HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-61RESOLUTION NO. ,_].~-61 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF CANVASS 'OF RETURNS OF NOMINATING MUNICIPAL.ELECTION AND OP ELECTION HELD IN THE BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL D ISTR ICT. WHEREAS, a nominating municipal election in the City of Bakers- ]Yield for the purpose of electing councilmen in the. First, Third, Fourth,and Seventh Wards and an election in the Bakersfield City School District for the election of two members of the Board of ]Sducation in said Bakersfield City SchoOl District,. was duly held on ~khe 28th day of February, 1961, and WHEREAS, after notice duly given aS required by law said elec- tion was duly held and conducted on the aforesaid date, and the returns of said election have been canvassed by this Council. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with'Section 9919 of. the JBlections Code of the State of California, this Council'does hereby 7. resolve, determine and declare the results of said. municipal election to-be as follows: Cons. Total Prec. Prec~, In Votes No. Cons. Prec. Cast 1 1 and 2 152 2. 3 and 4 -. 167 3 11 and 12 198 4 13 and 14 314 5 87B, 88 & 90 299 6 89 207 7 91 and 93 259 8' 92 and.109 358 TOTALS 1954 ABSENTEE VOTES: WARD NO. 1 COUNCILMAN COLLINS MARTINEZ OTHER 76 75 54 112 80 117 149 165 277 20. 194 13 238 17 286 .. 61 1354 580 1 2 3 4 BELLINGER MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION BROCK BURR I S TATE OTHER 92 61 46' 74 101 57 51 82 123 57 46... 90 186 115 .75 130 Cons Prec No. 5 6 7 8 TOTALS ABSENTf:,E VOTES: BELLINGER 149 109 106 179 1045 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION (Con'd) BROCK 118 70 87 104 669 BURR I S TATE 63 45 57 94 477 80 67 71 '92 686 OTHER WARD NO. 2 Cons. Total Prec. Prec. In Votes No. Cons. Prec. Cast BELLINGER MEMBER OP, BOARD OF EDUCATION BROCK BURRIS TATE 9 5 and 10 110. 10 6 and 7 145 11 8 and 9 73 12 16 and.19 135 13 17 and 18 72 14 20 and 21 164 15 22 and 23 173 16 25 and 108 200 17 107 148 TOTALS; '1220 ABSENTt~ VOTES;: 3 1223 62 84 39 88 46 99 117 133 87 "755 44 65 30 '52 20 '63' 81 '87 58 ~bO' 34 32' 29 30 13 38 32 35 43 .286 50 90 29 85 43 94 98 112 88 .'.689 Cons. Prec.-In Total Prec. Cons.· Prec. Votes No. Cast WARD NO. 3 CARNAKIS COUNCILMAN MARCHBANKS' 18 15, 32 & 64 179 19 24 and 106 329 20 26.and 28 227 21 27 and 29 152 22 30 and 31 133 23 43 and 46 118 24 65' and 66 108 25 94 and 98 .192 26 95 and 96 251 27 97 and 101' 301 28 99 and 100 208 29 102 278 30 103 and 104 311 31 105 153 :-32 ........12~:(Group-1) 240 33 127 (Group 2) 238 34 128 354 TOTALS 3772 ABSENTEE '13' vc Es: 3785 119 125 127 91 88 59 69 54 66' 94 58 85" 88 32 58 203 99'. 60 40 55 36 '138 183 206 150 191 ' 220 · 119 ......... 70 ..........................-:1:6'5'''= 76 161 ' 91 1392 1399 · 261 2.345 2351 OTHER 3 3 OTHER Cons . Prec. No. Prec. In Cons. Prec. .18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 15, 32 & 64 24 & 106 26 & 28. 27 & 29 30 & 31 43 & 46 65 & 66 94 & 98 95 & 96. 97 a 101 99 & 100 102 103 & 104 105 127 (Group 1) 127 (Group 2). 128 TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES :' Total Votes WARD NO. 3 (Con'd) , MEMBER OP BOARD OF EDUCATION BBLLINGER BROCK BURRIS TATE OTHER 103 79 218 152 133 68 92 58 73 61 68 57 69 43 120 87 150 109 · 165 154 131 90 179 134 220 105 95 59 147 102 153 104 226 149 40 68 77 43 27 27 19 48 55 89 58 41 77 34 54 44 71 84 181 105 74 53 54 50 92 124 142 98 153 176 90 125 143 198 2342 1611 872 1942 1 1 Cons . Prec. No. 35 36 37 38 39 40i 41 42/ / TOTALS ~3SENT~.E / VOTBS: IOnS . 35 36 Prec. In Cons. 'Prec. 33 36 & 38 37 39 40 & 50 41. & .44 42 & 45 48 & 49 51 & 52 Total Votes Cast WARD NO. 4 · COUNCILMAN DAVIS 160 24 125 16 194 18 206 24 244 54 210 13 180 14 154 46 192 27 1665 236 13 1 1678 ~ DOLAN 59 31 62 74 68 100 86 44 75 599 6 MOSSMAN, 75 75 113 101 116 97 75 61 86 799 MEMBER OF BOARD OP EDUCATION BBLLINGER 'BROCK BURRIS TATE 90 ~ 91' . 41 .58 56 72 - 26 52 OTHER 38 39 40 42 43 TOTALS ABSENTiEE VOTZBS: 107 131 94 173 104 142 118 89 101 83 112 98 899 1001 21 '49 27' 31 20. 43 289 84 88', 83 63 89 677. OTHER Cons. Prec. No. Pr ec. In Cons. Prec. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Total Votes Cast WARD NO. 5' MEMBER' OP BOARD OP EDUCATION BELLINGP/~ BROCK BURR IS TATE OTHER 47 & 56 93 61 30 53 & 54 140 82 73. 55 & 62 141 86 61 57 & 58 173 105 86 59 105 61 44 60 & 61 152 96 75 76 & 77 132 88 55 78 & 79 227 129 117 1163 1171 TOTALS ABSENTY. E VOTES: 708 541 15 52 31 70 32 71 40 96 38 48 42 75 31 79 54 117 283 608 CoBs. Prec. No. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 / 61 62 Total Prec. In Votes Cons. Prec. Cast 80 & 115 199 81, 113 & 114 248 82 & 112 251 83 & 86 178 87& 120 131 110 & 111 174 · 118 & 119 140 121 & 123 128 122 108 124 .55) ~" 100) 125 & 126 17) 173) TOTALS ABSENTEE VOTES: 1902 2 1904 WARD NO. 6 BELLINGER MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION BROCK BURR IS TATE OTHER 115 130 170 106 81 112 93 64 66 28 117 114 106 81 53' 77 51 65 43 51 91 47 46 31 41 45 43 30 17 15 82 128 151 99 68 102 73 60, 64 32 .107 1072 75 .799 47 91 95O WARD NO. 7 Cons." Prec. No. To t a 1 COUNC I LMAN Prec. In Votes Cons..Prec. Cast CROES OTHER 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 34 & 63 132 104 35 & 71 160 130 67 & 68 121 100 69 & 70 --- 199 ?~:~<'F:3' ..... 13~:' 107 74 & 75 159 '-127 84 & 85 176 152 116 & 117 122 90 TOTALS 1205 961 ABSENTEE 5 : '3 voTES: ielo 4. WARD NO. 7 (Con'd) CoBs. Prec. No. MEMBER OF BOARD OP EDUCATION. BELLINGER BROCK BURRIS TATE OTHER 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 75 80 81 107 73 93 85 63 TOTALS 657 ABSP, NTBE VOTES: TOTAL VOTES CAST INSIDE CITY: 54 33 68 50 40 32 89 55'. 42 34 64 36 68 57 53 40 63 75 61 90 12,925 70 59 83 56 478 337 557 2 5 2 Out. Total Prec. Votes. No. Cast OUTLYING PRECINCTS MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION BE LL I NGER BROCK BURR I S TATE OTHER 2 3 4 5 6 Absentee TOTALS 245 147 112 345 192 146 302 183 103 574 309 312 517 314 215 174 104 64 21~'.~ 1249 952 ABSENTEE,(ALL) VOTES: 50 29 GR/ND TOTALS .82 ,86 118 138 · 126 90 100 187 132 270 298 62 : 640 1049 26 5 6577 3676 1 2 3 25 '7183 8756 25 BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the following persons are hereby declared.to be elected to the office of City'Councilmen for a full , term of four.years', as follows: HENRY H. COLLINS - FIRST WARD BRUCE L. MARCHBANKS -'.THIRD WARD K_BN CROES - SEVENTH.WARD and that the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to School District, for a full term of four.year~: , VIRGINIA C. BELLINGER' W. P. TATE " ..... o0o ..... 5. I HEREBY CERTIFY that,the foregoing Resolution' was-passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield .at.an adjourned meeting thereof held on the 6th day of March, 1961, by the following VO t e: APPROVED '~ 's' 6th day, of March, 1961. MAY , he City of are sfield. Cit and Ex'iQ~'i~icio Clerl(' of the Council of the CLty ~'iBakersfi'eld.