HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 56-61RESOLUTION NO. 56-61 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REQUESTING THAT' HIGHWAY 466 BETWEEN BARSTOWAND BAKERS-· FIELD BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM. WHEREAS, that portion of Highway 466 connecting the City of Barstow with the City of Bakersfield has experienced a tremendous in- crease in the volume of traffic using said .highway,· and WHEREAS, under the normal State Highway'Construction Program it is estimated that completion of a freeway between Barstow and Bakersfield would require a period'of from'five to twelve'years,. and WHEREAS, if the proposed freeway were included within the Interstate Highway. System the Project would be completed in considerably less time, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that of the over 11,000 vehicles which travel daily on U. S. Highway 66 at Barstow, that 2,000 of these '·" vehicles could use the cut-off between ·Barstow and Bakersfield, saving approximately 150 miles, over three hours. time, considerable mountain travel, thus avoiding the traffic congestion in the Los Angeles. area, and WHEREAS, Highway 466 ~inks Eastern Kern County with the City of Bakersfield, the early c6mpletion of the pro'posed Freeway would result in a substantial economic benefit to the City of'Bakersfi'eld,'and WHEREAS, in the event of a national disaster the proposed freeway would be of value to the armed forces, and to' the civilian population from the Greater Bakersfield.area.who might evacuate to the Tehachapi area in search of shelter from atomic fall-out, and 'WHEREAS, the location of the proposed freeway has already been app~ove d,__~¢~p~dera~ le en~e~g~ ~.e~_.~n~_,...sp~_=?_~_ t~ property acquired and a portion of the freeway already constructed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield that the Council extends its full support to the proposal that Highway 466 between Bars tow and Bakersfield be included within the Interstate 'Highway System. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting .thereof held on the 5th day of June, 1961, by the following vote: ::EE;: ~ ,~.' , OL ' , . .':S, MARCHBANKS, MOgSMAN, STERN F: Z_,:./51i, jS CP.O DOOLIN, "" ' ABSI'AININ(~: _- ' 'M~YOR of ~he qity of Bakersfield. ci ',;,~,& ~:~-of-ficio Clerk of Council of 'the City of Bakersfield. the