HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 19-61RESOLUTION '0F THE COUNCIL 0F-THE CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA., DECLARING THE RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON FEBRU- ARY 28, 1961.' .' The Council of the City of Bakersfield, California,' DOES HERE~ RESOLVE, 'DETERMINE AND ORDER As follows: · 1. That pursuant to0rdinance No. 1342, New Series, a special· election was duly called and regularly held in"Said. city'on '.the 28th day of February,1 1961, at which election there was sub- mitted to' the. qualified registered electors of said city :the follow- (ing pr~position:. ~' " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.'I'MUNICIPAL 'AUDITORIUM ADDITIONS BONDS: Shall .the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded. indebtedness in ~the principal sum of $850,000 for the purpose of the. acquisition and construction bY said city of a certain municipalimprovement, to wit: additions to~the municipal auditorium and public assembly building including an ice rink refrigeration system, an ice rink floor·system, a pit hoist, carpeting, fixed seating,.kitchen'equipment and kitchenettes,'stage draperies and a'C0unterweight system, stage 'dimmers and control panels including portable lighting, sound equipment, ceramic tile wainscots, exterior painting,' aspbaltic tile flooring,~ acoustical.tile on plaster, .· communication equipment over the arena,'together~ with 'paving' of .parking areas, o~namental shrubbery and curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and including all furniture, furnishings, apparatus, equipment and other property necessary therefor? That said~special election was duly consolidated with the iCity nominating election held on said date. 2. That the returns of said special election 'have been duly and regularly canvassedby this COuncil as providedby law, and all absentee ballotsreceived~have been counted and canvassed 3- That the votes cast in the precincts established for said special eleCtion upon said.proposition,and for and against proposition, the'absentee votes cast upon said proposition andfor and against said proposition, and the tqtal votes cast at said special election 'for and against said proposition and upon said proposition are as follows: CONSOLIDATED VOTING pRECINgT i BOND PROPOSITION Ye_~A Nq.. Total ll9 32 151 2 131 35 3 163 2~9 ~o~ 174 249 73 25 4O 31 21 39 36 188 299 236 . 175 278 109 lO 126 .19 145 11 '12 13 14 46 ill 24 13. 7o 134 7l 165 15 137 35 172 16 ·' 166 33 199· 17 ll9 28 147 18 19 159 2o :272 55 74 179. 327 21 22 111 lo9 36 147 · 24 133 23 2~ 93 19 ll2 84' ........ 156 34 190 '26 218 32 250 ..: CONSOLIDATED VOTING PRECINCT 27 28 29 3o 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 4o 42 45 46 47 4s 5o 53 ,BOND PROPOSITION Yejs 230 249 13o 187 195 292 129+~ lO1 155 178 120 138 80 18o · N,o 42 58 3o 4e 45 63 32 33~ 51 19 4~ Total 298 207 151 2371 35o 2OO 209 176 153 189 92 139 14~ 173 lo4 " 132 226 162 .............~-35 ..........19-7 ....' ....n,,= 184 63 247. 187 63 250 CONSOLIDATED VOTING_ PRECINCT 55 57 59~ 6O 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7o BOND PROPOSITION1 · Yes 138 mo5 137 87 '49) 77) 1~) 139} ll3 119 112 141 13~ 83 :, 39 "26 36 31 14 21 5} ~3). 6} 34} 17 38 13 5~ 20 16 38 TOtal 177 m3l 173 139 m28 lo8 54} 10o) 17} 173) m3o m57 i98 132 157 m74 TOTALS Absentee 'votes GRAND TOTALS lo, 127 2,428 3e -4 lo,165 2,432 12,5,55 12,597 4. That the votes of more than two-thirds of all the.voters voting at said special election upon said proposition were cast in favor of the adoption of said proposition, and said proposition is hereby declared to be carried, and this COuncil is authorized to issue -as-~rovided~"by law- b6h'ds' for; the purposes '~'st~t'ed~in *sai'd'~tond proposition. 5. That the City'Clerk of said City iS hereby directed to enter this resolution in full in-the minuteS"0f ~this Council. · I HEREBY'CERTIFY that the foregoing ResolutiOn was passed and adopted by the CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield, at anadjourned meeting thereof held on the 6th day.Of March, 1961, by the following vote: " ,~,YES: BALFA,".~Z, I~, CARNAl(IS, GGLLII'3S, 'GROE$, the STATE OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP KERN ) ss. CITY OP BAKERS~IELD ) I, MARIAN S. IRVIN, City Clerk of the Ci.ty of Bakersfield, 'California, DO HEREBY CBRTIPY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Council of said city and was approved by the Mayor of said city at an. adjourned meeting of said Council. held on the 6th day of March, 1961, and that it was so 'adopted as follows: AYES Councilmen Balfanz,.Carnakis, Coilins, Croes NOES: Councilmen ABSENT: Councilmen ,None Bentley, Dooiin, Stiern CITY CDBRK of the City .of Bakersfield, California STATBMBNT OP CITY'CLBRK- I, MARIAN S. IRVIN, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California, DO HBRBBY CBRTIPYthat the above and foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct statement of the facts of the canvass of the special elections held in said'city on the 28th day of February, 1961, and of the result's thereof as declared'by the Council thereof, and said resolution as entered in full on the minutes of said Council is hereby'adopted by me as my.statement of the canvass of the returns of said special elections and the results thereof. Dated: March 7, 1961. CITY of the City of Bakersfield, California.