HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 93-61RESOLUTION'NO. 93-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF '. BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE. FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL'PROPERTY. WITHIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "PANORAMIC HEIGHTS NO. 1", PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITYOF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, a. petition was' filed with the Council of the' City of Bakersfield 'on the 21st day of. September, 196i, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therei~ described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakers'field, and WHEREAS, maid petit{On was .signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the area Of the land in such' territory, and representing not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of such territory according to the last preceding' equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern. NOW~ THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions Of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory 'Act of 1939~ Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of hhe' City' o.f. Bakersfield, as fo 1 lows: That the boundaries of the territory sO proposed to be annexed to the .City of Bakersfield.are described as follows:' · A parcel of land si'tuate in the County of Kern,-State of California, and being .a portion of Sections 9, 10,' 15 and 16, all in .Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M~: Beginning .at the northeast (N.E.)' Corner 0f' the northwest 'quarter (N.W~ 1/4) , of ..the northwes't quarter. (N.W. 1/4), of said SeCtion 15, a point in the current corporate boundary of the City of .Bakersfield, as same is defined by that-certain annexation designated as "College Crest .Subdivision" .and as described by Ordinance No. 1099, New Series: 'THENCE (1) southerly and along said corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance No. 1099, New Series, one-eighth (1/8). of a mile to the southeast (S.E.) corner of the north half (N. 1/2), the northwest quarter (N.' W~ 1/4).~ of the northwest quarter .' .(N. W. 1/4), of said Section 15;. ~iENCE (2) westerly.and as defined by said Ordinance No.' 1099~ New 'Series, =one-foUrth (1/4) of a mile 'to the southwest (S.W.) corner of the north half (N. 1/2), of the northwest quarter (N.W....1/4)', of the northwest quarter (N~W- 1/4), of said Section 15; THENCE (-3) continuing westerly along said corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance Noo 1099, ·New Series,. on and along the southerly boundary of the north half (N. 1/2)., of the northeast quarter (N. E.. 1/4)~!of the northeast quarter (N. E.' 1/4), of · Section 16, Township 29 South, Range'28 East M.D.M., to intersect a line parallel with, distant 55 feet westerly,- as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary·of said' Section 16; ~ ' I~HENCE- (4)' northerly along last named parallel line-, along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is described by 'Ordinance No. 984, New Series, to intersect. the northerly boundary of said SectiOn 16; THENCE .(.5) N. 0° 28' 01" W., (the basis of bearing-being the easterly' boundary of Section 9, .Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.'M~ as per that certain instrument filed' 'for record, November. 19, 1951, in Book No. 1868 at page 143, Official -Records, of said Kern County) along 'the corporate boundary as described by said Ordinance No. 984, New Series 'and being along a. line parallel with,' distant 55 feet westerly as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary olf said Section,.9, a distance of 360.841 feet to~ intersect the .south- easterly right-of-way of that proposed road known as "Panorama Drive Extension" (County Road No. 1649); THENCE (6) S. 55' '14' '01" W., along last named~-southeasterly right~ of-way and along the corporate boundary a distance of 543.005 feet to a point, from which the Lradial center of the following described curve bears N.. 34° 45' 59" W., distant 3055 feet'; ' II[ENCE '(7) southwesterly along said curve, concave to· the northwest, with a radius of 3055 feet, 'through a central angle of 7' 00' 00", a distance of 373.239 feet to a point of tangency, from which the radial center of last .named "curve bears N. 27" .45' 59" W., a distant 3055· feet;' THENCE (8) S. 62° .14' 01" W., along a tangent course~ 445.80 feet to a point from which the radial center of the fo~ll6wing des- cribed curve bears N. 27'. 45' 59" W., distant 3055 feet; THENCE (9) southwesterly along said' curve concave to the northwest, with a' radius of 3055 feet,through a central angle of 7'. 40' 02", a distance of 408.815 feet to a point of tangency from which the radial center of last named curve bears N. 20Q 05' 57" W., distant 3.055feet;.. 'THENCE (10) S. '69e 54' 03" W., along a tangent course 6'76.22' 'feet tO a point from which the radial center of the~ following described curve bears N. 20° 05' 57" W., distant 3055 feet; THENCE (11) southwesterly along said curve concave to the northwest, with a radius·of .3055 ~feet, 'throUgh .a. central angle of ................ ~ .....i.6~'---O8!I. 30:~' ,~ a- dis t-ance ~ e~ 860'· 67 1-~ fe e-t .I t0·- a- point~ o~ ............. tangency, from whichl the. radial center of last named curve bears N..·'3' 57' 27" W,. , distant 3055 feet; S. 86° 02' 33" W., along a tangent~ course 762.61 feet to a point; THF. NCF. (13) THF. NCF. (14) F-NCF- (15) -mNCE (16) N. 4' 12' 20" W., (the basis of bearing Of last named course being the above said easterly boundary of said Section 9) a distance of 187.137 feet to .a point, the reverse bearing of last named course being S.-4° 02' 25" E., a distance of 187.137 feet, .(the basis of bearing of last named course being that particular instrument recorded October 14, 1937, in Book 742 at page 411, Official Records of said Kern County), said last mentioned p~int being the southeasterly terminus of that particular course which reads "S. 80' 14' 30" E., 159-.30 feet, more or less, to the northerly boundary of the right-of-way of CoUnty Road No. 769", as described under Parcel V of above named instrumenE recorded in. said Book 742 at page 411;. . N..5' 05' 30" E., (as described by: said Ordinance No. 984, New Series), a distance of 53.507 .feet; 'N. 86° 02' 33" E., (the basis' of bearing of last named course being the above said easterly boundary of said Section 9) departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field, along a line parallel with, distant 240 .feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the heretofore de- scribed course (12), a distance of' 755.158 feet to a point, from which the radial center of the following described curve bears N. 3° 57' 27".W., distant 2815 feet;.'- northeasterly along said curve concave to the northwest with a radius of 2815 feet, .through a central angle of 16° 08' 30", a distance of'7.93.056 feet to a point of - tangency, from which the radial center of last named curve bears N. 20° 05' 57" .W., distant.'2815 feet;.- I~ENCE (17) S. 20° 05' 57" E.,a distance of 115.073 feet to a point; THENCE (18) N. 69° 54' 03" E., along a line parallel with, distant 124.927 feet northwesterly, as measured perpendicular to the here- tofore described course (10), a distance of 676.22 feet to a point, from which the radial center of the following de- scribed curve bears N. 20~ 05' 57" W., distant 2930.073 feet; THENCE (19) northeasterly along said curve concave to the 'northwest, with a radius of 293Q.073 feet, t~rOugh a central' angle of 7° 40' 02", a distance of 392.097 feet to a point of tangency, from which the radial center of"last'named curve bears N. 27' 45' 59" W., distant 2930.073 feet;. THENCE (20) N. 62' 14' 01" E., along a line parallel with-,. distant 124.927 feet northwesterly, .as measured perpendicular to the heretofore described course (8), a distance of 445.80' feet to a point, from which the radial center of the following described curve bears N. 27° 45' 59" W., distant 2930.073 feet; THENCE (21) northeasterly along said curve concave to the northwest, with a radius of 2930.073 feet, through a central angle of 7° 00' 00", a distance of 357.976 feet to a point of tangency, from which the' radial center of last named curve bears N. 34-? 45' 59" W., distant 2930.073 'feet; THENCE (2'2) THF. NCE ( 23) THENCE (24) THENCE (2'5) THENCF, (26) THENCE (27) raENCE (28) THmqCE N. 55° 14' 01" E., ,~long a-line parallel with', distant 124.927 feet northwesterly, I as measured perpendicular to the-here- tofore described course (6) a distance of 694.80 feet,. more or less, to intersect the westerly boundary of Section 10, ~I Township. 29 South,' Range 2'8·. East', M.D .M., distant thereon N. O° 31' 19" W.,' 549.583 feet from the southwest corner of said Section 10, as described by that "Action in Eminent Domain - County of Kern vs. Jones, et al, Superior Court No. 67020" filed in the office of the County Clerk of said l Kern COunty, September 26, 1957, in Book 105, Page+-368, Civil Orders and Decrees, pertaining to the acquisition of Parcel 1, being a portion of' the right-o.f-way.of County ROad No. 1774; N. 55° 10' 43" E., along the' northwesterly· .boundary of the right-of-way of said County'Road No.' 1774 as same is' de- scribed by said. above named Superior Court 'Action a distance of 204.643 feet; .· S. '34' 49' 17" E.,'a distance of 180.00 feet t0"intersect the southeasterly boundary of said right-of-way of County Road No. 1774; .. :northeasterly along. a tangent curve concave to the southeast, (on and along last named' southeasterly boundar. y)~with a radius of 898 feet,. through a central angle of 34q 01' -.45", a distance of-533.341 feet to a point of tangency, from which the radial center of last named~ curve bears S. 0° 47' 32" E., distant 898 feet; N. 89° 12' 28" E., along a tangent course 174.0'0 feet to a point, from which the radial center of the following des- cribed curve bears N. O' 47! 3'2" W., distant 1102 feet; northeasterly along said curve 'c0ncave to the' northwest, with. a radius of 1102 feet., through a central, angle of 23° 00' 00", a. distance of 442.371 feet to a' point of non- tangency, from 'which the radial center of last named curve bears N. 23' '47' 32" W.,.-distant:ll02 feet; N. 70°· 41' 30" E., along a non-tangent Course a distance of 767.469 feet; N. 66' 12' 28" E., .along a tangent' course. a distance of 161.62'feet to a point, from which the radial Center of the following described curve bears N. 23~ 47"32" W., distant 1150 feet; THENCE (30) northeasterly along said curve concave' to the northwest, witha radius of 1150 feet, through a central angle of 21° 40' 34", a distance of 435.067 feet, to intersect the southerly boundar~ of the east half (E. 1/2), of the northeast ? quarter (N.E. 1/4 , of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4), of said Section 10, a point of non-tangency, from which the ~-=--:~--radi;a. 1 cente-r-:-~f-:tast~ n~med--eu~ve--be~r~-N.~45:':-28-'. 06L': distant 1150 feet; THENCE ( 3 l) THENCE~ (3,2) THENCE (33) THENCE (34) THENCE (35) · N. 89·c '42' 58" E., along last 'named southerly 'boundary a distance of 41,615 feet to the-southeast (S.E.) 'corner of the northeast quarter (N. E. 1/4), of-the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4), of said Section 10; southerly along the easterly boundary of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4), of said SeCtion 10, departing from the' right-of-way of said County Road No. 1774, to intersect a line parallel with, distant-55 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary of l the southeast quarter ~(S.E. 1/4) of said Section 10; easterly along last named parallel line to intersect the easterly boundary of the southwest'quarter (S.W. 1/4),. of' the southeast quarter (S.E. 1/4) , of .said Section 10, a point in the current corporate boundary of ·the City of Bakers field, as same is defined by that annexation designated as the "Municipal Sanitary Land .Fill Area", as per. Resolution approving said annexation adopted by the Board of Supervisors of said Kern County, ·January 2, 1957, as per Minute Book 113, Page 270, Records of said Board of Supervisors; southerly 55 ~eet, more or less, along last'named easterly boundary and along said last 'named corporate boundary to the northeast (N.E.) corner of the northwest lquarter (N.Wi· 1/4) of the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4)., of Section 15, Township 29 South+, Range 28 East, M.D.M.; ' westerly along the northerly boundary of said Section 15, along the corporate boundary 6f the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that heretofore said annexation designated as "College Crest Subdivision" and ~as described' by said Ordinance No.· 1099 New Series, to the northeast (N.E.) corner of the northwest quarter (N.W. '1/4), of the northwest quarter (N.W.1/4), of said Section 15, the point of beginning, containing '89.547 acres of land, 'more or less. That a designation appropriately naming such 'territory is "PANORAMIC HEIGHTS NO. ~1". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,-that MOnday,' the 6th day' of .November, 1961, at 'the hour of eight o'clock P·.M~, ihr the Council Chambers of the City Hail, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California is the time. when and+the place where any person owning real.property within such · territory so proposed to be annexed and having any.objections to the proposed anneXation may appear before'the COuncil of the City bf Bakers- field, and show cause why such territory should not be annexed. ~ " o0o ...... - I HEREBY CERTIFY that .the foregoing Reso _ution was passed' and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at. a regular meeting thereof held on the' 25th day of September, 1961 by the following vote: .:~; Ij INS CROES DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, STIERN NOES' ' . A ENT, ,; ~TAINING~ ~~ AppR0~VED th{~s~,.25th day of September, 1961 and gxj-Offic~.o ~l'erk of the .Council of .the. C~t:y of BakerSfield,