HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 68-61RESOLUTION NO., 68-61 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REQUESTING THAT THE STATE CONTROLLER CREDIT THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR CERTAIN UNIN- HABITED ANNEXATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AP- PORTIONING MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES PURSUANT TO SECTION 11005 OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE. WHEREAS, Section 11005 of the Revenue & Taxation Code provides that for the purpose of apportioning motor vehicle license fees to cities the State Controller shall credit cities for annexation of unin- habited territory two years after the completion of annexation proceedings or at such earlier time as the legislative body shall request. WHEREAS, annexation proceedings have been completed pursuant to the Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939 for the annexation of the following described territory to the City of Bakersfield: (1) -.That property known as Goode No: 1, described as: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., beginning at the northwest (N.W.) corner of Lot 1, Block 9, as said Lot 1, Block 9 is shown on the map of the "Goode Tract," recorded May 2, 1910, in Book 1, page 144 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 1 to the northeast (N.E.) corner thereof; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 1, to intersect a line parallel with, and distant 50 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to last named northerly boundary; thence westerly along said parallel line to intersect the westerly boundary of said Lot 1; thence northerly along said westerly boundary of Lot 1, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined b that certain annexation designated as "~pruce Addition No 1 ~ which was annexed by a Special Election held June 24, 1958, the results of which Special Election were filed August 11, 1958, with the Secretary of State, State of California, to the northwest (N.W.) corner of said Lot 1, the point of beginning, and containing 0.1578 acres of land more or less. Date of filing with Secretary of State: November 30, 1959. (2) That 'property known as Ming No. 2, described as: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Sections 1 and 12, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M.: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 5 in said Section 12, as said Lot 5 is shown on "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin," filed May 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County; thence westerly along the southerly · boundary of said Lot 5 to intersect the westerly boundary of the East 165 feet of said Lot 5; thence northerly along last named westerly boundary to intersect the northerly boundary of said Lot 5, 'a point on the northerly boundary of said Section 12; thence continuing northerly a distance of 30 feet as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Section 1, to intersect the northerly boundary of Ming Road, also known as Casa Loma Drive, of 60 feet in width; thence easterly along last named northerly boundary to intersect the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of the northwest quarter (N. W. 1/4), of said Section 12, a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field; thence southerly along said northerly prolongation and along the said easterly boundary of the northwest quarter (N. W. 1/4), of Section. 12, and along the easterly. boundary of said Lot 5, on and along said corporate boundary, as same is defined by that certain annexation known as Benton Park No. 2, as adopted October 15, 1956, by Ordinance No. 1107, New Series, and certified November 19, 1956, by the Secretary of State, State of California, to the southeast corner of said Lot 5, the point of beginning, containing 2.616 acres of land, more or less. Date of filing with Secretary of State: July 8, 1960. (3) That property known as Goode No. 2, described as: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M.,. and also a portion of Section 1, Township '30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., beginning at the northwest (N.W.) corner of Lot 12, Block 4, as said corner is shown on the map of the "Goode Tract" recorded May 2, 1910, in Book 1 of Maps, at page 144,.in the office of. the County Recorder of said Kern County; thence southerly along the easterly boundary line of "A" Street of 82.5 feet in width, and the southerly prolongations thereof, and as said."A" Street is shown on said map of the "Goode Tract", on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that certain Special Election held March 21, 1939, and the result of which Special Election was certified, March 29, 1939, by the Secretary of State, State of California, to intersect the northerly boundary line of Bellevue Road, also known as Brundage Lane, of 60 feet in width;' thence continuing southerly, departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers- field, along the southerly prolongation of the said easterly boundary line of '~" Street to intersect the southerly boundary line of said Brundage Lane; thence westerly along last named southerly boundary line and the westerly prolongation thereof, parallel with and distant 30 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to the northerly boundary of said Section 1, to intersect the westerly boundary line of Hughes Lane, of 60 feet in width, a point on the easterly boundary of Lot 12, Block 1, as said Lot 12, Block 1 is shown on the "Map of Cloverdale", recorded August 26, 1911, in Book 2 of'Maps, at page 32, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence northerly along the said easterly boundary of Lot 12, Block 1, to intersect the northerly boundary of said Section 1; thence continuing northerly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of said Lot 12, Block 1, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield~ as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Spruce Addition No. 1", as annexed by a Special Election held June 24, 1958, and approved by Ordinance No. 1188, New Series, adopted June 30, 1958, and filed August 11, 1958, with the said Secretary of State, to intersect the northerly boundary line of said BrundageLane; thence easterly along last named northerly boundary line, parallel with and distant 60 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Section 36, to lintersect the westerly boundary line of the aforesaid "Goode Tract"; thence northerly along last named westerly boundary line to intersect a line parallel with, distant 50 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to the northerly boundary line of Lot 1, Block 9, of~the said "Goode Tract"; thence'easterly along'last named parallel line,'on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Goode No. 1", as adopted October 26, 1959, by Ordinance No. 1266, New Series, and certified November 30, 1959, by the said Secretary of State, to intersect the easterly boundary line of said Lot 1, Block. 9, a point on the westerly boundary line of said '~" Street; thence northerly along last named easterly boundary line to the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block 9; thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of'said Lot 1, Block 9, to the northwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the aforesaid "Goode Tract", on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 1188, New Series, to the most northerly southeast corner, of that certain annexation designated as "Cedar Gardens", adopted February 14, 1950, by Ordinance No. 859, New Series, and filed March 18, 1950, with the said Secretary of State, said last named southeast corner being described by said Ordinance No. 859, New Series, as a "point on the easterly boundary of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M., distant thereon 721.38 feet northerly, from the southeast corner thereof~F; thence continuing northerly along the easterly boundary line of the southwest'quarter (S. W. 1/4)of said'Section 36, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 859, New Series,- to intersect the westerly-prolongation of the southerly boundary line of Second Street, as said Second Street is shown on the map of the said "Goode Tract"; thence easterly along the last named westerly prolongation on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "South Bakersfield District No. 3", as annexed by an Election held September 28, 1926, the result of which Election was filed October 6, 1926 with the said Secretary of State, to intersect the westerly boundary line of said '~" Street; thence continuing easterly along said westerly prolongation of the southerly boundary line of Second Street, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by the aforesaid Special Election, held March 21, 1939, to the northwest (N. W.) corner of said Lot 12, Block 4, "Goode Tract", and to the point of beginning, containing 5,378 acres of land more or less. Date of filing with Secretary of State: July 27, 1960. (4) That property known as Verde No. 1, described as: 'A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Block "C" of "GREENE'S TRACT" as per map of said "GREENE'S 'TRACT" recorded November 9, 1905, in Book 1 of Maps at page 97, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 6 in said Block "C", a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence (1) southerly along the easterly boundary of. said Lot 6, and along the corporate boundary of said City, as same is defined by Ordinance No. 830 New Series, to intersect a line parallel with, and distant 30 feet southerly as measured perpendicular-to the northerly boundary of said Lot 6; thence (2) westerly along said parallel line, departing from the corporate boundary of said City, to intersect the westerly boundary of said Lot 6; thence (3) northerly along last named westerly boundary to the southeast corner of Lot 4 in said Block "C"; thence (4) westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 4 to intersect the westerly boundary of the East 152 feet of the South half (S. 1/2), of said' Lot 4; thence (5) northerly along last named westerly boundary to intersect the southerly boundary of the North 154 feet of the East 152 feet of the South half (S. 1/2), of said Lot 4; thence (6) east- erly along last named southerly boundary to intersect the westerly boundary of Lot 3 in said Block "C"; thence (7) northerly along last named westerly boundary to intersect the westerly extension of the southerly line of 2nd. Street, as said 2nd Street is shown on the map of the Goode Tract, recorded May 2, 1910, in Book 1 of Maps at page 144, in the office of the said County Recorder,. said last named intersection being a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence (8) easterly along said last named westerly extension and along said corporate boundary as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "South Bakersfield District No. 3" to intersect the westerly 'boundary of the East half (E. 1/2) of said Lot 3; thence (9) southerly along-last named westerly boundary and along the corporate boundary of said City as same is defined by Ordinance No. 1235, New Series, to intersect the southerly boundary of said Lot 3; thence (10) easterly along last named southerly boundary, and along the corporate boundary of said City, as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 1235, New Series, and by Ordinance No. 917, New Series, to the southeast corner of said Lot 3, Block "C" of "Greene's Tract" the point of beginning, containing 2,046 acres of land more or less. Date of filing with SeCretary of State: December 16, 1960. (5) That property known as Talisman No. 1, described as: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Lot 48, in Section 1, Township 30, South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., and as said Lot 48 is shown on the "Kern County Sales Map No. 1' of Lands of J. B. Haggin", filed for record May 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County: Beginning at the southwest (S.W.) corner of said Lot 48, a point on the northerlyboundary of that public road 60 feet in width, as same is shown on above said Map, which road is commonly known as Ming Avenue, said point of beginning also being a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by that Annexation designated as "Benton Park No. 2", as adopted .October 15, 1956, by Ordinance No. 1107, New Series, and which was certified November 19, 1956, by the Secretary of St. ate, State of California; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of 'said Lot 48, on and along said corporate boundary as defined by 'said Ordinance No. 1107,' New Series, to intersect a westerly boundary of that' certain Annexation designated as "Benton Park", distant N. 89° 57' 22"'W., 961.255 feet, more or less, from the.easterly boundary of said Section 1, as measured along the southerly boundary of said Lot 48, and the prolongation thereof; thence continuing easterly' along'the southerly boundary of said Lot 48, on and along the corporate boundary of said City of Bakersfiela, 'and as defined by the above mentioned Annexation designated as "Benton Park", as adopted October 3, 1955, 'by Ordinance No. 1065, New Series, which was certified November 4, 1955, by the said Secretary of State, to intersect .the easterly boundary of the West 60 feet, of the West half (W. 1/2) of the East half (E. 1/2), of the East half (E. 1/2), of the West half (W. I/2), of said Lot 48; thence northerly along last named easterly boundary, departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field, to intersect the northerly boundary of South half (S. 1/2), of the South half (S. 1/2), of said Lot 48; thence westerly along last named northerly boundary to intersect the easterly 'boundary of the West half (W. 1/2), of the East half (E. 1/2), of the West half. (W. 1/2), of said Lot 48;' thence northerly along last named easterly boundary to intersect the northerly 'boundary of said Lot 48; thence westerly along last named northerly boundary to the northwest (N. W.) corner of said Lot 48; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 48 to the southwest (S. W.) corner thereof, and to the point of beginning of this description, containing an area of 7.235 acres of land, more or less. Date of filing with Secretary of State: January 30, 1961. (6) i That property'known as Verde No. 2, described as: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Lot 6, Block "C" of "GREENE'S TRACT", as per map of said "GREENE'S TRACT" recorded November 9, 1905, in Book 1 of Maps at page 97, in the office of the COunty Recorder of said Kern'County: Beginning at a point on the easterly'boundary of said Lot 6, a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined by Ordinance No. 830 New Series, said point of beginning also being the southeast (S. E.) corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Glen T. Gallatin, Jr., and Maxine Callatin, husband and wife, described as "The north 75 feet of the South 485 feet of the East 135..01 feet of Lot 6, Block 'C' of the Greene Tract", as per Grant Deed recordedApril 23, 1956, in Book 2597 at page387, Official Records of said Kern County, (hereinafter referredto as Parcel A); thence (1) westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel A to the southwest (S. W.) corner thereof; thence (2) southerly and parallel with the easterly .boundary of said Lot 6, to intersect "a line distant 365 feet North-of and parallel' to the center-line of Brundage Lane", according to that certain Highway Easement dated April 4, 1951, and recorded April 30, 1951 in Book 1803 at page 189, Official Records of said Kern County; thence (3) westerly along last named parallel line (parallel with the center-line of said Brundage Lane) a distance of 60 feet, to' inter- sect a line distant 195.01 feet West of and parallel to the East boundary of said Lot 6, (as per said Easement dated April 4, 1951); thence' (4) northerly along last named parallel line to the southeast K. Sliger, husband and wife, s e~ o h 80 feet of 'South 640 feet of the West 135.01 feet of Lot 6, Block 'C' of the Greene Tract" as per Grant Deed recorded September 23, 1952, in Book 1985 at page 463, Official Records of said Kern County, (hereinafter referred to as Parcel B) ; thence (5) westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel B to the southwest +(S.W.) corner thereof; thence (6) northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel B, and along the northerly prolongation thereof, to intersect a line parallel with, distant 30 feet southerly from and as measured perpendicular to the northerly boundary of said Lot 6, Block "C" GREENE'S TRACT, a point on the current corporate boundary.of the City of Bakersfield; thence (7) easterly along last named parallel line, on and along said corp- orate boundary as same is defined by Ordinance No. 1332 New Series, to inter, sect the easterly boundary of said Lot 6; thence (8) southerly along last named easterly boundary, on and along the corporate boundary of said City and as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 830 New Series, to the, southeast (S.E.) corner of said Parcel A, the point of beginning, containing 1.427 acres of land, more or less.. Date of filing with Secretary of Slate: May 9, 1961 (7) iT That +property known as Verde No. 3, described as:. A parcel of land situate in the Count. y of Kern, State of CalifOrnia, and being a portion of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D .M: Beginning at the southeast (S.E.) corner of the North 154 'feet of the south half (S.1/2) of Lot 4, Block C of GREENE'S TRACT, as per map of said GREENE'S TRACT recorded November 9, 1905, in Book 1 of Maps at page 97, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, said point of beginning also being a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (1) westerly along the southerly boundary of the said north 154 feet of the south half (S.1/2) of said Lot 4, on and along said corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined by Ordinance No 1332 New Series, to intersect the westerly boundary of [he East 152 feet of the south half (S. 1/2) of said Lot 4; THENCE (2) northerly along last named westerly boundary, departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, to intersect the westerly extension of the southerly line of 2nd Street, as said 2nd Street is shown on the map of the Goode Tract, recorded May 2, 1910, in Book 1 of Maps at page 144, in the office of the said County Recorder, said last named intersection also being a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (3) easterly along said last named.westerly extension, and along said corporate boundary as same is defined by that certain.annexation designated as "South Bakersfield District No. 3" to intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot 4; THENCE (4) southerly along last named easterly boundary, and along the 'corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 1332 New' Series, to the southeast (S.E.) corner of the North 154' feet of the south half (S. 1/2) of said Lot 4, the point of be- ginning, containing 0.460 acres of land, more or 'less. Date of filing with Secretary of State: June 8, 1961. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED' by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield: I. The Honorable Allan Cranston, Controller of the State of California, is hereby requested to credit the City of Bakersfield for its apportioned share of motor vehicle license fees resulting from the annexation of the territory described in Paragraph Two of this resolution to the City of Bakersfield, said credit to become effective for the period from June 1, 1961 to December 1, 1961. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10th day of July, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: BALFANZ,~, C;C,:~,; DOOLIN, MARCHBAN~S, MOSSMAN, STIERN NOES: ABSTAINING~ ~'~___,/---' C t C k Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield· f.~~R~~ .' ,i~~day of July, 1961· C RT~D R 8f the City of Bakersfield.