HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 39-62 RESOLUTION NO.. 3'9-62 '.PjESOLLrP!QN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF, BA~KE~'SFiELD AD'OPTING BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR EX:PE'ND~ITURE OF 'FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER SECTION 2107~ 5 .'OF THE "STREETS AND HIGHWAYS '~HEREAS., 'a master 'agreement has been executed between the State of California. and the Ci.ty of Bakersfield for the expenditure of ~he engineering"allocation to cities; and, WHEREAS~ t.,he~. City CounCil has heard read said.. agreement in, full and iS famil.iar with the contents thereof; ..-.~ .. THEREFORE , ="be it resolved 'by the City' Council *of the Cit'Y' of Bakersfield tha~-'~'aid budget· proposal, 'dated June 25, 1962, be a'nd is hereby adopted as 't'he budget of propose'd .expenditures '~. Of the engineering a'llo~ation t.o.. cities, and said b~dget pr'oposal : be and the_ same is heresy apprqv-ed and the 'Director.-o.f Public Works is directed to sign c~he same".on behalf 6f Said. city, said budget "proposal to be binding,up'6n the city upon its ~ppr'oval by the authorized off?iC'ia!s of the,' State. ADOFrED this 2'5:t~h'. da~' of -June', 1962. "' ' ' ~R' f .the City o.f .Bakers "eld ATTE ST: f ld' CIT CLERK 0f the 'City of Bakers ie .t HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing. resolution was duly and re~g~ul,arly'passed by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof. held' June 25, 1962,