .real prop.erty within'such territory so propOsed'to be annexed.and having any ·objeCtions to the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of the' City of B~kersfield., and ·show cause.why such territory should not be annexed.~'. o0o I H~REB¥ C~¥ Chat the foregoing' ~esol'ution ~as passed and adopted by the CoUncil of t..~e City 'of Bakers field at a regular meeting' thereof ~held on' ~the. i0th day of September, 1962, AYES~ .... , BALFANZ, 'CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, :STIERN NOES: ~ ABSTAINING~ _ . ~ TY -' f k of the CI er Council of the City of Bakersfield· APPROVED: ~hi's 'i0~'~',da~:-of September, 1962. ............. B a ke r s f i~1 d. '