HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 55-69 RESOLUTION NO. 55-69 RESOLUTION ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "STOCKDALE NO. 3" TO THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 21st day of April, 1969, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 40-69, to include certain property designated as "Stockdale No. 3", within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and did set the time and place for hearing objections to the inclusion of said territory within said District; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published once a week for two weeks, the first publication thereof being at least twenty days prior to the date of the hearing as provided by law; and WHEREAS, Monday, the 2nd day of June, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., was set as the time for hearing objections to the inclusion of said territory within said District; and WHEREAS, no objection has been filed or presented to said Council to the inclusion of said territory or any part thereof within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and the Council further finds that all of said'territory will be benefited by its inclusion within said District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND THE COUNCIL DOES HEREBY FIND: That no objection to the inclusion of said territory or a~y part thereof within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, has been filed or presented to this Council. That said territory-and every part thereof be, and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the said Greater Bakers- field Separation of Grade District upon completion of annexation of said territory'to the City of Bakersfield, which territory is described in Exhibit "A" attached to this resolution and made a part hereof the same as if fully set forth herein. - - - o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of June, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN ~, H:"ISEY, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCI~EN: m CITY CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 2nd day of June, 1969 APPROVED: .De~crip. tion of a parcel of land to be arlr~e>'.ed '1-o t-he Apart:el of land si-lua'[-c i.n 'ihe Cc>un'ly of Kerry, S'l'a-i'e Of California, and beir.~g p per'l-ion of See'l-ions. 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14 and .l'5,.'rov.,nship Range 27 [Zas'lj,. M.D.B. & H:.; and Sec-l'ions 34 ~nd 35, Termship 29 27 Eas'l-,LI4.[]'.[~. & I,~. ancl more particularly described as fol lov.,s~ Beg inn i.ng al' 'l't~e Nor'H~eas'[- come r of sa i d Sec'l-i on 10, sa i d l,~qUH~eas'l' corner also beinB~ a poin-l' or, 'l-he Corpora-io Boundary of 'l'he Ci-ly of l}a~kersfield as.. clef ined by Ordinance No. 1500, Nevl Series; : '[l~;nc:e (1)Wes-l'erly, Northerly anti Eastc;rly.along courses 12, 13 arid 14 " l'l~e !as'l' n~-~rned Corporate [bundary -['o in'l-ersect 'l-he Wes'l' l i ne of said Section 2, bei.n9 also -I-he West boundary line of 'frac'l' No. 1760, as said ~-rac-l- is shovm on a map recordeel AuBus'l' 26, 1954,. in Book 8 of Maps . · ~age 155, ReCords of sai.d Kern County; ... : '- ]'hence (2) Nor'l-her ly, depar'I'i ng from said Oorpol:a'l'e Boundary, a long 'l-he West ~.ine of said Sect'icon 2 to the Nor'l'hvtes-i' corner of Lot ~1, Trac'l' No. 1645, as said 'l'rac-l' is shovm on a map recorded December 18, 1952 in Book 8 of Maps, pacje 38, Records of said Kern County; -.!'hC. nce (3) as per said Tract NO: 1645 alqng 'lhe fol Io,...~ing 5- coursesi S 89021 '55"E, 31 .C)8 ~ee'['; .- ~hence (4) N I5°02'45"E, 125,74 fee. t; . ~henco (5) N 32°147'45"E, 346.07 fee'l';. .-. 'Yhence.(6). N 71°38'25"E, 119,30. fee~-; -. 'Yhence (7) N 47602'25"E, 127.25 feet; ~'o a poin-l-on the Sou'lhvlest corner of' ~rac'l' No. 1610, as said tract is shovm on a map .recorded April 3, 1952 .in bok 8 of Maps, Page. 1, Records of said Kern County; ~ · ]'h~nce (8) as per said tract No. 1610 along '[l'~e foliovii.rig four courses 'N 22°~0'25"E .160.54 feet; " ~hence ~9) N 12°54'48"E., '249.34 ·feet; ]hence i10) N 50°18'50nE, 273.50 fee'l'; '.'[h~nce (11) N 89°56'00E, along the North line of 'Lo-t's 1 thrqugh 4, said -l:ract' · No. 1610 and.the Easterly prolqnga'l'ion fi~ereof to intersect the Wes-l' r. ight of ~tay line of McDonal.d' ','lay, as said McDonald Way is sho~:m On t-he map of . .. ]'hence ·(12) Nor-lherly a lo. ng~-lhe last narned We~t right 'of ~.zay line and -lh~ -:'..., '. '-.', -Nor-lherly prolongation'-lhereof to in'l'ersec-l' the Nor1'h line of the Sou'~'h 85 foe'l' of said Section 35, said intersoc-l'ion being also 'lhe Nort'h right of.~zay !iHd of CoHnly Road No. 2341 (S'[-ockdale Highway); .- -. 'Yhen'ce. (13) Wes'~erl'y. alonB 1'he las-l' named North line ~o ird-ersect-l:he' Westerly boundary of Trac'i No. ~75i, as said 'l'ract is sho,..m on a map record&d April 12, 1955 in Book 9 of Maps, page 63, Records of said Kern County, said i n-'~ r~ - c-' ior~ be i nga poi nt on -lhe Corporate E~oundary of -l'i~e [:i 'l'~z of Bqkersf ie Id as clef 'ned ~ by Ordinance No. 1748, Ne'..z Series; -. ~-: 'l'hence ( 14 ) '.';ester l y, Sc~u-l'l-P.r ly, ','tes'l er l y, Hor'l'hv,,es'l-c;r ly, l'!or-l'her l y, ','tLes-l'c-,.r l y and .l. Ior-lhcr ly a lon~ 'lhe. las1' r, arned Cort~ora-l'e [.',ourldary :I-o i n'l-erscc'l' 'lhe l,,'or-l'h rigM' of ~..,a;, line of Courrl'y Road Re. 254i (S'loc!',Uale Higln.:ay) irl said Sec'l'i on :54; EXHIBIT "A" -:[hc;nce (115.) W.astLr!y a lo. ng the last ~a. msd [.!dr't'h ri .cl[~'l' of way I i f~c 1'o i rri'ersect 'lhe l','orl-herly prolor~ga'l'icir~ of Ea~s-l' righi-of way line ,of Cllerr'y Ili I1~-; Drive, as Said Cherry tli lls Drive is sho,,.:n on a. map of Trac'l' l,'o. 2550, rec:c,r'ded Augus'l" 10, 1961 in Book 12 of Maps, .Rages 49 'l'l-,rcggh 53, Records of said Kern Coun'l'y; ;" ' ,'.','.:;-;. '.'" · ... 'l'r~er~co ( 16 ) Sourher l y a long 'lhe I as'l' named l;'rO lor~ga-l'i on a ncl Eas;-l-' r.~.gh:l- .'of "~.?ay.:_'.-.-.~.:'. line 'I'o 'l'he Nor'l'hwes'l: corner of Lo'l- 87 said Trac:l' No 2560; :V '~- -" ;~¢" f' ~ · ..~ .--.'~ .: ?.. '- "'i '~' 1'hence (17) Eas1-erly al~n~ 'l'he Nor'h'~erly K~74::.72~ line of sajd.Lo't' 87 t'o '[he '.~-. , Nor'H~eas'l' corner 'tt'~ercof; 'l'l'{enc:6 ( 18 ) Sou-Hleas'i'er I y a I c,~ng 'l-ha Nc}r-i'heas'I-er ly [..:~5.i ! i Re of Lo-I'S '87 'H~r~ugh 71, said Trac'l' No. 2560 'l'o the Sou'l-i:~aas-l-corner of said Lo'l- ~hence (19) as per map of said 'rrac'l' 14o. 2~60, N '13°19'48'~E~ along 'l-he Nor'l'hwesterly ~:":7=~1~;~.~2~:~,~] .line of Lo-l's 69'& 68, said Tract Re. 2500, :. '[hence (20) S 46°40'46"E, 89.96 feet; "[l~ence' (21) 'S i'6°40' 12"E, i35.29 fee-l-; .!'henc~ (22)'S 12°5'1'53"W, 91.00 fee'l-; ' ' .... "thence (23) S 73°19'48"%']', 116.00 fee'l-, t:o 'l'he Nor'H~e;3s-l' corner of Lot 63,' said '[rac'l' No. 2560; 'i'hence (24) Sou-l'heas'l'er ly a l o. ng t-he Nor'H~eas-l'er l y [:~72=,7-~.7.5~ I i ne of Lo-l's 63 'l'hro. ugh 47, said '[ract' No, 2560, 'l-o'the Sou-l'heas-l' corner of said Lot said Sou-l'heast corner bei.ng a poin-l- on i-he Nor-I'h r. ighl' of way l iBe of said Cherry- Hills Drive; ]hence (25) Eas'l-erly al~ng i'he l-as-t' named Nor'l'h. r. igh't-of.way line and t'he Nor-l'h line of Lo-l' 46, said Trac'l' No. 2560, i-o t'he Nor1'heas't- corner of ',: said Lot 46~ ]hence (26) iqori-herly along i-he ~',/esi'erly [77.~ZT;z%~p !i'ne.'of t_oi-s 32 l'hrqugh 22, said Tract No. 2560, to -l'he Nort'hwes'l- corner of said Lo-l' 22; ]h~nce (~7) Eas'terly al6.n9-l-he Nor:l'herly ~:?~52%~1 line of said Lot 22, 85.01 feet t'o -lhe b.egir~ni.ng of a ta.ngent' curve; .-. . ~henCe (28) Sou-l-hoas'l'erly ~'Idng said curve, concave 'l'b -lhe Sou-ihwest. wi-l-h a .radius df ~5 feet. lhrqugh an angle of 90°00'06'' an arc dis-l-ance of .-.~. --23.56 feet, t-o.a'point of 'l'angency on the West Eigh'l' of way line of New '.' '-'. Seine Road, as said 'NeW S'l-ine Road i's shovzn bn a map of said trac-l- No. ~heQce(29) Sou-lherly along -l-he last named ~'lest rigM' 'Of way line, bei.ncJ al~o alRng ~'t,~ Eas-l' ¢.~.727:'2:::C~ line of Lots 26 thrdugh 39, said Tract No. 2560. t'o t-he b.eginning.'of a -langent curve, said beginning of curve being 57 feel' South of ~he Rorl-heas'l' dorner of Said Lot 39 as measured alqng 'l-he Eas-l' :. ]hence (30) Sou'l-hwes1'erly along said curve, concave to t't~e Nor'lhvL'cst-, with a radius of 20feet -i-hrough an angle of.90°O0' an arc dis'l'ance of feet t-o a point of ta.nger, cy on -l'he Norti~ right of way of Sundale Avenue, as said'Sui~d~le Avenue is shown ori a map of said Trac'l-14o. 2560; .' 1hence (3~) l,! 89°28'24"Vl, 350. O0 fec:1 a long 1'he I as'l' named l'.Ior'[-[~ fi gh'[' of way · line 'l-o 'l'he Sou'lI,wes-l-c:ornor of Lot' 269 of said 'l'rac'l 1~o. 2560, said Sou'Hv- ~.:es-l' c:c~rnc-:r bei r,g also 'Lhe bogi nr, i ng of a"langent curvo; .. of said Tract i'.b. 2560; 'l'hc:rK:e' (33) S 4°{6 ' 50"E ale. rig said l'.!or--l'hc:r'ly pIX, l.or, ga'l'ic~r~ .and said East lines 'i'o 'l'he Southeas'l' con~er of sai d Lo'l~ 284; :- .... . .. ..: . t~rolO. nga'l'ior~ 'lher'eof dffd alo. r~g the Sou'lh line of Lo'l' 283.; sal'd'.Trac:'l: No: ...Th~:nce (3.5) N 4°16'50"','t, along -lhe Wes'L line of said l..o'I' 2-q3 al,d Nor-lherly pro-- :. Lot 282~ said 'rract No. 2~60, said 1,'.!os'l' line ar, d ktor-I'her'ly prolOrLqa-l-ior| .being · .: also a line fSaral lel and ~0 fee'l-East of as mc:asured at right a.nglc:s 'I-o 'H~e cen'l'erl ir, e of F'ebble Bc;ach Drive, said sou'H~ line and ~.'.!c;s'l'c;rl¥ prolor, ga'l'ior,. ..,: bei.r~g also a 'lithe petal lel ancl 30 feet nor-Hi of as measured a'l-'r. lgh'l- a.ng les · . 'i'o 'H-~e cen'l-erl {he of Indian ~.'!el Is Drive, said Pebble Beach Drive and Indian · t,'el Is Drive being as shov:rl on a map of said Trac-l' No. '2.560; Thence (36) S 8.5°zi;S'10"W, 7.5.00 feet '1-o a'poin'l-or~ 'Lhe South line of Lo-I-9, Trac-l' ~o. 2624, as saicl I'rac'l-No. 2624 is sho\.m oi':~ a map recorded F,.arch 16, 1962 in Book 12 of t~aps, Page 1_56, Records of said Kern Court-l-y, said point being also a l~oin-lT.of rev. erse curve whose radial can-l-at bears S o :,0 feet; ?rhence (37). Socrl'hwes-l'c,r ly a long said curve, concave -I-o Sou'l'hc;as-t:, ~.:l'l'h radius of 250 fee-l' 'l'brough an angle of 26°18'51J' an arc.dis-l'ance of :;1 1~.817 feet-1o a poi.n-l' of rev. erse curve fi-om v:hich poin-l' 'the'radial 'C;3r,'t'c:r: bears N 30°35t41"t'/. 190 .feet; .Trhence (38) Sou'lh;,zes-l'erly along said curve, conEave 'I'o tt',e Nor-H-,;.:es-l', v/i'l'h a " radius of 190 feet 'l'hro. ugh. an a.ngle of 6°1'/~39'' an arc dis'l-ance of 20.872 · fee't'l-o a poln'l' on 'l-he ','lest bodnclary line of said 'rrac'l-No. 2624; .' Thence (41) N 47°33~43"I'I~. 14.56 fee-r; .-. Tl~ence (42) S 89°09'24"W, 4ZS4.'/7 fe~'['; "'Thence (43)'.S 44°09'24"Wj' .1'4.14 feet; Thence' (39) N 4°.16'50T'V/along the las:l' narnad ~'.!es-L boundary line ant! alqng 'l-he I'!es'l' tiOUndary line 'of Trac-t-No. 2622, as said Trac-l-No. 2622 is sho'..zn on a map re~ordc~d March ·16, 1962 in Book 12 of l..4aps, Rage 152, Recorcl~ of said Kern COun'l'y; -I'o ¢he Nor-H~wes-I- corner of' s~id Trac-l' No. 2622, said '- NorChwes'I- corner 'be i.ng a I so a point on the Sou-lh boundary line of '[rac-l' .No. 2623,' as said -l'rac-l' is shov;n on a map recorded 1,~arch 16, 1962 in Book -.. 12 of Maps, Rage 154, Records of said Kern Coun-l'~;~ ~hence (40) as per map of said Tract No. 2623, alqng 'lh6 fol lowi.ng 8 c:ourses: N 4°16'50"W, 8.13 fee'l-; " :..:.-.....-:.. .-~ .]hbncq (44) S'0°50'36"E, 26~.5~ 'fee't, ~-o. in-l-ersec-I' ¢h6 Nor-lh right of w.ay line of Sunny Palms Avenue, as said avenue is shovm on 'thd map of said Trac-l' No..262~; prolonga'tion -l'hereof 170..00 feet, ~'o in-l-ersec-l' the ~es-I= righ't-of way line ........ -' of ThurK~erbi rd S-l'ree-l', as said s'l'ree-F is -sho\.zn-on--l=he--rnap of---s.a-i=d-T~:ac-l' No. 2623; Thence (46) l,l C1°50'36"W, a long 'l'hc~ .las-l' nar:~ed ~']as'l' righ-l' of- way I i ne~ 367. fee'I', t'o 'lhe beg inn inq of a '1 anger,-l' curve; - 'rl,ence '(47) Hor-l'l'~v:es'l'erly a lo. rLq said curve, concave: 'to 'l'he Sou'Hlv..'es~', with a 0 r ' radius of 20 re:at, 'lhrqugh an a. ngle of 90 Or.)', ~]n arc dis'lance of :5t .42 fee;t, 'I-o a l~oi r,-I- of 'l'ar, ger, o/on ~hc.: Sou-l-h riqh-l' of v,'a'., line of Sundale. t'.,vcmur:~, as ("..-:,,% 'l'herlcc; (48) %':asi'er'ly alo.:~cj 'i'he lasi' na~n',ecl Sc>ui'h l:igt~i-of,waG, line and alc',n[i " 'ti,~; So(~ih ri~lM' c>f way line of Sunchile Avenuc~ as sl~o',.:~, or~ a map of '[rac-l' I'~o. 2'~52, rc:corded O:si-c>ber 6, 1964, in L~c~c~k 14' of l'.",aps, Pa~le 825', Records of said I(en~ Couni'y, i'o i-he Wos'l'erly 'l'ern~i nus of- sa~icl Sunda le AVenue, sai ci- I'!es:l-er ly i'erm inus be i,'n9 also 'lhe Soui-l'~c~asi' dorner- of l. oi- 18Z5, sa i~. 'l'r'aci' Nd.. 2~62; · -' i ~ ':: ; C .. :.' (~' -; '.: . .- . .:. Thence '(49) Was'l'erly a!on -Ii'~e Soui'h line of said [.o-F 1835 and i'he ~'C'~s"l'~:ly ''~' '..C .... · ..- proI~n~a'l'ion i'hoFeof i'o i ni'erseci' ihe ~'Zes-l- I i neof sai d .'Seci-ion ZS; '~. :. '- l'hGnce (5.0) Souiherly alOn~ i-he ~'les-l' I'ina of said Sec'l'ior~s Z~ and 10 i'o ihe Soui'hwesi- corner of i'he N~'! 1//, of said Seci'ion 10; ..' l'hence (5 1 ) Easi-er I y ~] I on~ the Souli~ I i no 'of i'h~' NW 1/4 of sa i d Seci-i on 10 i7o i'he Sou'li~easi' corner of i'l-~e NV.~ 1/4 of said Sect-ion 'i'hence (52) Soui'herly alon~ i'he Easi' I ine':of i-he ~'les'l' one--half of said Seci-ion 10 and 15 i'o in-~ersec'l- -H~e Nori-h righi' of !.:ay line of 'l-t~e Souihe:rn Pacific Rai Iroad as said Nori-h righi-of ray. line is described in 'li'~ai' ceri'ain dcc,.c[ recordgd Oci-ober 21, ~893 in Deed [~ook 47, l-~age :~56, Records of said t(ern t~oun'l-y; Thence (j3) E'as-l-e~ly along i'he last named Nori'h ricjhi- of ~.;ay line i-o ini'erseci' i'he Easi" line of ihe l! 1/2 o~ -li~e SW 1/~i of said Seci-ion 14; '.l'hence (54) l~ori'her l y alo. rl{j i-he I asi' named Easi- 1 ine i-o i n-l-er;seci- ihe Soui'h I.ine of 'li~e'N 1/2 of the S 1/2 of said Sec-l:ion .'lhence (55) [Zasi'erly along i'he lasi- named Soui'h line ar~d'-li~e Sou'li~ line of --' i-he 14 172 of 'li~e S 1/2 of sa i d Seci'i on 1Z~ i-o i ni'erseci' "H~e ~'les-l' r i cjhi- of · ' "-' tzay line of U. S. ttighway 99, ~l-Ker-99, Bakersfield Bypass, said' ini-e~:- sec'l-ion also bei.ng a poini- on ihe Corporai-e Boundary of i'he Cii'y of · f3akersfield'as defirled.by Ordinance No. 1491, Ne~.; Seric;s; '[hence (56) Nor-H~;.zesierly, ~'/es-i'erly and Nori-herly. along 'i-he last named -.. Corp.orai-e [~,oundary i-o i'he Norii~erly-i-erminus of Course iZ~ as defined' . by -the l asi- named Ord i hence, sa i d l.,~dr-Lher l y -['erm inus be,, i rLq a I so a poi hi- ..-on 'the Corporai'e Boundary of ihe Cii'y of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No, '1679, New SerieS; : . : l'henca (57) Noriherly along course 70. i'he lasi- naFnecl Cbrporai-e Boundary i'o ini-ersec-~ i-I~e Easi'erly prolonga'~ion of i'he No~"l:h l i.ne of ihe S 1/2 of 1-he NE 1/zi Of said Seci'ion 14; -.. -l'hence (58) ~'./es'l'erly, depar-~i.ng from sa~d Corporai-e Boundary, alq[~g the ias'I' ...'- named pro!qnga'~ion and Norlh line i'o ini'erseci' i'he Easi-.line of the ~'I 1/2 -"of i'he SVI 1/~ of i'he NE l/d of said Seci-ion 14; .. .... -' Thence (59.) SoUi'herly a!qn~-li~e 'lasi' named Easi- line ~o ini'erseci-the Norii~ -. .-. I ine of ~l'he Soui'h 55 feet of i'he N 1/2 of sa i d Seci-i on 14, sa i d Nori-h I ine bei.ng also i'he. Norih [igh'l-of way line of ~'[hi'l'e Lane (Couni'y Road No. 22'47); "Thence (60) N 89°01 ~44"Vi along the lasi' narr, ed'Norii'~ line and said Norih 'r'ighi' of ~.zay line i-b ihe becjinning of a 'l'a.ngent curve, sai~ b.e{linni.ncj of cu~-ve being ai' a point 1182.655 fee-l- ~'/es'l-erly more or less as measure'd along sa"d l]ibM' of way line f'rorH i'he Eas'l: lihe of ii]e ~'I 1/2 dr' Sai'd SC~d'I"i'oF~' 14] "' l'l'~ence (61) NOri-hwesi-erly alon9 said Nor-[l~ riglrl-of ray l irle ard said curve, concave i-o i'he I'.,~orillc..asi-~ wi'lii a reel'ins of 5945 feei' i'llrough an an.qle of 6°i2~Ej'.~" an arc disi-a~nce of 644.895 feai' i-o a polni' of i'an{ler~cy; ' lhence '(62) I,! 3S8°4] ~44~'V/alo. ng said Nori'h r.i.qhi' of way line Z99.479 fc,.c,,-l-, i'o 'l'l-~o b.c'.qinrling of a i-angeni' curve; curve, (:oncave-['o 'l'[~<-~ Sou-I-invc-,.s'[, wi'lh a radius of 60~;'.~ angle o'f 3°51 'o2" an arc el is'l-ante of 406.925 fecfi-1-o 'i rd-ar'sec'l-'l'he lies'l- " r'igM' of way lir,,a of S'l'inc} Ros~d, also t,uK,~:/n as Ck)Llrrl'y [~C)DCI NO..1782. Of "60 fee'l' in wid-l-h, said' in'l'ersec:-l'ion baihg a poln'l' on a curve whose raclial cdn'l'er bears N 79'45L20"E, 770 fee-l-, f. ron~ said i.rrl-ersec'i-i9%~;.: ::}'2 %:' '.. 'l'hanc:e(64) l~or"l'harly a.lqng said [~as'l' Righ'i-of way line and a lqn8 'l'l~:a 'las-l.- · .S .... .iUlElle of 10°51 i20""'a~ arc dis-l'ance of 145.888 f'ee-I'~ 'I'o a poin'l' of -I'an8ency; lhence (65) l'~or-lherly alqnE! 1'he said Eas'l- Righ'l- of way line 'I'o -l'he becjinr~i.n~l of a 'l'a. nBen'l' curve; said b.egi nr~i:n8 of curve bears S O°C)2~O]'~W alqnE] 'l-he Wes'l' line of said Sec-l-ion 11,800.763 fee'l' and N 89050~42t~E, 15.912 fee'i:, from 'l'he Was-l-or~e--quar-l'er corner of salcl Sec-I'ion 11; Thence (66) Nor-'lhc!as'l-erly along said Easi' Righ'l' of way line and along 'i-he las'l' · 'named cuCve. c:oncave-[-6 1'ha Sou'l'heas'~, wi-l-h a fadius of 970 fee-l' 'lhro. ugh an ~n9le of 30°53~[50" an arc distance of 523.081 fee'~ '1-0 a poirrl' of 'l'an'gency; said poin'l' of 'l-angency hears S 89°25'38"E al.on~] Nor'l'h line O:f -I'he SW 1/4 of said Sec:-I'ior~ 11,329.57 fcze-l' and S 30°4/t~32uW, 347.839 fea-l'~ from-l'he' Wes'l' or, e--.qNar.-~-er' corl-ter Of said Sec-l'i on ~ I; : -- :.- lhence (67)-N 30°44'32,E, 3t3.139 feet, along said Eas'l' .r[gh'l' of..way line 1'o in'l'er6ec'l' 1'he Sou-l'h' I'i ne of 'lhe Nor-lh 30 feet of 'l-he SW 1/4 of said .... Sec'l'ion 11, said Spu:l-h line b~i.ng also 'l-he. Sou-lh ri9h'l' of way line of Wi I son .Road; '.lh6nce (68) [Eas'l'erly along the las-l' hameel Sou'l'h line to int'ersac-l' t-he Sou'l'h-- ... No. 2532...as said 'l'rac'l' is .shov}n on a map recorded l.{ay 25, 1961 in Book 11 · 'of Naps, Page. 198, 'Records of said Kern 'C6un'l-y; '- 'l'hence (69) Nor-l-he~s-l-erly a long the l a6'l' r,amed pn~lqnE!a-l-ion and Nor-lhwes'l'er I}, ~:;{:~RYYZ%t~ I i ne of sai d Lo'l' 1 and -l'he Nor-l'heas-I-er ly pro longa-l'i on -l'hereof t-o '~-. 'l'he Nor'lhwes'l' corner of Lot ~. Tree'l-N6.2~33, as said 'l'rac-P No. 2.533 is .. shown .on a map recorded Se'p'l'ember 15, 1961 i~] Book 12 of l'.{aps, Na~e -Records of .said Kern Ooun'l'y, said l'.lor-lhwes-l' corner .being also a poin-l' on " l-he Oorporat'e Bc~undary of 'l'he Ci'l'y of-Bakersfield as tiefined .by Ordinance No. 1690, New Series; '[her~ce (7g)l~or1'hwes-l-erly alOn9 course 6 of 1'he las-l' named Corpora-l-e Dounda'ry, .~'o intersec-l-:l-i~e Vles-lerly r. igh-P. of. way line of S-l-ine Canal as said.Canal is shown on a map en'l'i'tled "Sales 1.4ap 0f Lands of t(qrr, Coun-l'y Land Company'.in Section 11, 1. 30 S.,'R'. 27 E., ~.D.B. & 'N., filed JanUary 25, ~89d, in 'the .Office of said CouUty ReCogder, said. in'l'ersec-l-ion being a point on -l-he · ...' .Corpora-l-e. []gundary .of -lhe C'i ~y of Baketel i e l d as clef i ned by Ord i nar:ce No. Thence (71) Sou-lhwbs¢e'rl.y and Norfherly along course 10 and 11 o[ the lasf narndd Corporate Boundary ¢o the Northeast corner of' said Section 10, being ~-he poinl of beginning for this description. [~,CEP'i'~]b3 TH'EREFRt)M l-i~e tel l ov..'i ng parcels; PARCEL 1: Lot ], Tract No. 296_3, as said Tract No. 295_~ is sho,.,,'n on a map recoFded October ~9~ 1965, in Book 14 of Haps, ~age 15~, records of said Kern County. PA RC E L 2: :" .' " Beginning a-l-the SW corner of the NE l/4 of said Sec-l-i~r, 14; thence east along the south line of -i'he NE l/4 of said Section 14 t'o intersec'l' the east line of the vlest 132 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of -t'ho NE 1/4 of said Section 14;' ' thence North along the last riarned east line to intersec-t- the north line of the SW l/4 of the SE l/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 14; 1hence east along the 'last naraed north line to in'l-ersect the east line of the SW 1/4 of '~he SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of.said Section 14; thence soul-h along the last named east line -1'o inter- sect the south line of said Section 14; thence east. along the last named south line and the south-line of N'i 1/4 of said Section 13 to intersect the east line 'of the west 30 feet of said Section 13; said eas-l"line being also a point on the CorpOrate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 1491, New Series; thence northerly along the last named Corporate Boundary to'-I'he nort*l',~r ly terminus .of Course 13 as def i ned by the last narned Ordinance, sa i d northerly terminus being 'also a poin-I' on the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersf. ield as defined by Ordinance No. 1679, New Series; thence northerly along course 70 the last named. Corporate Boundary to intersect the' Easterly prolonga- t.io'n of 'l-i~e north line of the S l/2 of the NE 1/4 of said Sec'l'ion 14; thence ~zes-l'erly, d¢par'ting from said Corporate Boundary, along the I~st named prolonga- tion and North line to intersect the East line of the VI 1/2'of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section t4;. Thence southerly along the last named east line to intersect the north line of the south 55 feet of the N 1/2 of said Section 14, said nort-h line being also the north'right of way line of White Lane (County Road No. 2247); thence westerly along the last named nor-t'h line and said norl-h right of way line to intersect the west line. of the NE ]/4 of said Section 14; thence southerly along the .last named west I'ine to the point of beginn.ing. -PARCEL 3: Beginni.ng at the SV/corner of said Section 11; t~ence east along the sout-h line of said Section ll' to intersect the east right of way line of Stine Road, also known as County Road No. 1782, of 60 feet in width; thence northerly along the said east right of way I&ne -I'o the beginning of a tangent curve, said beginning of curve bears S 0 02'01"W along the wes'l' IiAe of said Section 800.763 feet and N 89o50'42"E, 15.912 feet, from the .~.iest one-quarter corner of said Section 11; thence nor-~heasterly along said east right of way line and along the last named curve, concave.to. the soulheast, w'ith a radius of 970 feet through an angle of 30°53'50'' an arc distance' of 523.08] ~eet to a point of '+a.ngency, said point of tangency bears S 89°25'38'E along north line of the S~'I l/4 of said Section 11,329.57 feet ~nd S 30°44i32"W, 347.839 feet, from the ~est one-quarter corner of'said Section 11; thence N 30°44'32nE, 313.]39 feet, along said east Ki. ght of way line to intersect the south line of the north 30 feet of the SW l/4 of said Section 11, said South line bei.ng also the south right of way line of VIi Ison Road; thence easterly along the last named south line. I-o intersect the soulhwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of Lot l, Tract No. 2532~ as said,tract is shown on a map recorded May 25, ]96l in Book 11 of Maps, Page 198, Records of said Kern County; thence northeasterly along the last ~amed pro'lOngation to intersect the south line of lot ]2 as said lot is shown on the "Sa'les Map of Land of Kern County Land Company in Sec-l-ion T 30 S, R 27 E, M.D.B.'& M", fi led January 25, 1894, .Records of said Kern County; ~hence westerly along the last named south line to the southwest corner of ~aid E01-12; l'~ence northeasterly along the nortl{(.zes'l-erl'y line of Lots'12 and said "sales ~.,:,~ 'I-o in-l'ersec-~ course 6 of the Corporate Limits of the City of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 1590, Hew Series; thence northv~esterly alqng course 6 of the last named Corporate Boundary, to intersect the westerly right of way line of Stine Canal as said,Canal is shovm on said "Sales p - Ha said intersec-l-ion being al poirl'r orl 'i-he Corpora-I-e Boun~jary of the City of Bakersfic:ld as defined by Or'dinancc No. ~500, l:~e~.., Series; ~'her, ae sou'i-h%.~esterly along course lO of 'the last nmrned COFpoFa'i-e Boundary 'I'o in~'ersec'l'-l'he west line · of sa i d Sec-l-i on 1 ~; -t'hence sou'i'h a l or, a -t-he Iast named ~.~est I i ne 't-o ~'t~e poi n-l' of beg inn i PARCEL 4: " Cornmer~ci.ng at 'a point on the southwest corner of Tract' No. ~6~0, as said tract is sho~.m on a.rnap recorded April 3, ~952 in Book 8 of t4aps, Page 1, Records of said Kern County; thence as per said Trac-l-No. ~610 along the tel levying three courses, N 22°40'25"E, ~60.54 feet; thence N ~2°54'48'E, 249.34 feet; -Ihence N 50°~8'50'E, 273.50 feet to 'l'he true poin-[' of beginning for this descrip-l'ion; thence N 89°55'00"E, along the north line of Lo-l's 1 through 4, said tract No. ~610 and the easterly prolongation 'l-hereof to intersect the west righ'l-of ~.zay line of l'4cDonald Way, as said ~'4cDonald ~'Zay is shown on the map of said Trac-l' No.' 16~0; thence nor'l'herly along the last narned ~.~est right of ~.zay line and -l'he northerly prolongation thereof to in'l'ersect 'H~e north line of '~he south 85 feet of said Section 35, said intersec'l'ion being.also the north might of ~.zay line of Cour,-]-y Road No. 234] (S-l'ockdale Highway); thence ~./es'l-erly along the last named hearth line to in-rersect the westerly boundary of Tract No. ~751, as said tract is shown on a map recorded April 12, 1955 in Book 9 of ~laps, p.age 6~, Records of said Kern County, said in'l-ersection being a point on the Corporate Boundary of the Ci.ty of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. ~748, New Series; thence as per map of s~id Tract No. ~75~, S 34o36'E along the last narned ~.~esterly boundary and extension thereof -re a point on the south line of said Section 35, said point being also 91~.60.feet eas% o'f the sou-I-hwest corner of said Section 35 as measured alqng the sou-lh line of said Section 35; thence S 89°40'35"E along the last named south line'to a point which lies 1016.75 feat east of the south- west corner of said Section 35, as measured along said south line; thence S 43°~6'55"W, 1~5.2~ feet; thence S 50°~8'50'W ~75.4] fee-l' to the true po[n-I- of beginni.ng for this description: