HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 57-62'RESOLUTION NO. 57-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE VACATION OF THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE FUTURE STREETS ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF LAKEVIEW AVENUE SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. -. WHEREAS, on the 6th day' of'August, 1962,'the Council of ' the City Of Bakersfield, pursuan. t~ to the provisions of the "Street· Vacation Act of 1941", being Division 9', part 3, (Sections 8300, Et. Seq.) of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califor- nia~ passed and adopted its ResOlution of Intention No. 776, declar- ing its intention to ordersthe vacation of the remaining portions of the future: streets along the west side Of Lakeview Avenue in 'the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of california, and .~.I WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing 'all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 4th-Day of September, 1962, after noticeslwere duly pOSted as required by.law,. and WHEREAS, thisCouncil'after duly considering the matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That the remaining portions of the future streets along the west side of Lakeview Avenue situate within the City of Bakers- field, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly des- cribed as follows, are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes:. PARCEL 1 .~ That'portion of=T~act No. 1301'as per map recorded May 28, 1946, · in Book No~ 5 of~.Maps at Page '141, Kern County ReCords, being that portion of ~and designated as "Future Street Line" on said.map lying - 1 - Beginning at the northwest Corner Of'Lot 55 as- said corner and lot are shown upon the aforesaid 'Tract No... 1301; thence N.. 890 45"'. E., 29.87 feet along the south line of 10th Street to the point Of curvature Iof the' "Future Street Line" and the true point.~of · beginning for this description, THENCE (1) continuing N. 89°. 45" E., 15".00 feet to"the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears S. 0° 15" E., ': ~ 20,00' feet,. THENCE (2.) 'southeasterly along said curve 31154 feet to the'end of 'said' curve from which point the center bears '·= N. 890 53' 30" W., 2.0.·00 feet, THENCE'(3) S. 0°06'30'~., 215.99 fe&t along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet distant as measured'perpendiCular to the centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears N.89°53'30"W~, 20.00 fee t, THENCE (4) THENCE (5) PARCEL 2 southwesterly along said curve 31.30 feet tO the·'end of said curve from whi-ch point the center bears N.0~06' 30"E. , 20~00 feet, S.89745"w., 15.00 feet· to the .end of curvature o-f 'said "Future Street Line" and the end of this description, said point being 30.12 feet distant along the north line of 9th Street from the southwest corner. of Lot 87 Of said ~Tract No. 1301. That portion of Tract No. 1301 as per map recorded May 28, 1946, in Book No. 5 of Maps at Page 141~ Kern County Records,' being that portion of land designated as "Future Street Line" on said maps lying westerly of the following described line. Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 88 as said corner and lot are .shown upon the aforesaid Tract No. 1301, thence N~89°45'E., 29.87 feet along the South line of 9th Street to the point of curvature of the "Future Street Line!' and the true point of beginning for this description, THENCE (1) continuing N.89°45"E. ,' 15 feet to the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears S.0°15'~E., 20.00 feet, THENCE' (2) Southeasterly along said curve 31.54 feet to the end of said curve from .which point the center bears N.89°53'30"W., 20.00 feet, THENCE' "(3) S.0°06' 30"'W., 198.81 feet along a line parallel wit'h and 40.00 feet distant as measured perpendicular to . the centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears N..89.~53'30"W.~ ...................... ~ ..............20 .O0 'fee~, 2 THF, NCF, (5) southwesterly along said curve 31.29 feet· to the end of said curve from which point the center bears N.0°15'15'~., 20.00 feet, .I , S.89044'45"E., 15.00 feet to ·the end. of curvature of said "Future Street Line" and the-end of this description, saidpoint being 25.13 feet 'distant' along the'north line of Potomac Avenue.from the southwest corner of Lot 123 of said Tract No. ·1301.· PARCEL 3 That portion of Tract No.-1232~aS per map recorded May 11, 1944 in Book No. 5 of Maps.at Page76, Kern County Records, being that pOrtion'of land·designated aS."Future Street Line" on said map .lying westerly of the following described line. · Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot i as 'said corner andlot are shown upon' aforesaid Tract Noo 1232;. thence N·.89'44'45"E., 44.86-feet along the south line of PotOmac Avenue to a point of· curvature said pointsbeing the true point of beginning .for.this' description, ... .. .. THENCE (1) continuing from said point of curve which center bears · N-0°15'15"W., 20 feet; in a southeasterly direction a · distance of 31.54 feet to end of curVe, which center ' bears N.89°53'30"W., 20.00 feet, THENCE (-2) S-0°06'30'~., 229199 feet along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet distant as measured ,perpendicular to.-· the centerline of Lakeview Avenue.to the beginning of .· a curve, the center of which bears N.89°53'30"W., 20.00 feet, ... THENCE.· (3) southwesterly along said curve 31.28 feet to -the end of said curve from which point the center bears N.0'16'56'~., 20.00 fee·t, said point being 45.14 feet distant along the north line of Gorrill Street from the southwest corner .of lot 58 of said Tract No'. 1232. PARCEL 4 ..... ~' That portion of Tract No. 11232 as per map recorded May 1i, 1944, in Book No. 5 of Maps at Page 76,-Kern .County Records and that portion of Tract No. 1171 as per map recorded.July 24, 1941 in. Book No. 5 of Maps at Pages '39 and 40, Kern County Records being those portions of lands designated as "Future.' Str'eet Line" on said maps lying west- erly of the following described line. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 59 as said corner and lot ! are shown upon aforesaid Tract 1232; thenCe N. 89°43 04"E., 44.86 feet along the south line of Gorrill Street to a point of curvature said point being the true point of beginning, THENCE (1) continuin~ from said point of curve which center bears S.0°16'56 E. , 20.00 eet, a f in southeasterly direction a distance of 31.55 feet to end of curve which~ center bears N.89°53'30"W., 20.00 feet, THmNCE ( 2 ) S.0°06'30"W., 114,86 feet along a line'parallel with and 40.00 feet di. stant as measured .perpendicular to the centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the south line of tot 59, Tract 1232, said line being the same.as the north line of Lot 1, Tract No. 1171, as said lot is shown upon aforesaid Tract No. l171, ~ THENCE (3) THENCE ( 4 ) S.0°06'30"W., 115.15 feet along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet distant as measured perpendicular to the centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the be~innin a curve, the centerline. Of which Gears N.89 53'30~W., 20,00 feet, southwesterly along said curve 31.27 feet to the end of s~id curve from which point the center bears N. 0.18'37"W., 20~00 feet,'and the end'ofthis 'description, said point being·45.15 feet distant along the north line ofRalston Street from the southwest corner of Lot 1 of said Tractll71. PARCEL 5 · That portion of Tract No. 1171, as per map recorded July' 24, 1941, in Book No. 5 of Map:s at Pages 39 and 40, Kern County Records, being that portion of land. designated as "Future Street. Line" on said map lying we~ter!y of the following described line. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 36 as said corner and ,1, ot are shown upon .the aforesaid Tract. No. 1171, thence :N. 89 41 '23 E. 29.85 feet along'the south line Of Ralston Street to the' point of curvature of the "Future Street Line" and the true point of beginning for this 'descriptio~~, .. .. ~.THENEE:.~(.1) . colntinuing N. _8_9_~4i ' 23"E. of a curve, the.ce'~te~ 0~"w~ieh"'b'ea~ S~o f8;~7"E"," 2 0.00 feet, THENCE (2) southeasterly along said curve 31.56 feet to the end of sa~d curve from· which. point the center bears N. 89 53'30!'W. , 20,00. feet', THENCE (3) S.0°06'30"W., 230.01 feet along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet distant as measured perpendicular to - the centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the beginning of a curve, .the center of which .bears N. 89°53 ' 30"W. , 20.00 feet, THENCE (4) southwesterly along said curve 31~26 ·feet 'to the end of §aid curve from which point the' center' bears N.0 '20'18"W. , .-20.00 feet, THENCE ,(5) S.89°39'42"W., 15.00 feet to the .end of curvature of ' said "FUtUre Street '.Line" and to the end Of this description, said point being 30.16 feet distant along '~ . the ··north line of Murdock Street. from the southwest corner of Lot 37 ·of..said Tract No. 1171.' PARCEL 6' Beginning at the northwest corner.of Lot 72 as said corner and. Lot are shoWn upon aforesaid Tract' No. 1171, thence N. 89°39'42"E.~ 28.84 feet al.ong the south line of Murdock Street to the point of' curvature of the "Future Street Line" and·the true point of' beginning for this-description. THENCE (1). continuing N.89'°39'42"E.~ 15.00 feet to the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears S.0°20'18"E., 20.00 feet, THENCE (2) southeas[erly along said curve 31.57 feet'to the end of said curve from which point the center bears"N.890 53'30"W., 20'.00 feet, THENCE'(3) S.0°06'30"W., 217.01' feet along a line parall·el with and. 40.00 feet distant as measured 'perpendiCular to the Centerline of Lakeview Avenue to the beginning of a curve, the center of which bears N.89°53'.30"W., 20.00 feet, THENCE southwesterly along said curve 31.25 feet to the end of §aid curve from which point the center· bears N.0/22'00"W., 20.00 feet, THENCE (5)'.'I S.89°38'.00"W., 15.00 feet to the end of curvature of said "FutUre Street Line" and the center of which bears N.0122'00"W., 20.00 feet, THENCE (6).. northeasterly along said curve 31.25 feet to the end of said curve from which point the center bears S~89°53'30"W., 20.00 feet, THENC~.7)--N.0°0B!~O,~. ~I7.0T'~~er ~o-~g--"F~t~re'S~r'eet'nine'' ............. parallelWith and 55 feet distant as measured per- "% pendicUlar to the centerline Of Lakeview Avenue to .i the'-beginning of a curve, the center of which bears =~- S~89°5~'30'~W., 20.00 feet, -5.- THENCE .( 8 ) northwesterly along said curve 31.57 feet to the end of. said curve the center of which bears S.0°20'18"E- , 20.00 feet and to the end of this description. 2. That the remaining portions of" the future streets along the' west side of Lakeview Avenue· be and the same are hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes ~ subject to and in conformity with· said Resolution of Intention No. 776. Reference tO said Resolution of Intention is hereby' made for 'further particulars. 3. -The City Clerk shall Certify to the passage ·of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy.hereOf, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of 'the County of Kern, California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the'foregoing.Resolution was passed · and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof,'held on the 4th day of September, t962, by the~ following vote-: AYES: N_g;qS: ABSTAINING: BALFANZ, CROES, DOO'.'tN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STERN · C ~ and Ex-Officio Clerk of the .=_;,, :. Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVE~th~:,.-I~'th: day of September, 1962~ -. : ayor of ~fh'~;'C;~ty of Bakersfiel