HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 113-61RESOLUTION NO: 113-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION 'TO BE HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1962, PERTAINING TO THE ANNEXATION OF "STOCKDX~'E GARDENS NO., 1" TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCT, POLLING PLACE AND OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR SAID ELECTION, AND PRESCRIB~ING FEES TO BE PAID TO SAID OFFICERS OF ELECTION AND FOR SAID POLLING PLACE. WHEREAS, a written petition was' filed with the council .of the City Of Bakersfield, requesting that certain inhabited territory therein described be~ annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 102~6i, the Council of the City of Bakers field declared its intention to call a special election in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said. city proposed to be annexed to said city, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the- question whether or not'said territory shall be annexed to said city, and setting forth a time and place .Of hearing protests against said proposed election, and WHEREAS, a copy of said resolution was' published as required by 'law; and WHEREAS, prior to and at the time set for hearing protests to the proposed election written pro'tests were not made by owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll and no protest .was made by public and private owners equal to one-half of the value of said territory, and WHEREAS, all ~proceedings have been had in accordance with said resolution and the Annexation Act of 1913, .reference thereto hereby being='made for further particulars· Bakersfield, as foilows: SECTION 1. A special election is hereby calldd to be held on the 6th day February, 1962, in the territory-hereinafter described 'and proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose of submitting. tO the' qualified electors residing in said~territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakers- field and the property in the territory to be*annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of'Bakers-- field outstanding for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. SECTION 2. That said territory is hereby designated and identified for such electYon purposes and for use upon the ballots at such election as "STOCKDALE GARDENS NO. 1," and is described as follows: A parcel of/land situate in the County of Kern, State of California and being .a portion of Sections 35 and 36, in Township 29 South, Range' 27 East,. M.DjM. and a portion of Sections 1 and 2, in Township 30. South, Range. 27 :East, M.D.M. Beginning at the southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot 17 in Tract No. 1397, a point on .the northerly line of Brundage Lane, as per map of said Tract INo.' 1397 recorded September 25, 1947, in Book 6' of Maps at pages..67.-68, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County,. said point of beginning also being a point in the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by Ordinance No. 828, New Series; THENCE (1) easterly along said northerly line of Brundage Lane, along said corporate boundary as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 828, New Series, Ordinance No. 817, New Series, Ordinance No. 807, New Series, and Ordinance No. 801; New Series, to intersect the west- erly line of Oak Street of 60 feet in width, and as said intersection is shown on said map of Tract No. ., 1397; . THENCE (2) N. 0' 16" 10" E., along the said westerly line of Oak Street and a.s described by said Ordinance No. 801~ ........... ,~': ......... Ne'~'~Se.rle~, a "di-st-anc'e 6~ 9'8j.'83" feet} .................. THENCE (3) S.. 89° 45' 20" E., a distance of 60.00 feet to a point in the .easterly line of said Oak Street (said last THENCE (4) named point being described as the "most westerly southwest corner of the corporate limits.of the City of Bakersfield, California," by said OrdinanCe No. 801, New 'Series);' continuing ·easterly along the westerly extension of the southerly line of Second Street, as said Second .Street is shown on the map .of the Goode Tract recorded May 2~ 1910, in Book lof Maps at page 144, in the ~ffice of the said County Recorder, and as defined by that annexation designated as "South Bakersfield.,. District No. 3" and described by Ordinance No. 280, New Series to intersect the westerly boundary of the East l~2feet of the south half (S '1/2) of Lot 4, Block C, of'·Greene's Tract,· as per'map of said Greene's Tract, recorded November 9, 1905, in Book 1 of Maps atpage 97-, in the office of the said County Recorder; ".~ THENCE (5) southerly "along said last named westerly boundary ~ ,~,l, and along the corporate boundary of said City as / · same is defined by Ordinance No. 1359, New Series, v'.~ and by Ordinance No. 1332, New Series, to intersect the southerly~boundary of said Lot 4, Block C, of Greene ' s Trac t; THENCE ENCE .(7) THENCE (8) easterly along last named southerly boundary to the southeast.(S.E.) cornerOf said Lot 4, and'as de- scribed by said Ordinance No.. 1332, New .Series; southerly along the westerly boundary of-Lot 6, Block C, said GREENE'S TRACT, and as described by said Ordinance No. 1332, New Series, and as described by Ordinance No. 1353,.New Series,-to the southwest (S.W.) corner of that parcel of land conveyed to Do C. Sliger and·Jewel K. Sliger, husband and wife, described as "The North 80 feet of the South 640 feet of the West 135.01 feet of Lot 6, Block 'C' of the GREENE TRACT" as per Grant Deed recorded September 23, 1952, in Book 1985 at page 463, ,Official Records of said Kern County, (herein-· after referred to as Parcel B); easterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel B to the southeast (S.E.) corner thereof; (9) southerly along course (4), .as .said course (4) is described by said.Ordinance No.. 1353, New Series,. along a line distant 195.01 feet west of and parallel to the East boundary 'of said Lot 6, to intersect a line distant 365 feet north of and parallel to the center-line of Brundage Lane, as per that certain Highway Easement dated April 4, 1951 and recorded April 30, 1951, in Book 1803 at page Records of s~id Ke~h'EOUh'~ THE~CE (10).,easterly along course (3) as said course (3) is ~ -described by said Ordinance No. 1353, New Series., -,~- along last named parallel line a distance of 60 feet; THENCE (11) northerly along course (2) as said course (2) is described by said Ordinance No. 1353,' New Series, parallel with the easterly boundary of said Lot 6, to the southwest (S.W.) corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Glen T. Gallatin, Jr., and Maxine Gallatin, husband and wife, described as "The North 75 feet of the South 485 feet of the East 135.01 feet of Lot 6, Block 'C' of the GREENE TRACT" as per' Grant Deed recorded April 23, 1956, in Book 2597 at page 387, Official Records of said Kern County., '(hereinafter referred to as Parcel. A); THENCE (12) easterly .along the southerly boundary of said Parcel A, to the southeast (S~E.)corner thereof,-a point in the easterly boundary of said Lot 6; THENCE (13) southerly along last named easterly boundary and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers- field as same' is defined by Ordinance No. 830, New Series, to a point diStant N. 0' 22' 04" E., 100.00 feet, from the southwest (S,W.) corner of Tract No. 1527, recorded December 13, '1949, in Book 7 Of Maps at page 56, in the office of the said County Recorder, and .as said last named point is described by Ordi- nance No. 870, New Series; -. THENCE (14) N. 89' 35' W. along the corporate boundary of the City of'Bakersfield as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 870~ New Series, a distance of 65.00 feet; THENCE (15) S.'.=0° 22' 04" W., a distance of 160.00 feet to intersect ~.the southerly line of.!Brundage Lane of'60 feet in width; THENCE (16)·N. 89° 35'· W., along iast named' southerly line 139.61 feet to a point, from which the radial center-of the 'following described curve bears S. 0° 25" W., distant 20 feet; THENCE (1'7) ~southeasterly along said Curve concave to the south- west with a radius of 20 feet, through a central 'angle of 89' 45' 28",.'a distance of 31.33 feet to a point of tangency from which the radial center of ..last named curve bears N. 89' 49' 32" W., distant 20 feet; THENCE (18) S. 0° 10' 28" W., along a tangent line a distance of 124.25 feet; THENCE (-19).N. 89° 54' 40" W., a distance of 303.86 feet; THENCE (20) S. 0° 06' 50" W., a distance of 130.00 feet; THENCE (21) N. 89° 54' 40'; W., a· distance' of 134.99 feet to a point, from which the radial center of the following described ...... curve~bears N. 0°--~05' 20"'E., distan~t 20 fe~t; ......... THENCE (22) northwesterly .a long Isaid curve concave to the. north- east with a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 90' 01' 30", a distance of 31.42 feet, to intersect the easterly line of Wible Road of.60 feet in width, from which the radial center of last named curve bears S. 89° 53' 10" E., distant 20 feet; THENCE (23) S. 0' 06' 50" W., along last named easterly line a distance 1090.01 feet to intersect the southerly boundary of Tract No. 1549 as per map recorded May 17, 1950, in Book 7 of~,Maps at pages 95-96.in. the office of .the said County ~.Rec0rder; .. THENCE (24) continuing southerly,. departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, along a line parallel with, distant 30 feet easterly as measured perpendicular to the westerly boundary. of Section 1, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., a distance of 130.00 feet to intersect a northerly boundary of Tract No. 1579, as per map thereof recorded September 21,'1950, in Book 7 of Maps at page 118, in the office of the said County Recorder; THENCE (25) S. 89°~ 54' 40"'E., along last named northerly boundary 25 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 12, in said Tract No. 1579;' THENCE (26).S. 0° 06' 40" W., along a line parallel with, di'stant 55 ·feet easterly as measured perpendicular to the' westerly boundary of said Section 1, a distance of 530.27 feet to the southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot 17, a point on the southerly boundary of said Tract No. 1579 and as shown on said map thereof; THENCE (27) 'westerly along last named southerly boundary 55 feet, more or less, to the. southwest (S.W.) corner of said Tract No. 1579', said last named southwest (S.W.)' corner' also being the northeast (N.E.) corner of the south half (S 1/2) , of the southeast quarter (S.E. 1/4) , of the northeast .quarter of Section 2, Township 30 South, Range 27 :zEast, .M,D.M.; THENCE (28) continuing westerly parallel with the northerly boundary of said Section 2, to intersect a line parallel with, distant 30. feet wes'terly as measured perpendicular.to the easterly boundary, of said Section 2, said interlsection being the northeast (N.E.) corner of Parcel C, as said Pardel C is described by that certain Grant Deed. recorded in Book 3333 at page 667, Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (29) southerly 'along last named parallel' line 165.00 feet to intersect course .(2), the southerly boundary of said Parcel C; THENCE (30)' westerly parallel with'the northerly boundary of said Section 2, along' said cour'se (2), 366.00 feet to the southwest (S.W.) corner of said Parcel THENCE (31). northerly parallel with the 'easterly boundary of said Section ·2, along course (3) -of' said Parcel C, a distance of 165.00 feet, to the' northwest (N.W.) .corner of said Parcel 'C, said last named corner being a point in course~ (3) of 'Parcel D, as-said . 'ParCel .D is de'scribed.by that certain Grant DeedI --recorded in Book 3364 pages 180 and 181, Official Records of said Ke..r~n County,. distant N. 88' 45' 52" W., 396.00 feet, .along the'southline of the N.' 1/2 of the S.E.--1/4 of'the.N.E. 1/4 of said' Section from the' S.E. corner ·0f the N. 1/2'of the· SjE. 1/4 · . of the N.E. 1/4 of said Section 2; THENCE (32) N. 88"45' 52"'W., along last-named southline,'along · said· course (3) of Parcel D, 438.59 feet to the -· southwest (S.W.) corner of said Parcel D; THENCE (33)'~N. 3'~ 14' 58" E., along ·courSe (2)of said Parcel·D,·. 660.61 feet to intersect the-northline of the. ·· $.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of said Section 2; THENCE (34) S. 88° 46' 11" E., along said last named northline, along course (1) of said Parc'el D, 142.33 feet to the .sOutheast (S.E.) corner of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of the northeast quarter (N.E.. 1/4) of' the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4) of said Section 2; THENCE (35) N. 0' 00' 45" W., .~along the e.asterly boundary of ·the- southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the northeast quarter of said 'Section 2, 476.40 feet to the northeast (N.E~) corner ~f Tract No. 1334, as per map thereof recorded September 10, 1946 in Book 5 of Maps at page 173, in the office of the said .County Recorder; THENCE (33) N. 89' 12' 51" W., along the. northerly b0Unda~y of'said Tract No. 1334, 'along the southerly .boundary of the Superior Oil Company parcel a' distance of 341.75 feet to the southwest. (S.W.) corner of said parcel, as same is shown on that Amended Record of Survey Map r. ecorded November 10, 1949, in Book 6 ~ page 48, Record of SurveyS, in the office of the said County Re corder; THENCE (37) N. 0° 02' W. parallel with the westerly boundary 0.f the' northeast quarter (N..E. 1/4), of· the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4),- of said Section '2, .along a. 'westerly boundary of the said Superior Oil Company.· parcel as shown on said last named Map 56'3.87 feet., to point distant 300 feet southerly, from.'the northerly boundary of said Section 2, aS measured 'parallel with .last named westerly boundary; THENCE (38) westerly parallel with the northerl~bounda~r_y4_of_~__ ........ ""~' '~fi£d* ge6~i0n :2~';L'ai6n~ 't~' northerly b0~d~ry and' the westerly extension thereof, as said last named . northerly boundary i·s described .by that certain Grant Deed recorded January 15, ·1935, in Book 558, page 122, Official Records of said Kern County, 345 feet, more or less, to intersect'a line' parallel with, distant 25 feet westerly, as measured perpendic- .ular to the easterly boundary of the· northwest quarter (NW 1/4), of the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4), of said Section 2, said intersection also being a point in the west-line*of Real' Road of 50 feet in width; THENCE (39') northerly along last named parallel line, along Said' .. west line of Real Road 300 feet, to intersect 'the northerly boundary of said Section 2; westerly. along said northerly boundary.~ of Section· 2 · ·to interslect a line/parallel with,. ·diStant 20~ feet. westerly·, as measured perpendicular ·to the easterly boundary of the west one-half (W.. 1/2), of the west - one. half (W..1/2) , Of the northeast quarter' (N'.E.. 1/4) , .'. of the' northwest' quarter (N.W.' ·1/4) , of the. nor'theast quarter (N.E. '1/4) ·Of said-Section· 2, said 'intersection being the northeast (N,E.) -Corner ·of a certain parcel ' . of land described by that particular Grant Deed dated April .12,' 1954, and recorded in Book· 2219 La.t Ipage 185, Officfal Records of said Kern County and hereinafter referred to as Parcel E; . southerly along last named par'a!lel line· 185 feet to' intersect 'the southerly boundary of said ParCel E; westerly along last named southerly boundary to' intersect~ the westerly boundary of .said Parcel E,· said· westerly'boundary also being. the east line of the northwest quarter (N~W. 1/4)·, of the northwest quarter (N .W. 1/4) , of. the northeast quarter · (N. E. · 1/4) of Section 2, and also said. east line being the easterly boundary. of that certain parcel of land ·described by that particular Grant Deed.·dated. April 6, 1960, · recorded in Book 328'1 at page 499, Official Records ' of said Kern County, and hereinafter referred to as · Parcel F; THENCE (43) southerly along last' named easterly boundary intersect the southerly boundary of said Parcel F; THENCE (4O) 'THENCE (41) THENC'E '(42) THENCE (44) THENCE (45) THENCE ('46) westerly along· last named· southerly boundary· to inter- 'sect the northwesterly boundary of said Parcel northeasterly along last named northwesterly boundary to intersect the northerly boundary of said Section 2; westerly along last named northerly. boundary to intersect the southerly prolongation ·of the easterly right-of-way line of the 'Stine Canal ~ February 25, 1960, in 'Book 11 of Maps .at page 53, in 'the office of the' said County Recorder; THENCE. (47) northwesterly. along the westerly boundary, and the southerly extension thereof, to the northwest (N.W.) corner of said Tract 2349; THENCE (48) THENCE (49) easterly along the northerly boundary and easterly prolongation thereof of said Tract 2349 to'the' northwest corner of.that certain annexation designated Real Acres· No. 1,. asladopted by Ordinance No. 1039, New Series; S. 0' 7' 30" W. 660.15 feet along the westerly boundary, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by said Ordinance· No. 1039, New Series, to intersect the north line of Brundage Lane, of 60 feet in width; THF NCE' (50) easterly along said north line of Brundage Lane, and along the corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance No. 1039, New Series, and Ordinance No. 863, New.'Series, to the southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot 17, Tract 13975 being the true point of beginning, containing an area of 75.726 acres.of land, more or less. SECTION 3. The polls at said election shall be opened at 7. o'clock A.M. of the day herein fixed for the holding. of said election and shall be kept open until 7 o'clock P.M., of the same day~'.When the polls shall be closed. SECTION. 4.. Upon the ballots to be used at said election there· shall be printed the words: SHALL "STOCKDALE GARDENS NO. 1" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECTED TO .TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,.TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD· OUTSTANDING FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION' OR COMPLETION OF.MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? ,. Opposite these words there shall be printed"the 'Words "Yes" and "No," and to the right of each of these last two'words there shall be a voting square· If an elector'Shall stamp a cross (+) in ........... ~he vs~t~i-ng--squareI after~-the 'printed ~ord-"'Ye-~"' ~th~~' '~"'OfI~'hch' ....... elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said 'territory to the City of Bakers field; and if an elector Shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word "No" the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. In all particulars not herein recited said election shall be held in conformity, as near as may b.e, with the laws of the State of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation Act of 1913. SECTION 5. (a) FOr the purpos~ of said election there iS 'hereby established in the territory' proposed to be annexed, .one (1) voting precinct con- sisting of a portion 'of Precinct StoCkdale No.. 1, a portion of Precinct Stine No.' 5, a portion of Precinct Stine No. 6 and a portion of Precinct Castro West, which shall include all of said'territory.. The following named persons are hereby named officers of election and shall constitute the board of election for such election precinct: · POLLING PLACE: Carpor-t ' ; Apartment 2, 3800 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California. INSPECTOR: Mrs. Lena F. Melvin JUDGE: Mrs. Frances Miller "' JUDGE: Miss' Betty Sherman (b) . For their services in connection with said election, said Inspector shall receive $21.00 anH said Judges shall receive $18.00 each; and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shall receive for the use ofsuch premises in connection with .said election the sum of $t8.00. .SECTION 6. as required by the Annexation Act'of 1913,!a.t least once a week for the four (4)~weeks prior to the e'lecti0n,· in.·the Oildale News a newspaper of general circulation, 'printed and published outside the city,· but in the .county in which the territory iS situated. o0o ........ · '~ 9. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of BakerSfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the ilth day of December, 1961,.by. the following vote: AYES, NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINING= APPROVED~ .this' llth ~day' of December, 1961. MAY ~'''" ~ .c ~ , OR ~f the C~ty of Bakers field. CITY [~K' and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bake'rsfield.'