HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 102-61 RESOLUTION NO'. 10P--61 A RESOLUTION ~OF.~.~E .COUNCIL'OF. THE. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN INHABITED~ -TERRI~TORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY~ PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED THERETO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRITORY THE QUESTION WHETHER SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY 'PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY APPEAR BEFORE SAID COUNCIL-AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakers field to call a special election to be held in certain in- habited territory. contiguous to said city,· proposed to be annexed thereto, 'for the purpose of submitting to the qualified ·electors residing .in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakers field and the. p~,roperty in the territ~ory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation 'equally 'with the property within the City 'of Bakersfield, to .pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakers field outstanding for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. That a description of said territory is attached hereto marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof. SECTION .2. That said te.rritory is hereby designated. and identified for such election pruposes and for use upon the ballots at such election as "STOCKDALE GARDENS NO. 1." SECTION 3..Notice is hereby given that onthe 27th day of November, 1961, at the hour of 8:00 P.M'. in the Council'Chamber in · , the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, any annexed and having any objection to the proposed annexation may appear before said Council and show cause 'why such territory should not be so annexed. Such protest must be filed in writing not later than the hour set for hearing. objections ·t0 the election,,and shall' State in general terms the name or names of~the owner or owners of 'the property affected and the 16cation and ·area of such property. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify 'to the adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be "publi,shed once. a' week for,two successive weeks'in a newspaper-of general circulation · published in the territory proposed to be annexed, or ff there--is · none, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the city. lMs~iption or a ps~6ol or land ~o be annexed to t~ City ~sfield ~ ~oh is to be ~si~a~ed as ~T~~ G~DE~$ N, 1, .sa~ ~ll d~ib~ as fo~s$ A'2mz. ell or lend situate in tbs"Ooun~7 of K~n, ~tate of Cali- fornia end bein~ a portion of beeions 3~ and 36, in Township 29 2OuWh, BanEs 27 F~E~, M.DtM. lind $ po~ion or Sootlone 1 and 2, ia Touliship 30 84m~h, Rqe 27 hs~, I(.D.M. SmC;L-n,:n~ e~tths oout~omt (S.W.) oornop of Lot 17 in of Naps at pa~os 67-~, in the ofTtoe of tbs 0ounty ReooPdav of said b~u Coun~/, said poiM of beeinninG also being a point in the separate boundkv7 of the Oily of kkarsflold as same is defined by CedXneneo So. 820, lieu Seriesl ~m if) Tm (3) Tm wmm~s (6) saGearly slant said noPtherly line of ~runda~o alone said oarpotato boundary as stme is defined by Skid 0vdinauSe So. 028, New aeries O~dinanoo 817, b bFiO_8~ Oz,!inches No. eO~, New b~ies, and OFdinazml So. 8~1, bW brlel, to interseat the u~st- 0~1 line of Oak Street of 60 ree~ in width, and as s~ intersection is shown on said map 1397! s-O°16*lOeS,, aleuS t~e saXd wos~erl7 line of Oak end ~ dos~~ by said ~e ~o. ~elm a di~e of 983083 flail S,~e20~. a dis~ of ~.~ ~et to a point eagerly l~e st ~d 0~ b ~l~J ~ said ~i~oe continuing easterly elq the westerly extension of t~e southevl~ line of boorid Street, as said boond $4weet is lhemm on the map o~ tho~"Ooode T~aet ~eooPded Ms7 2, 1910, in Desk I of Maps at pass 3J~, in ~ho offleO or the said County ReeOPde~, end as defined by tha~ annexation desi6na~ed as ~outh Bskevsrield DillWaSt No. 3s and described b~ Ordinaries No. 2~0e New bvies to interseat the wes~ePly dart or the hoe 1~ feet of ~-~e south h&lf (SLY) of LOt loutherly alon~ said laS~ named westerly boundary end g~K ~ eelware ~~ or said ~i~7 as ~ Is b~nod ~ ~~e No. 13~9, No~ Series, nd by ~inu~ ~o. 13~, ~w ~ies, to interno~ mzao (8) tierRue (9) (3.O) t"zmNc (ll) TaZZgCS (1,?.) teases tmo ( 1,q ) southotll alen~ the wmsterl/boundarT of lot 6, Ktook 0, said "GRaBHEsS TRA~T, and am described b7 said Ordinance fro. 13~2, New Series, and as described bl Ordinance No. 13~3, New Series, to the ,eeutl"sMeet, (3.W.) soPnaP of that pax-eel of land sonyeyed to D,Co SllSmr. and Jewel K. $1igeP, hnsband and wife, described al aThe NoPth 80 feet of the 3eu~h 6~0 feet of the West 13~.01 rest of Lot 6, Bleak 'C' of the eB~NE ~RACT as pep ~ant Deed Eeo~ded September 23, 19~2, in Book 198~ at page ~63, 0ffielal Records of se~d Ken ConniT, (he?sin- after ,efe,,ed to an Padeel B)! eaateFl/alon~ the southerl bounds~y of said Pax, eel B to the southeast (~.E.) omPne~ themeoff southerly &lens couPso (~), a~ aid cotmeG (~) is deseribod by said Ox-dinanoe No, 1353, New Series, alon6 a line distant I9~,01 feet west of and parallel tm the East boundary of said ~ot 6, to intersect a line distant J~ feet neath of and parslie3. ~o the cente~eline of 9xmn~age Lane, as per that coxswain Rigl~eay Easement dated Ap~_il ~, 19~1 and Peaordeal April 30, 19~1. in 9oak 1803 at paEe 18~. Official Reee~ds of said Kern 0ountyl easterly along course (3) as said course (3) is described b7 said Ordinance No. 1353, .~ew ~ePies, along last rAmned parallel line a distance of 60 feet J northerly along em, m, se (2) as said course (2') Is desePlbed by said OPdinar~e ~o. 13~3, New ~oPiea parallel ~ ~he eutePly ~u~y of said Lot ~, to t~ e~~ (~.W.) ~r or ~t certain ~oel or ~d oonvepd ~o Glen T. O~la~n, J?., ~ Mutne ~llat~, ~s~d ~ wife, descried as ~ Noah 75 feet of t~ ~ ~8~ fees of ~M ~st 135.01 ~et or Lot 6, ~k morn Or t~ ~~ TRA~a as ~r ~t ~ reoomd ~Pil Z], l~&, in ~k 2~97 at ~ge 387, orrtoi Reds ~nty,(~reinart~ PefeP~ to as Penal A)J castePly along the southePly boundary of said Pareel A, to the southeast (S.~.) soPnov thePeer, a point in the eas~ePly boundary of said Lot &l southe?ly along last named easterly boundxvy and along the eo~porate boundary or the City of Bake?s- field as sans Is defined by Ovdlnan~e No. 830, New ~eries, to a point distan~ No00~I0~RE.~ 100.00 rest, fi-om the southMost (S.W,) corner of Tract No. 1527, recorded DoomboP 13, 19h9, in Book ? of ~aps at page 56, in the elfiCe 0'f the'said C~un*ty Reeo~dex~; and as said last named point is described by Ordi- nanam be 870, New Series/ N-8~°3~'W, along the oozepsmate boundarT of bhm Oily of ~rsrield as see is defined ~ aid Ordin~ee No. 870, New ~r~s, a dist~e Of 6~.~ f~J S. 002~m0~eW., a distance of 160.00 feet to intersect the southerly line of BFunda~e Lane of 60 foot in width I mm0$ (XS) (19) T sc- N.89o35,W., alon~ laS~ u~ued southerly lane 139.61 feet to a point, fro~ which ~ radi~ oen~e~ of t~ foll~n~ desePlb~ ~e be~s S.O°a~'W-~ 41S~t 20 fe,~l southeasterll along said ou~ve concave to the south- ~es~ with a ~adiua. of 20 feet, ,though a central angle of 89°~5e28", a distance of 31.33 feet to · in, of taxicheF ~]Pom UhiOh the radial center of named ouawe ea s N.89° 9,3a"M., distant 20 fee~l b S. 0o10,aOuW., elq a tlngent line a distance of la?J4.,25; her,! a aimSshoe of 303.86 feet; S. Oe06'50~., a diet-nee of 130.00 feet~ H.B9o~'a~O"W., a distance of 13~.99 feet to a point, fTm MhAoh the radial center of the following described ourwe bears N.O°O~'aO"E., distant 20 feet; northwesterly along said curve con, ave to the neath- east wi~h a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle Of 90001130", a distance of 31-h2 feet, to InterseCt the easterly line of Wible Road of 60 feet in :width, from Which the radial center of last named Qu~ve beeps $.89°~3,10"E., distant a0 feet; 8.0°06,50"W., alerts last need easterly line a distance 1090,01 feet to Intersect the southerly boundarT of Tract No. 1~9 as per map receded a 1950, in Book 7 of Maps t pages 95-~6 in the office of the said County Reoor~; T~F~CB (214.) continuing south,ply, depart in from the oorpo~ate with, distant 30 feet easterly as measured per~ndtoula~ to the westerly bound arT of Sea,ton 1, Towns.hip 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.r.l., a distance of 130o00 f~et to intersect a northerly boundary of Tract No. 1~79, as per map thereof recorded September 21, 19~0, in ~ook 7 of ~aps at page 118, in the office of the said County Recorder| T~NCE (26) T~NOE (27) ~.89o5~,~0"B., alan8 last named northerly boundary 25 feet, more or less. to t~ northwest comer of Lo~ 12, in said Tract ~o. 1579; s. OcO6,~O'w., slang a line parallel with, distant 55 feet easterly as measured perpendicular to the westerly boundary of said Section 1, a distance of 530.27 feet to the southwest (S.W.) octmar of Lot 17, a point on the'southerly b~a~ of said ~aot ~o. 1~79 a~ as sho~ on said ~p t~roofB westerly along last named southerly bound,my 55 feet, more or leas to the southwest (B.W.) comer of ,aid Trao~ NO. 1~9, said last named south, st (S,W,) corner also bein the northeast (~.E.') comer of the south half ( S 1~), of the southeast quarter ( S.Eo 1A ). Of the nO~tl'alHt ~uarter of Sootion am Township 30 South. Range a? Eest, M.D.M.a TaBNOB (30) T SC= ( 35 ) -' --~mCX-(36) conrimming westerly parallel with the northerly bou~ea~ of said aeetio~ a, to intersect a line paTallei with, distant 30 feet westerly as nasu~d pe~i~l~ ~o ~ easto~l~ b~~y of said ~o- ~i~ 2e ~d in~ePseotion beinK t.}~ no~Mast (N.E.) o~T Or Peoel Ce as said P~oel C is described ~ ~ Oe~ ~t ~ Teoo~ed ~ ~k 3333 at p~ ~7, 0ffiei~ Records of s~d Kern C~ntyJ southerly along last nosed parallel line 165.00 fee~ to intersect course (2), the southerly boundary of sa~d FeTeel C l westerly parallel with the northerly boundary of said ~eotion 2, along said course (2), 366.00 feet to the southwest ($.W,) oo..,mer of said PeTeel Ct northerly parallel wi~h the easterly boundary of ss/d ~ection 2, s~ong course (3) of said Percol C a dlstanoe of 16~.00 feet, to the noTthwe~ (N.W.~ sextet of said Parcel O e sa~d last named oox~neP being a point in omiT so (3) of Ps/~el D, as said Parcel D is dosoTibed by t~t aortain ~t De~ ~o~ded In ~ok 33~ pages 180 and 181 0ffioi~ ~o Reo~ds of said 396.~ ~ I ~ scuttle of the N. 1~ al~ of ~ $.E. ~ ot t~ 'N.E. 1~ N,88°~5'~a"W., ales8 last nemed southline, along said course (3) of Faroel De ~38'.~9 feet to the 8GUtI'WeEt Ca.W,) met of said Pereel D; II.3°IJ$'.~;BnE., al~niit course (a) or said P~el Ds ~.~ r,t to Intersect the n~t~ine of t~ S,E. 1~ Of ~ N,~. 1~ of said ~otlon 2l B.880~6'11~8., alonK said last nosed northline, alen~ oeu.-se (1) of said Parcel D, 1~-33 feet to the southeast (SIX,) co?nor of the southwest E quartet (a,W, 1/4) of the northcost quarter (N.. of the nox~heast quarter (N.E. 1/~) of said ~eotion N.OeOOe~SwW,, ales the easterly boundary of the seuthwmet qua~er ~8.W, 1/4) of he northeast quar er t (NEE. 1/~) Of the n~a-theast qnarter of said 8oction 2, ~76,~0 feet te th~ northeast (N.E.) co~ner of Tract N~.. 133~, as per map theTool recorded September 10, 19~ in Book ~ ef ~aps at page 173, in t~ offlee of the slid 0ounty aeoorderl S, 89012t~-eW, s.-along the-northerly boundea*y of said Tract Be, 133~, along the southerly bound of the ~upeTio~ 0il Company parcel a distance of%.7~ feet to the southree2 (~,W.) corner of said pc?eel, as am is show on that ~msmded Record of Map veso~ed levembe~ 10, 19~9, in Book Reorrd of Suxwe:rs, in the office of the said County Reoox. deT2 westerly bounder7 of ~he said SupsTier 0il parcel as sheen on said las~ nomad Map 563.87 foot, to point dis%eat 300 fee~ southerly, frc~ the northerly boundary of said SesSion 2, as measured peTallel with las~ named weste~17 boundazy~ westerly peel/el wi~h ~ho noTShoTly boundary or said betion 2, alan8 the northerly boundary and the westerly extension thereof, as said last named no~therl7 boundary is desoribed b7 that certain 0rent Deed PesoPaled Januser 1~, 193~, in Book ~8s p 1~, Offiolal ReooPds of said Ksvn Count~, .r mops ov lass, ~o intePseot a line ps~sllol with, distant a~ fee~ westerly, as mea~d per, pendio- ulax. ta the easterly boundary of the noTt.h~est quarter (R"d 1/~), of the northeast quarter {N.E. 1/%), of said 3eo~ion a~ said intePseotion also bein6 a point in the west line Of Real Road of ~0 feet ~.n widthI noFthePly alonZ last named parallel llne, mlon~ said east line of Real Road 300 feet, to Interseat the northerly boundarT of said Section al TaBNeE (~0) westerly alon~ Said northerly boundary of P~etlon to intel~seet · line paTellel with, distant 20 feet westePly, as measured pex~ndioule? to the eastevly boundary of the west one-half (W. 1/2), of ~be west one-half (W. 1/~), of the northeas~ quaTraP (N.~. Of-the nox~ndest quaTraP (N.W. 1/%), of ~he northeast quarter (N.E. 1/~) af said SesSion 2, said inte~seo~ion being the nox~heast (N.E.) eaTneT of a certain paTeel of land dsssribed bl that particular ~-ant Deed dated April la, 19~, and PeasTried in Book Ofriolal React-de of said Eaten County and hex~inatter PefOx-X~i to as Paveel =! THBNC~ (~1) ,outheFly alefig last named parallel 12axe 185 feet to Lutefees% %be ,outherl~ b~unda~y of said Peaseel E2 westerly along las~ rimaid ,outhoTly boundax~y ~o inte0~seot the westerly bound af said Pe~oel said westerly boundar~ also beach8 the east line of the northwest qua~eP ( a.W. 1/~ ), of the nol-thwest qual-teV (R,W, i/~)m O.f the noFtheaet quarter (~.~, of ~eotion 2, end also said east line being the easterly boundeFy or that oarrain parcel of lend dssoPibed by that pea~ioule~ 0Tans Deed dated April 6, 1960, reoo~ded in Book 3281 at page ~99~ OfTisis1 Reoo~ds of said KeTn ~ounty, end heFeinafte~ refex-~ed to as THENCE (~3) southerly along last named easterly boundary te interseat the seu~hea-ly boundary of said Pareel TH~ (~) westerl~ along last named southerly boundary to lnte?- seat the noTthwesterly-boundary of eetld-PaP-ee~ F| T~BNGB (~) northeasterly alonS las~ named northwesterly boundspy to intersoot the noTShotly boundary of said ~eotion 2J ~ca (~7) ~sacz (h6) .rux~ (k9) ~_Na~ (,~o) westerly alon~ last m~ed moanbelly boumiary ~o nmm~esberll alone the westerly boundary, and the louthaP17 ex~®nsion thereof, to the no?thwest (N.W.) ooze? o~ eai~ ~aOt ~9; $.O °7'30"W. 660.1~ fe,~ alon~ the westerly boundary. on and along the corporate boundary of the City of BakePefield as defined by said Ordinance No. 1039, New ~ePies, to in~erseot the north line of 8rundage tan®a or be feet in widthI eas~eP17 along sai~ north line of Brundage Lane, and alon~ the corporate beundary as defined by said 0a~_inanee No. 1039, New Series, and Ordinance No. 863, New 3aries, to the southwest (3.W.) octnaP of Lot 17, Tvaot 1397, being the tl*ue point ef beElnn~n;, oontLtn~ng a~ a~ea of 75.7;26 so?as of land, mo~e or less. POOR ORIGINAL 9-6-61 / CHECKI~ ~Y; O0~.PARED BY: APPROW~D BYt t I HEREBY CERTIFY 'that the foregoing Resolution .Was passed and adopted by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield 'at a-'regular meeting lzhereof held on the 30th day of October, .1961, by the .following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT= ABSTAININGL Council of the City 'of Bakersfield. APPROVED,_:.t.h'is'--30th~day of October, 1961. -. ,-.: "~ >'~o.:~,' ~,~' ,i~-. ' 'YOR of he 'City ~Bakersfield. . ,< / ../