HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-62 RESOLUTION .NO. '44-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING' RESULTS~OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON JUNE 5, 1962. WHEREAS, this Council· duly and.regularly caiied and .provided for the holding of a special election within'the City of Bakersfield on June 5, 1962, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City, the following proposition:' CITY .OF 'BAKERSFIELD REFERENDUM: An · ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF EACH OF THE SEVEN WARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA." This ordinance will alter _ the boundaries of the wards in order that each ward shall· contain as nearly as possible, an equal number of qualified registered electors therein. For the Ordinance Against the Ordinance and WHEREAS, by reSOlution of Said City and by order of the · Board of Supervisors of Kern County, .'-said special election was ordered consolidated with the State Direct Primary Election held within said City on said date, and said Board of supervisors was authorized to canvass the returns of said SpeciaI election and to certify the results to this Council, and.· WHEREAS, said special election was duly held pursuant to. said orders of consolidation at the polling' places prescribed for said State Direct Primary Election, and the votes cast thereat were canvassed and the returns thereof made as provided by law; and WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors and .the .Clerk 'there'of h'~'Ve · duly llcanvas sed ' the 'absent'ee-I ba Iiots .cast -at~.-~said -speci~-t election, and said Board of Supervisors has adopted its resolutions stating the results of said special election and the Clerk of said Board'has entered in the records of said Board statements of said results, and the Clerk has transmitted to the Clerk Of this Council certified copies of said resolutions and Certified copies of said statements and the same have been presented to this Council, and WHEREAS, said Proposition appeared on the ballots used' at said election-, as Measure A. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Bakersfield DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND DECLARE as follows: 1. That from the results of said special election certified to this Council aS aforesaid, it appear.s and this Council hereby finds and declares that the total number. of votes cast at the respective election precincts established for said special election.upon the proposition stated in the recitals hereof and for and against said proposition? the total n.umber of absentee votes cast-at said election upon said proposition and for and 'against said proposition, and the total"number Of. votes cast in said 'city.upon said proposition'and.for and-against said propo-. sition, are as set forth in said Resolutions of the Board-of Supervisors of Kern County, California, Stating result of canvass Of election returns of special municipal election of the City of Bakersfield held' June 5, 1962, copies of which resolutions are on file in the office of the City Clerk. on said proposition are as follows: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REFERENDUM That the total votes .cast For the Ordinance Measure A 12,095' ........................ Absentee-Votes --~' ........ 355 Against the Ordinance 3,271 Total 12',450 3,329 · 2. That from. the results of said election this Council finds and' declares that at said' election· a majority of sai"d electors voted in favor of the ordinance hereinabove set forth as · Measure A. 3. That the Clerk of the Council is hereby insLructed to ente'r in full on the minutes of this Council ·the results of said election. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResolUtion was passed and adopted by the Council of the ·City of 'Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of July, 1962, by the following vote: AYF. S.: BALFANZ~ CRO~S, DOOL)N, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, AB,STAININC~ ........... ~.,.z .......... CITY'CL~ and Ex-Officzo Clerk of the Council of the City of' Bakers field. APPROV~D this 2nd day of July, 1962. · . . it o- Bakers fie ld. ELECTION CERTIFICATE · . ~ Office of County Clerk County of Kern, State of California THIS IS TO CERTIFY TH~~T at t~e Special Election held in and for t~e City ofI Bakersfield, in said Cgunty, on the 5th day of June, 1962, ~d co~nsolida~ed v~ith the Direct Prim~x-J Election held ~ithin said City on s~id d~te, t~e following Measure carried: City of Bakersfield Referendum Measure A, as appears by the official return~ of said election_ands.the state- ment of votes cast now on file in my office, a copy of ~ahich is attached hereto. IN I~gI~ESS W~EPZOF, the Board of Supervisors of said County has caused t~is official election certificate to be issued and its seal affixed t~ereto this 29th day of JUne, 1962, by its Clerk the reunto duly authorized. ~'~ County Clerk and ex Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors MEASURE A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REFEREN~U~ An ordinance entitled "AN ORDI~ NANCE ALTERING THE BOONDARIES-OF EACH 'OF THE SE'v'EN WARDS OF TF~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA." This ordinance will alter the boundaries of the wards in order that each ward shall contain as nearly as possible, an equal num- ber of qualified registered elec- tors therein. ~ FOR 81 35- 33 63 67 AGAINST 17 36' 18 TOTAL 96 5~ 5~ 99 85 BAXERSF!ELD i','O. 6 . 75 15 9o BAK"'-~S~'rr~ D NO. 7 BAKERSFIELD' XO., 8 BAKEFZSFIELD N0. ' 9 BAKERSFiELD NO. i0 BAKERSFIELD NO. 11 BAKERSFIELD .:,~0. BAKERSFIELD NO. I~-GRP. 1 A-J BAKERSFIELD MO. !5-GRP,. 2. K-Z BAKERSFIELD NO. t'~ BAKERSFIELD NO.. 1'5 BAKERSFIELD NO. 16 ' BAKERSFIELD NO. 1T BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFiELD SO. BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD 49 34 ~4 18 27 55 ~9 40 49 24 87 13 39 67 · 16'6 44 '61 117 20 10 7 1! 36 12 22 16 7 21 6 13 19 24 18 !2 21 69 44 31 4o 38 91 41 62.' 65 31 lo8 19 86 130 62 73 !38 ER.'FiELD NO, 23-B~ (unlnh) BAR ~ - · ' BAY. ERSFiELD NO. 24 ,. BAKERSFiELD :{O. 25 BAKERSFiELD 1,~0.26 BAKERSFiELD NO. %? W 7ERSF!ELD 210. 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I A-J BAKERSFiELD NO. 88-GRP. 27 K-Z :BAKERSFIELD NO. 89-GRP. 1 A-J BAKERSFIELD NO. 89-.~RP. 2 K-Z BAKERSFIELD NO. 90 BAKERSFIELD NO. 91-ORP. 1 A-I BAKERSFIELD NO. 91-GRP. 2' J-Z BAKERSFiELD NO. 92-GRP. 1 A-K BAKERSFiELD NO. 92-SRP. 2 L-Z BAKERSFiELD NO. 93 BAKERSFIELD NO. 94 BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO,. 96 BAKERSFIELD NO. 97 BAKERSFIELD NO. 98 BAKERSFIELD NO. 99 BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. I01 B~{ERSFIELD NO. 102 BAKERSFIELD NO. 103 BAKERSFIELD NO. 104 BAKERSFIELDNO-, 105 BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. IO?-ORP 1A-L BAKERSFIELD NO. 107-GRP'2 M-Z BAKERSFIELD NO. 1.08 BAKERSFIELD NO.-109 BAKERSFIELD NO. 110 BAKERSFIELD NO. 111. , BAKERSFIELD NO. 112 BAKERSFIELD I'|O. 113 FOR 26 ~0~' ~5 ~3 24 ~5 ~9 9~ 9o 69 86 1~0 ll6 77 ~o9 129 ~o5 '9o ~7 67 79 %6 57 .102 l~q 56 AGAINST 16 8 TOTAL.__ 4~ 4o 38 e9 54 ~8 llO 139 96 lO1 149 'lll 136 ~6o ~5 89 '96 1~6 .... k64 BAKERSFiELD :tO; 114 · BAKERSFIELD 'NO. 115 · BAKERSFIELD NO. 116 BAY. ERSFiELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. 119 BAKERSFIELD 'l~O. t20 BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. . BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFiELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. 125-A EzIXERSFIELD NO- BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. 128 B.[<ERSF!ELD NO. 129 BAKERSFIELD NO. 150 BAKERSFiELD NO. 151 BAKERSFiELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. BAKERSFIELD NO. l~& BAKERSFiELD NO. BIKERSFIELD NO. 1~9 B~r~oe~r=LD NO. BAKERSFiELD NO ... 1~1 BAXERSFiELiD NO. Consolidated with Bakersfield ho. 128 °e FOR 5T ~6 81 99 89 92 lo n5 .' 74 41 99 oo n3 75 76 8o 74 98 79 91 101 87 98 139 2o9 116 AGA TNS T 22 15 18 30 18 32 !7 11 28 O0 16 2~ 12 16 13 31 20 19 23 ~5 1.1 23 ,# ~OTAT, 59 96 ,, lo5 122 88 5~ '000 107 ' 99 88 96 87 .101 111 120 i27 139 BAKERSFIELD NO, 1~ BAKERSFIELD NO. 145. BAKERSFIELD NO, 1~6 BA!.:ERSFiELD NO, 147 BAKERSFIELD NO, 148 Total Absentee V~tes Grand TotaT. FOR 1~8 8o 12,095 355 12,45o AGAINST PO ~6 .. 11: 3~27t 58 3,329 TOTAL 139 87 15~366 413 15~779