HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-62RESOLUTION'NO. 36-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "BENTON PARK NO~ 7," PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the 31st day of May, 1962-, requesting that' certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield., and WHEREAS, said petition was 'signed by the owners of all' of -'the territory pro.posed :to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions'of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 193'9., Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT'RESOLVED by the .Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That 'the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakers field are described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township. 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M: Beginning at'.the southeast corner of Lot 71, Tract 2520', as per map thereof recorded July 28, 1961, in Book 12 of Maps at page 44 xn the office of the County Recorder. of said Kern County, a. point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield: THENCE (l) S. 0° 04' 38" W., along the southerly prolongation of the westerly right of way line of Durrwood Street as per Tract 2520, and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, a distance of 322.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, and from which the radial center of said curve bears N. 89° 55' 22" W., distant 25 feet; THENCE (2) Southerly along said curve concave to the west with a radius of.25 feet, through a central.angle of 29' 35' 31" a distance of 12.91 feet.to a .point of ,reverse curve, ....... ......-._.~_~ .~ from which_ the~,.last.~named_._radial center~ .bears .-N. -6-0~ ...... 19' 51" W., distant 215.~.feet; THENCE '(3) Southerly along said reverse curve cOnC'ave to the east with a radius of 90 feet, tnroug~ a central angle of 91' 16'. 30,', a distance of 14.3.37 feet to a point, from which .· the radial. center of sa~d curve bears N. 28' 23' 39" E., distant 90 feet; THENCE (4) S. 28° 23' 39" W., a distance of 120.12 feet to .a point; THENCE (5) N. 89° 54' 02" W., a distance of 10.35 feet to inter- sect a line parallel with,' and distant 250 feet easterly from, and as measured perpendicular to the westerly boundary of the southeast quarter of said Section 12, said last named intersection also being a .point on the current corporate boundary.of ·the City of Bakersfield;' N, .0° 01' ·40" W., along last named parallel line, on and along said corporate boundary as same. is defined by Ordinance No. ='1327, New Series, a dist·ance of'. 564.22 feet, to intersect the southerly line of 'said Lot 71, Tract 2520; THENCE ,(7). S. 89' 55' =22"-E., along last named lot line, on and along the Corporate boundary of the-·City of Bakersfield as same is defined by Ordinance No. 1360, New Series, aldistance of 36.06 feet' to the southeast corner of "' said Lot 71, Tract 72520,, the ·point of.beginning, containing 0.455 acres of· land, more or less. That a designation·appropriately naming. such territ. ory is "BENTON PARK NO. 7." . " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that. MOnday, the 16th day of July, 1962, at the hour of eight o'clock 'P.M., .in the'Council Chambers of ·the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun AVenue,· Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place where ·any person owning real. property· within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objection to the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ and show cause why such territory 'THENCE (6) should not be annexed. o00 I HEREBY.'CERTIFY that th~ foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of 'the City of Bakers field at a regular meeting thereof'held on the 4th day of June, 1962, by the following vote: BALE NZ, CROES, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN,'RUCKER, ~YIERN AYESt ~~,~ ' NOES: . -~ ABSENT: ' ' " ABSTj~INING,~ , ~ '~ ' CITY ~'~n~nd ~f of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this'4~b day of June, 1962.