HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-69 RESOLUTION N0. 51-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN TERRI~0RY DESIGNATED AS "SAN DIMAS N0. 2", PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 12th day of May, 1969, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the land in such territory, and representing not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of such territory according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described in attached EXHIBIT "A" which is made a part hereof the same as if fully set forth herein. That a designation appropriately naming such territory is "San Dimas No. 2". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Monday, the 7th day of July, 1969, at the hour of eight o'clock·P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place where any person owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and ha~ing any objections to the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory should not be annexed. ...... o0o ...... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the. foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of May, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETrER, WHIT'I'EMORE NOES~ COUNCILMEN: 77/~~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ .,, ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /~7.,~:~-/~x,_ CITY~L~RK an~Ex-~Oficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: Description of a parcc-:l of land 'I'o 'deslena'led as San Dimes Re. 2. A parcel of lsnd si'i-ua'l'o in 'l'l~e Coun'ry'of i<ern, S'i-a'l'e o'f~Cal ifornia, snd being a por'i'ion of Sections 18 and 19, q'ov.,nship 29 Sou'l'h, Range 2[~ East~ M.D.B..& [~. and n',oro particularly described as follo'..:s: Beg i nni rig a-i'. the i n-i'ersc~c:t i on of 'i-he Nor-lh I i ne of said Sec'l'i on 19. w i'lh -l-he West line of the Eas'l- 57.75 feet of said Section 19 said in't-ersec'i'ion being · } on 'l-he West figh-i' of w~y line of ~nion Aver~uo, of 115.50 feet in wid'l-h, anti being also a. poin-l' on 'iho corpora'l'p bounclary of -l'he Ci-I'y of Bat<ersfield as defined by Ordinance ~o. 984, New Series; Thence (1) Sou't'herly, along 'l-he Ins-t- natned corpcmate bounclary and I','es'l' right of ~.,,ay line to a poin-i' or, 'i'he corporate boundaI:y of the City of [',akersfield ~.:hich is 'l-he Nor-lheast corner of -l-hat certain annexation '1'o the City of Bakersfield designated as 'Gannon'No. 2" and as defined by Ordir~ance No. 1405, Neh Series; · Thenc'e (2) Westerly and Southerly along the las-l' named corporate boundary-i-o · i ntersec'~' the North I i ne of Tract' No. 2.146 as sai d trac-i' i s shov:n on a map r. ecorded July 16, 1958, in Iqap Book lO, pages 27 and 28, rec;ords of said Kern County, said Nor-l-h line bei.ng also the corporate [3oundary of the -. Oi'l-y of Bakersfield as defined by'Ordinance No. 1184, New Series; Thence (3) Westerly along the last named corporate bounder'), °-i'o the Nor-l'hwes'l- T' corner of-said '~rgc-l- No. 2]46, said Norti~v,'est corner being also a point on 'l'he corporate b6undary of the City of Bakersfield as .def'i ned by Ordinance No. 1721 ,. New Series; Thence (4) Westerly and Southerly alqng i-he last named corpora-l-e boundary '1-o .. i'i~e Soulheas-l' corner of block 630 as said block is shov:n on i-hat certain map da'l'ed March 10, 1904, entitled "Sales Map of the Kern County Land · Company Shov,,ing Subdivisions of i'l's Additions to the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California", recorded April ]9, 1904, in the office of County Recorder of said-Courrry, said Souti~east.'corner beir:g also .a point on i-he corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 1731, Nev,' Series; Th6nce (5) ','.!esi'erly along the las'l- named corpora'l-e boundary, 'being also along ... i-he Ngrth. righ'l' of way line of 34'1:h Stree'l' of.82.5 feet in 'wicl-l-h, l'o · Sou'l-beast corner of.Block'632, as said block 'is sho:,m on i'he last naraed sa I es map. "Thence (6) Northerly, dep'a~ting from.the last named corpora-l'e boundai-y, along i-he Easi' line of blocks 6.32, 656, 665, 687 and extensions thereof i'o i-he · Sou-['beast corner of blo~k 695, as said blocks are shown on i'he last r~amed ':' sales .map, said Southeast corner also bei.ng a point on the North r. ight of, . t/ay line of 42nd Stree'i' of 82.5 feet in.w[d't:h; '. ~hence (7) Easterly alqng 'Lhe I~st' name~' Nor-l'h right of way line and along the South line of blocks 695 and 6~4 and extensions thereof o~ said Soui'h line i-o ini'ersec'['a line petal lel with 'the Easi- line of block 694 and distant 82.5 'feei' East as raaasured a~ right· a.ng.les 'l-o '['he East l into of block 694; as said block is .shown on the last named sales map; .Thence (8) Southerly along the Southerly extension o~ i-he last namea pa.ral lel · line to ini'ersect the South .l..i. ne o_f .said Section 18; ~henco (9) Easterly along the last named South l ine"to the point of beginnihg and containir, g !17.25 acres, rnor& or less. .. EXHIBIT "A"