HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 29-61RESOLUTION NO, 29-61 RESOLIITION SUPPORTING THE POSITION OF THE ATCHISON=, TOPEKA AND SENTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND THE~ACQUISITION OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. .. WHEREAS, the application of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RailWay Company ..~or authority under Section 5 (2).of the Interstate Commerce ACt~ to acquire control of the Western Pacific Railroad Company by purchase and exchange of its capital stock, Finance Docket No. 21334 was filed'with the Interstate Commerce Commission on October 25, 1960; WHEREAS~, the application of the Southern Pacific Company for authority under Section 5 (2) of the Interstate Commerce Act to acquire control of' the Western Pacific Railroad Company by purchase of its capital stock, Finance Docket No. 21314, was filed with the Interstate Commerce Commissionon OCtober 12, 1960; WHEREAS, the application of the Atchison, Topeka and-Sania Fe Railway Company states that control ,by it,will.(i) aifirmatively contribute to adequate transportationservice by assuring continuation of aggressive competition in'the +dynamically eXpanding'area immediately affected and (2) by preserving and fSstering established gateways and routes via which the increased traffic+demands of the area may be met in the future~ WHEREAS, the economic interest and.the public welfare of the. City of Bakersfield are related to the preservation of Competitive railroad service in California and the far West, and the preservation and the. further use of competitive rail routes, gateways and facilities to and from California, the Pacific Northwest, the East and the South~ and ' WHEREAS, the existence.of pro'gressive and competitive rail- road service through California and :the far West'has enabled this City to ~dvance its industrial~ commuters.1 and agricultura! growth; a~d WHEREAS, the Continuation of Competitive railroad services · throughout Calilornia and t~e far West will continue tO assist and contribute to the future expansion'and development of this City and its surroundi~ area~ · - ' NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT.RESOLVED bythe City of Bakersfield~ County of Kern, State of California, that the Interstate Commerce Commission should, in examining. and deciding'the issues involved in the above.mentioned Application; give proper consideration to the necessi{yof preserving competitive railroad serVice throughout California.· 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that the City Attorneyof this City be. and he is hereby authorized and directed to Sign, verify and file on behalf of this City a Petition for leave tO.intervene in said proceedings before the Interstate Commerce :Commission and to take a'll reasonable steps in this matter in furtherance of the · interests of this City toward the preservation and maintaining of competitive railroad service thrOughout. California. o0o: . ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing· Resolution'was passed and adopted' by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meetingsthereof heldon the 20th day of March,'196i, 'by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Balfanz, Carnakis, Collins;, Croes, Doolin, Stiern Noes: None Absent: Bentley the City of BakerS field.