HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 47-62 RESOLUTION NO. 47-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF TRUXTUN AVENUE . BETWEEN TULARE =STREET AND BAKER STREET, AND BETWEEN BAKER STREET AND BEALE AVENUE;·· THAT PORTION OF EAST 18TH STREET BETWEEN . BAKER STREET AND TRUXTUN AVENUE, AND THAT PORTION OF KING STREET BETWEEN ·EAST 18TH STREET AND EAST 19.TH STREET, IN .SAID CITY. WHEREAS, on the 18th day of June, 1962,. the 'Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions Of the. "Street Vacation Act of 1941", being Division· 9, Part 3~ ( Sections '8300, et seq.) of the 'Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, .passed and adopted its ResolutiOn of Intention No. 773, declaring 'its intention to order the vacation of portions of Truxtun Avenue between Tulare Street and Baker Street, and between Baker Street and Beale Avenue; that portion of East 18th Street between Baker Street and Truxtun Avenue, and that portion of King Street between East 18th Street and East 19th· Street in the 'City of Bakersfield, State of California,. and WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all perSons.interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 16th' day 6f July,. 1962, after notices were duly posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, this Council after duly 'considering the matter,' does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That those portions of TruXtun Avenue, that portion of East 18th Street and that portion Of.King street situate in the City of Bakers field, County of Kern, State of Ca ~lifornia,' more partiChla~ly"'de~C~'ibed ~s follOwS', ~'a~~ ~ri~Yecessa~y ~dr 'p~'~'S~e~t '8~ ........ prospective public street purposes: PORTIONS OF TRUXT~UNAVENUE ~1 A portion of-Central Avenue (now known and'hereinafter referred tO as Truxtun Avenue)between Tulare'Street and Baker Street of. that portion of the City of Bakersfield formerly known as Sumner, as' per map recorded January 12, 1889, in Book 1, Pagesl5 and 16, of Maps inthe office of the County Recorder, Kern County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly property line of said TruxtunAvenue with the northwesterly property line of said 'Baker Street; thence westerly along the said southerly property line.of said Truxtun Avenue to the point of intersection. with the northeasterly property line of E Street (now known.and hereinafter referred to as Eureka Street) as said E Street is shown in said Map Book 1, Pages 15 and 16; thence northwesterly along the north- westerly prolongation of the northeasterly property'line of said 'Eureka Street to the point of intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly property line of Kern Street as said Kern Street is shown in said Map Book 1, Pages 15 and 16; thence southwesterly along the said northeasterly. prolongation of the said northwesterly property line ofsaid Kern Street to the point of intersection with the prolongation of the southerly property line of said Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly property line of said Truxt~n Avenue and the prolongation thereof to the point of intersection with the northwesterly-right of wayline of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, said northwesterlyrailway.right of way line being described as being parallel to and distant 26.62 feet northwesterly, as measured at a right angle, from the centerline ofthe.westbound mainline track of the said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, said point of intersection also.being 16.31 feet easterly from the intersection of the southeasterly property line of said Tutare Street and the southerly property line of said Truxtun Avenue, as said 16.31 feet is measured along the said southerly.property line of Truxtun Avenue; thence northeasterly along the said northwesterly · right of way line of the said AtchiSon, Topeka and. Santa Fe Railway Company to .the point of intersection with the northerly property line of said Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly along the said northerly property line of Truxtun Avenue to the point of inter- section with the northwesterly property line of said Baker Street; thence southwesterly along the prolongation of the northwesterly. property'line of said Baker Street to the point of beginning. #2 A portion of Central Avenue (nOw known and hereinafter'referred to as Truxtun Avenue) between Baker Streetand Beale Avenue~of that portion of the.City of Bakersfield formerly known as Sumner, as per map recorded January 12, 1889, in Book 1, Pages 15 and 16, of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder, Kern County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the prolongation of the north- westerly property line of said 'Beale Avenue with the prolongation of' t'he' '~th'~a=s terl~"'pr6per~y line 0f" F~ street'as' 'Said 'F ' str'e&t -=i~ shown in said Map Book 1, Pages 15 and 16 (now known and herein- . after referred to as East 18th Street); thence northwesterly along said· prolongation. of said northeasterly property line of said ·East . .18th Street to a point of intersection with a line'that is .parallel to the northerly property' line of said' Truxtun Avenue and distant · 35.50 feet southerly as-measured at a right angle thereto; thence .westerly along said' line that is parallel to the northerly property line of said Truxtun Avenue and distant 35~50 feet southerly, as measured at a .right angle thereto, to a point of intersection with the prolongation of the southeasterly property line 'of said Baker Street; thence northeasterly alongl the said prolongation of .the southeasterly property line of said-Baker Street to the. point of intersection with the northerly property' line 'of said Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly along' the northerly pr. operty line' of said Truxtun Avenue to a point that falls 55.73 feet westerly of the intersection of the northwesterly property line of said Beale Avenue'with the northerly property' line of said Truxtun Avenue, as said 55.73 feet is measured along the said northerly property line of Truxtun Avenue; thence southeasterly to the intersection of the prolongation of the northwesterly property line of said Beale Avenue with the centerline. of said Truxtun Avenue; thence southwesterly along the prolongation of the north- westerly proper'ty .line of said Beale AvenUe to the point Of beginning. PORTION OF EAST 18TH'STREET · . ~3 . That portion of F Street (now known and hereinafter referred to as East 18th Street) between Baker Street and Central Avenue (now 'known and hereinafter referred to as Truxtun Avenue) of Ithat p.ortion of the City of Bakersfield formerly. known a.s. Sumne. r, as per · map recorded.'January 12, 1889, in Book t, Pages 15 'and 16, of Maps, in the office of the County .RecorderI~ Kern County, California, described as follows: .Beginning.at the intersection of the southwesterly .property line of said East 18th Street with the northerly property. line of said Truxtun Avenue; thence northwesterly along .the said' southwesterly property line of. East 18th Street to the intersection with. the' northwesterly right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, said northwesterly right of WaY line of said Railway Company being described as being parallel to and. distant 26.62 feet northwesterly, ias measured at a right angle, from the centerline of the mainline westbound' 'track of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way line of said Railw. ay Company to the point of intersection with the northeasterly property line of said East 18th Street; thence southeasterly along the' said northeasterly property line of East 18th Street and the southeasterly prolongation thereof to the point of intersection with the northerly property line of said Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly along.. the. prolongation of the said northerly property line 'of said~TruXtun Avenue to the point. of beginning. , PORTION OF KING STREET ~4 That portion of King Street between F' Street-··and G Street (now known and hereinafter respectively referred to as East 18th Street and 'EaSt i9th Street) of 'that portion of~ the City Of' Bak~rsfieid .... formerly known as SEer, as per .map recorded January 12, 1889., in Book 1, Pages 15 and 16, of Maps,. in the office of the 'county Recorder, Kern County, .california, described as ,follows: Beginning at the intersection' of the southeasterly property line. of said King Street with the northeasterly property line of said East~ 18th· Street; thence northwesterly' along the prolongation of the said northeasterly property line of said· East 18th' Street to the point of intersection with*the northwesterly property line of said King Street; thence northeasterly along the said northweste.rly property line of King Street to the point of intersection' with .the northwesterly right of way line. of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, said northwesterly right of way line of said Railway Company being describ·ed.as being parallel to' and distant 26.62 feet northwesterly, as measured at a right angle, from the centerline of the mainline westbound track of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company; .thence northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way line of said Railway' Company to the 'point of intersection with the southeasterly property· line of said King Street; .thence southwesterly along the said southeasterly 'property line of King Street to the point/of beginning. 2. That said portions of Truxtun Avenue~ said portion of East 18th Street and said portion of ·King Street be and the same are hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for ~public street purposes, subject to and in conformity with said ResolUtion Of Intention No. 773, but excepting and reserving those' public utilities easements delineated in red as shown on EXhibit "A". Reference ·to said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further. particulars. 3. 'The City Clerk shall certify'·to· the passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified Copy hereof, ·attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City to' be recorded in the' of{iCe of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California o0o' I HEREBY CERTIFY that: the'foregOing Resolution waS' passed and adopted by the Council of 'the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting'thereof, held on the t6th day of July, 1962, by the fo 1 lowing vote: AYES, NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAININGf CITY C~L'~RK and Ex-Officfo Clerk of the Council of the-City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 16th day of July, 1962. MA'YOR/i.o the City . , ~~ . of Bakers field. BEALE KI!VG I I %\ AVE. BA KE~ .5'T. --EXISTING UTILITIES CLOSING OF PORTIONS OF TRUXTUN A,VE.~ EA, ST 18T-H ST. AND KING ST. A,S PER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. ST. EXHIBIT "/~" SCALS: 1" =200' RECORDED IN BOOK _AT PAGE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEERING OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT DATE "~' DRAWN B. CHECKED