HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 47-61RESOLUTION NO..47-61 RESOLUTION OP AWARD OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKBRSPIELD, CALIPORNIA, AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE DOING OP THE WORK IN THE MATTER OF '!PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. ?59" IN SAID CITY, PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION OF INTENTION ADOPTED BY SAID COUNCIL ONI'THB 14TH DAY OF PEBRUARY, 1961. WHBREtS, the City Council of the Cityof Bakersfield, did in open s~ssion on the 10th day of April,,1961, publicly open, examine and dectare all ,sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City, to wit: The construction of"sidewalks on Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 1 ,to 12,.inclusiVe, · . Block 3, Palm. Tract, City of Bakersfield, California. The construction of sidewalks on Lots 1, and 14 / "~ to 21, inclusive, Block 6; Lots 4 to 7, inclusive, Block 10; Lots 3 to 6, inclusive, Block 11; / Tract 1099, City of Bakersfield, California. The construction of sidewalks on Lot 1, Block 12; Lots 1 to: 12, inclusive, Block 13; Lots 11 t:o 20, inclusive, Block 15; Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 16;.Lots 1 to' 7, inclusive, Block 17; Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 18; Tract 1285, City of Bakersfield, California. · - The construction oflsidewalks on Lots 1 to 23,. .. 'inclusive, Lots 25."~o'44, inclusive, Tract 1527 '.. City of Bakersfield, California. . 'The .construction of-sidewalks on Lots 1 to 8, -. ,. inclusive,,N..:l/2 of'Lots 9 and 10, Frampton -.. AcreS, City.of Bakersfield,'California, "~' .Wtt~BAS, allof'said bids having~been duly considered by said City Coun~il, and it appearing to the said City Council,· and said City Council hereby finds that the lowest regular responsible bidder for the.doing'.of'said work is Joe C. Brown ; · ~': :NOW~ THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Of Bakersfield, "~at'said City Council does hereby re3ectall of said proposah7or bids except the next herein mentioned and does hereby · award the-contract for the doing of said work and said improvement to the lowest regular responsible .bidderby. tO ~wi..t: Joe C. ~rown , at the prices named-in said bidder's proposal or .bid.. .. . That the City Clerk of the City of ·Bakersfield iS hereby directed to-publish notice of award of contract twice in the 'Bakers- field Californian~ a daily newspaper, printed, published and of general' circulation in the.'City of Bakersfiela, California, hereby designated for that purpose, all in the manner and form provided by law, .o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that:the foregoing Resolution was passed and 'adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting. thereof, held on the 24th day of 'April, 1961~ by the following vote: City~lerk and Ex-Officio Clerk.of the Council of the City of Bakersfield- '.' .. . f the City of Bakers ield. '.. '·-" '