HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 39-69RESOLUTION NO. -3'9-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "STOCKDALE NO. 3", PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 21st day of April, 1969, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the land in such territory, and representing not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of such territory according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described in attached EXHIBIT "A" which is made a part hereof the same as if fully set forth herein. That a designation appropriately naming such territory is "Stockdale No. 3". BE IT FURTHER resolved that pursuant to Section 51243(b) of the Government Code of the State of California it is the intention of the City of Bakers field not to succeed to any contract or ~g,r.e.em.e,n_tS e~tered int.o by any landowner for the preservation of agricul,tural lands under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. Specifically it is the intention of the City of Bakersfield not to succeed to any contracts or agreements of lands within Agricultural Preserve No. 11 as indicated on the map attached hereto and labeled EXHIBIT ."B", said lands being within the territory herein proposed for annexation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, the 2nd day of June, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place where any person owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to · the proposed annexation may appear before' the Council of the City of Bakers field and show cause why such territory should not be annexed. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of April, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~]fT~~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ITY CLERK and Ex-~f'ici~erk of the Council of the City of Bakers field &PPROVED: Desc:riptic;r~ of a parcel o'f land t-o b-a anr!e>:ed -i'o :I-he City of [Z,u~kersfic;ld, . c ~ s i .qr~ai'ed as S'Iockda lo I',1o .. 3 A parcel o~ land Si-iua-l'e in 'l'he Courriy of Kern, Sta'l-e.df Cal iforr,.ia, and beirLq p por'l-ior, of Soci'ions 2,'3, 10, 11, 1'3, 14 and .]5, Tov,;nship 35) Spp'l'h, Range 27 '. Ea s'l-, l..i.D.B. & .,,1 ::, and Sec'l-i ons 34 and 35, Tovmsh i p 29- sgul-r~ ,- Rang Beg inning a-l'-I'he Nor'l'hpas'l' corner of said 'Sec-l-ion 10, said NqF:theast corner · also beiHg a poin'r on 'Phe Corporate [bundary of 'lhe Ci'ty of B~fi,~ersfield as f defi ned by Ordi nanco N'o. 1500~ New Series; ]'hence' (1) Wes-l-erly, Nor'H{erly and Eas-i'erly alor~g courses 12, '~3 and 1.4 i'he las'r narned Corpora'l'e Boundary I-o' intersec-I- i-he West Iine of said Sec-l-ion 2, bei.ng also i-he Wes-r boundary line of 'l'raci-No. 1760, as said i'Fac'l is sl~own on a map recorded Augus'~ 26, 1°54 i'r~ Book 8 of Naps, Rage 155, Records of said Kern Coun-ry; 'fhence (2) Northerly, depor1'i ng' f Fore' s~i d Oorpbra-l'e Boundary, a long 1'he West ~.ine of said Se.c-t-ion 2 to -Ihe Norlhvzes-l- corner of Lot 11, Trac-I-No. 1645, as said i-rac'l' is shown on a map recorded Decernber I8, 1952 in [3ook 8 of.14aps, Rage 38, Records of said Kern Court-l-y; 'l'hCnce (3) as per said 'tract No: 1645 along the fol Iowing 5 courses: S 89°21~55'E, 31.08 leo-r; 'l'hence (4) N 15°02~45uE~ 125.74 feet; ]'fienee (5) N 3204'1'45':E, 346.07 feet; Thence (6) N 71°38'25"E, 119.30' fee:P; 'l'hence (7) N 4'1°02'25"F, 127.25 feet; i'o a point on the Soui-h\.,,est corner of' 'fraci' No. 1610, as said traci' is shown on a map .recorded April C5, 1952 .in Book 8 of Maps, Page. 1,' Records of said Kern Couni-y; Thence (8) as per said 'l-tact No. 1610 along 'l-he ~'ollov.,in.q four courses "N 22o40 ' 25'E 160.54 feet; '[hence (9) N 12°54'48"E, 249.34 'feet; ' '~ '[hence (:10) N 50°18'50"E, 273.50 fee-r; l'h&nce (11) N 89°56'00E, al. on9 i'he Nor'rh line of Loi-s 1 thrqugh 4, said 'rraci' · -No. 16t0 and -the Eas'reFly prolongation thereof 'I-o interseci- the Wes1" righi- of way l i ne of McDona I.d. Way, as said McDona t d Way is shov)n On i'he map of said 'fraci-No. 1610; : ..-..- ' ~]~ence (12) Nor-lherly al~ng~'H~e last named Wesi- right of way line and l-he' " .'. Nor't-her ly pro lOngati on thereof -ro i n-rersec'r the Norl-h I i ne of the South" 85 fear of sai~ Sec'l'ion 35, said in'l'ersec'rion being als'U i-he Nor-lh righi' of way l in~ of Coun'l-y Road No. 2341 (S'i'ockdale Highvzay); Ther~ce (13) Wes1:erly. alon9 ~he las-r named Norl-h line to intersect t:t~e Westerly boundary of Trac-l-No. 1751, as said i-rac'l' is shown on a map recorded April 12, 1955 in Book 9 of Naps, page 63, Records of said Kern Count'y, said in-rersec1'ion being a point on the Corporate Boundary of 1'i've Cit'y of' Bakersfield as clef irked by Ordinance Ho. t743, Nevz Series; - 'thence ( 14 ) Wes'l'er I y, Southor I y, WeSt'er ly, l,lor'rl~vzes'l'er ly, Nor'lher I y, Wes'l'&rly and .Horrherly a l o. ng 'rhe- las'[" named Corpora-l-e BoL, ndary i'o i n-rerseci' 'lhe Nor-lh righ't' of way line of Count'y Road Ho. 2341 (S-l-ockdale Highv,'ay) in said Sec'l'i on 34; EXHIBIT "A" 'lhe Ror'l-herly prOterlga'l'ion of Eas'l' righ-l' of ~.,,ay line of CherT'y Ili lls Dri\-'e~ as said Cherry tti lls Drive is shov,,n on a map of '[rac't No. 2560, recorcfed " Augus-l' 10, lc.;61 in Book 12'of l'.~aps, Rages 49-l-I-,ro. ucJt~ 53, f,~ecol-cls 0'/said line~ -I'o t:P~e Nor-lhvzest corrleF Of Lo'l' 87 said '[rac:'l' l~o. 2560; :'V " "': · ~ . ... ~ . ~ , - L:' .'~ '.' Thence (17) Eas'lerly along 'i'he Nor-i'herly ~7:~'~22~;;,~ line of said Lo'l' 87 -1o-I-ho Nor'l beast' corner 'l:i~eFeof; . .. 'l'l~enc:e ( 18 ) Sou-H~eas-i'er I y a 1 on9 'l-he lqc~r-l:heas'l-er ! y ![::;:-:;-"';:::~'-.:.:--'~.:G~ I i r-~e Of Lo'l-s 87 "t-hrOugh 71, said 'rrac'l" No. 2560 'to -H'~e Sou'l-hens-l- corner of sai~l Lo-l-'71; 'l'hence (19) as per map of said Trac'l-No. 2560, N 73°19'zlS"E, along 'l'he Nor'l-hv~es-l-erly l:'.:.:z::-.'s;::i~,-'ii~ line of Lo-l-s 69'& 68, said Tract No. 2560, 16.00 fee-l'; '[her~ce (20) S 45°40'46"E, 89.95 feet; '[hence (21) S 16°40't2"E, 135.29 fee-l-; · '[hence (22)'S 12°57'53"l',~, 91.00 feet; ]'hence (23) S 73°19'48"W, 116.00 feet, -I:o-I-he Norths~s-l-corner of Lo'l-63, said 'frac'l-No. 2560; ~hence (24) Sou'l'heas-l-er ly a l o?g -l'he Nor'lheas-l'er ly Ir::i;:TZ~2Z:;:7~:~] l i re; of Lo-l-s 63 ~-hrOugt~ z17, said '[rac'l-No.. 256Q, -l-o'-H~e Sou-H~eas'l- corner of said Lot said Sou-lheas-l' corner bei.rlg a point on -lhe Nor-l'h r. igh-l-of ~zay l in. e. of said Cherry Hills Drive; 'fhence. (25) Easterly along-'l'he Ins:t- flamed NoH-h righ't-of.~,~ay line and -I-I-,e Nor-lh line of' Lo'l' 46, said Trac'l-No. 2560, to 'lhe Nor-t-haas-I- corr~er of ~' said Lo'l- 46; .. ~.hence ( 26 ) Nor'-l-he r I y a I One 'lhe Wes-l'e r I y ~7:;:.7:a:~} I i.~e~.. of Lots 32 th to. ugh 22, said Tract No. 2560, t-o -lhe Northvzes-l' corner of'~a'id-l.ot 22; ]'hence (~7') Easterly along -l'he Northerly ~::z:%~z~:~'.l ine of said Lot 22, 85.01 ~eet-I-o 'l'he b.eginni.ng of a 'l-a.ngent curve; ]'hence (28) Sou-l-~eas'I'erly a'lOn~ said curve, concave -I-o '-lhe Sou'l-hv~es-l-, ~.zi-lh a , . radius 6f 15 feet, through an angle of 90°00'06'' an arc distance of 23.56 feet, "o a point of 'l'a.n~ency on 'l-he West Eight of ~.zay line of Ne~.~ St ire Road, as said New S-l-i ne Road is shovm on a map of said -I'ract No. 2560; '. ·: ' '[heace(29) Sou'l-herly alqn~ t-he last name~l ~'les'l- [igh-l: of ~.~ay line, bei.ng alL~ along 'l-he Eas'l' {.7z~'zz:z::~:~ line of Lots 26 'l'hrough 39, said Trac-l-No. 2560, to 'l-he b. eginnin~ of a ta:ngent curve, said beginning of curve bein~ 57 feet South of 'lhe Hor:H'~eas-I corner of said Lot 39 as measured along the [~as'l' F~?z.=~z~z.? I ine thereof. ' Thence (~50) Sou-lhvze'~t'erly alO. ng said curve, concave-i-o 'l-fie NOr-l'hv/est, ~,li'lh a radius of 20 feet through an an~le of -90°O0' an arc distance of 3]'.~2 fee-l' '1-o a poin-l' o'f ta.ngency on the Nor-lh right of ~.zay of Sundale Avenue, as said Sundale Avenue is shovm on a map of said Ti-ac'l' No. 2560; ,. ]'hence (31) N 89°28'24"W, 350.00 feet along the last named l',lor'l-h F. ight ~f ~vay line to 'l-he Sou'thv,,est cornc~r o'f Lot 269 of said Trac-I I'.lo. 2560, said South- ~.les'l' corner be ing a I so -lt~e beg i nni ncJ of a .-l'angc;nt curve; Tl'lc,.nee (252)/'~es-l'eriy ale. rig sDid c:ur've, cone:ave -i'o-l-he South, v,,'i'ih a rac;ius of 2307.26 feet, be i.ng a I so a 1 o. ng 'lhe I asri' nam~:d l'.Torth r'i ght o'r ~.zay 1 i ~c:- 't'o i rrl-ersoc:'l- 'i'he l,Srti-~er I y l:,rolqnga'l'i or~ of' 'i'he l~as-i' I i l'~a c>f I_o'['s 284 and of said 'l'r'ac'l' Re. 'l'her~c:e (~Z) S 4°15~O'E.'alqng said I'lor-'i'harly p~7olonga-i-ior~ and said least lines to ~-I~e Sou-H~eas'l' corner of said Lot 284; 71'~er~ce', (:5/i) S 85°4~~ iOnW.a. long 'i-he Sou'l-h I'ine of saicl: Lot 284 a~3d. prolqaga'l:ion 'lhereof:;'and alqng -i-he Sou'l:h line of 'Lot 283, saicl-Trac-l' No; '. · ..~ ,, .Thence (35) N 4°16~50"V1, along the ~'!es'i' I'ine of said L.o'l- 283 and Nor'l'herly'l~ro-- Iqnga'l'ion -l-hereof .'I-o intersec-l' 'lhe Vles-l-erly prolongation of 'l-he Sou-l-h line 6f :": Lo'l' 282, said 'l'tact No. 2560, said Viest line and Nortl'~erly prolqnga-l-ioh .beir~g also a line petal lel and 30 fee-l- East of as measured a-l' right ancjl, es -I'o 'l-he centerl ine of Pebble Beach Drive, sa-icl sou'lh line and V/es-l'~rly prolonga-l-ion. bei.ng also a line panel lel ancl 30 feet nor'lh of as measured a-l' right a.ngles ~-c~ 'the cen'l-erl ine of Inctian V/el Is Driv.e, said Pebble [3each Drive ar~cl Indian i',~ells Drive ~eing as showr} on a map of said Tree'l-No. 2560; '[her~ce C:56) S 8~;°~'' ~ O'Vt 75.00 fee'l-'1o a point on the South line of l.o'1- 9, Trac'l' No. 2624, as'said Tract No. 2624 is shorn1 'on ~ map recorded j'4arch ~6, 1952 in Book 12 of ['.~sp5, Page 1D5, Records of ~aid Kern CourrJ'y~ said poil]-]' being also a point of reverse curve whose radial center bears S 4°16'50"E, 250 feet;' ]'hence (~7). Sou-i-i~vzes'l'er ly a long sa i Cl curve, concave to Sou'lheas-l-, w i'i-h a radius of 2~0 feet ti)rough an. angle of 25°18~51~~ an arc dis'lanCe of %'114.817 feet -i'o apo i n'l of reverse .c[I rv.~. ~o['n .wh i ch . po i nt the' red i a l C~n-j-er bears N ~0°~5~41~h.'I, 190 feet; T,hence (:58') Southvzester lya lqng said curve, 'conEave to :f-i~e Nor-l-hwest, wi'i'h a radius of 190 feet 'i'i~rqugh. an 8.ngle of 6°i7~9' an 'arc dis-~ance of 20.872 ~eo'l--I'o a point on'the VZes'i-bodndary line of said Trac'i' No. 2624; Thence (~9) N 4°]6~DOnW alqng 'i-he las:i-named ~'Zest boundary J ine and along 'i-he West boundary line of '[rac'[-Re. 2622, as said Trac-l' No. 2622 is shov,,n , 1.4a s on a ~nap re~:orded 1,4arch 16 1962 in Book 12 of p , Rage 152, Recorcl~ of said Kern Coun-l'y, 'i-o the Northwes-i' corner of s~id Trac-i' No. 2622, said '- Nor-l-hv/est corner bei.ng also a point on the Sou'l'h boundary line of Tract No. 262~'as said -l-tact is shown on a map r~corded 1.4arch 16, 1962 in Book 12 of Maps, Page 154 .Records of said Kern Co~n:l'y~. '[herice (40') as per ~nap of said Tract No. 262~, at'eK'g -l-t{e fol Iovzi.ng 8 courses: N 4°16~50'V.1~ 8. I~ feet; Thence (41) N 4'1°33'~3'~W,. 14,56 feet; . l'hence (42) S 89°09'24"~.'/, '434.77 feG-l'; Thence (43) S 44°09'24"l'/,. 14.14 feet; Thb. nce. (44) S 0°50'36"[:, 26"-1.53 fee't, to. intersect the North right of v:.ay . -line of Surlny Palms .Avenue, as said averlue is sho:.,'n c~n.-th~ map of said' Trac-I' No. 262~,; :i:'h'en~e"(45)..S 'a~609{24"Vl alor, a the last n~rned Nor-I'h ri'qh'l-of way line and WesterlV t~rolongation thereof 170.00 feet, '1'o in-l'ersect -I-hs ~,,test right of way line 'o'f 'l'lfur~der[~ i rd'- S-l-feet, 'as said' stree-I - i s shovm on the map- o-f sa i d 'r-~act : No. '262:5; Thence (46) 1,I 0°50~'55'"I alere -t'lla .last rlamed 'f/c:;st ri_qht of vzay line,..~67 53 fe.-e-I~ to 'l-t~e b.eginrli.r~g of a tar~cJent curve; -.. ...-' Thsr~c:e (47) l',lor-l-h'.ves-l'erly a fo. r-~g said curve, concav~i '['o 'l-t-le Sog-th,.ves-l-, ,,..,i'lh a raclius of 20 fee-t-, -thrqugh an anc~le of 90°00~ an arc dis-l:ance of 31 42 feet, '1'o a poi n-l' of tar~cJar~o/on -['he South ricjht' of vzay I i rio of Sur~da lc;/',venue,.-as said avc;nu,a is sllo',.:n on 'l-he map o'r said Tree-l-l.!o. 2560; 'l'hc;rlce (48) l',.'os-t-er'ly along 'lhe las't' Ila~:',ecl Sou-l-i'i righ-l' of way line arid a lO.ng .'l-t~o Sou'Ih r'igirl' of. ~.,,ay line of Sund~le Avorluo as sllo:,m ori a map of 'l'rac'l' I','o. 2562, .record~;d Oc'lobar 6, ~.°,64, in t?,ook. 121 of l',iaps, P~lge 83, Records of sai d Kern Coun-l'y, to 'l'i~e ~'Zes-I'erly -l-ermi nus of sai d Sunda I c Ayehue, sai d · lVes'l-er l y -l-crmi nus being a 'I so the Sou'l heast Corner of 1_o't- ] 83, Sa i d Tract N6. 2562; .": .- .. . .. .. ;j'., ... = . . . · .~ . . · 'lhence"(49) ~'Ios-l-erly along the South line of said Lot 182~ and -l-he Q~;s'l'bl:ly prolqngatiorl thereof to i n'l'ersec'l- -l'he ~',~es-l- Iine of said .Sec'i'ion ~; -::< :: . . , ~.. :.:. 'rhence (50) Sou-lherly' along 'l-he ~'!es'l- line of said Sec-l-ions ~ and 10 'i'o 'i-he -Southvzes'l' corner' of the NW ~/4 of said Section 10; " Thence (51) Eas-l-erly ~long the Sou'lh l i~e of the NW 1/4 of said Section 10 'lhe Southeast corner of t-he NW 1/4 of said Sec'l'ior, '[hence (52) Sou-l-herly along -Ihe East line .of 1'he I'!es-I' one--half of said Sec-lion 10 and 15 1'o in-l'ersec'l'-l'he l,~or'l'h r. ight of ~,,,ay .I ine of the Southe;rrl · Pacific Rai Ireeel as said North right of vzay. line is described in 'l'hat certain deecl recorcled October 21, 1893 in Deed f-',ool~ 47, Page 3S56, P, ecords · of saicl Kerrl ~ourrly; Thence (53) Eas'l-erly alerig 'l'he las-t' na. med Ncmth righ'l-of ~vay line -1'o in'l-ersac-l' 'l'ha [-:as-l- line of 'lhe I'! 1/2 of 'ihe SI'! i/4 of said S¢;c'l'Lqn · 'l'tience (54) Nor-l-her lya long the last r~arned [Eas-l' l i ne 'I'o intersec-l- -l-i-le Sou-lh I i ne of 1he N ~/2 of the S 1/2 of sa i d Sec-l'i on ~ 4 :. 'l'hence' (55) Easterly along the last na'med Sou'l'h line an'd 'the South line of ,-l-he N 172 of the S 1/2 of .said Section 13 -i:o in1'ersec't' the ~'!e.s-l- right of ~zay line of U. S. I-!ighv:ay 99, 91-Ker-~99, Bakersfield Bypass. said inter.- sec'l-ion also bei.n9 a l>oin-I: on 'l-he Corpora-re Boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined.by Ordinance No. 149], New Series; 'i'her~c~; (56)Nor'H~wes'l'erly, Wes-i-erly and Northerly along "l'he last ha!ned .:- . Corporate Boundary -I'o the Northerly terminus of Course 13 as d{;fin.ed by the last nalned Ordinance, said l~'or-l:herly terrninus bsi.ng also a poirrl' on 'l'he Corporate Boundary of 'l'he. Cit'y of Bakers{.ield as defined by Ordinance No. :1679, New Series; :2' "' .:'- 'i'herl'ce (:5'1) Nor-H~erly along courss 70. the last nai'ned COrporate Boundary -I'o. intersect the Eas-I or I y pro l onga'l-i orl o'~ -l'he '~:!orH:h li.ne of the S 1/2 of 'l'he NE 1/4 Of said Sec-l-ion 14; 'l'hence (58) Westerly, depa:r-l-i.ng from said CorpOra'l'e Boundary, alqog-1-he last" named prolo. nga'l'ion and Nor-lh line t'o in'l-ersec-l'.-t-he East .line of 'l'he W 1/2 .. '-"'of the SW 1/4 of 'l'he RE 1/4 of sa i d Sec-I'i on 14; .. '.. Thence (59) Sou-l'herly alqn.q the"las-l-named [-:.ast line -l'o i'r,l-ersect 'l-he North. I i'ne of 'l't~e Sout'h 55 fee-I- of 'l'he N ~/2 of sa i d Sec'l'i on 14, sa i d North I i ne : be i.ng a I so -l'he Norl-h r i ght of ~,zay I i'ne of ~'lh i 'l'e Lane (~oun-t'y Road No. 2247 ); Thence (60) N 89°01'.44"1'! along the last hatred'North line and said North rLigh'l- -of ~,'ay line 'l-b the beginning of a t'a.ngen'l' curve, sai~l b.eginni.ng of curve _be_!ng ate point 1~82.655 fee1' ~'!es-l'orly_.[r~orc or less as measured alqng said r. ight of ~,,,ay line from the Eas:l' line of 'l-he W 1'/2 of said ~e;s-l-ion 14;.' l'hence (61) I.lor-i-hv,~es'[er'ly along said r..'or-l'h righ-[-of vzay'.l ine ar-~d said curve, concave 'i-o the Nor-['heas-['j ~,zi'l'h .a radius of 5945 feet 'lhrough an a.qgle of 6°i2'55'' arl ar'c distarlcc of 644.896 fee-t' to a poirH- of 'larlger, cy; · '[hence '(62)N 3804] '44"W alqng Said Nor'l'f rigfl-l-of ~,;ay line 399.479 fee-l', to -lhe b.c;g i nr~i ng of a 'l'angerH' curve; '[hence (625) Ror-Hlv,'es'i'er' y a l qncj Said lqor'l!'l r igh'i' of wa;, Iir, e aIid a l'qn9 .sa~i d · curve, comeave 't-o the Sou-l'hwes't', wi'lh a radius of 6055 fc~e'l-'l'hro. ugl~ an 'angle of 3°5I ~o2'~ an arc dis'lance of 406.925 fee-l-'I'o irrl-ersoc-t-the [fast Cigtyl' of way line o'f S-l-ino Road, also kr, c~wn as Cour, ly Roacl I'.M. 1'1{~2, of 60 feet in wici1-1'~, sai irrl-er'sec-l-ion bei.n9 a point on a curve ~,,,t~ose~ radi'al o d cen'i-er' bears I'4 79 45.~20'E, 770 feet, from said in-t'ersec'tion" '.'~'2: ~'~. - " - ::,,, . -." . ' '.:, . ,i::. 'fl~ence(64) Nor'-l'herly alqng said Eas'l-rigM' of way line and alqng "l'h~a last. n'a[;'~ed.-.:::.;'" cur~e, corK:ave I'o -l-he Nor-l-haas-i-, witha radius of 770 fdd'l' 'l'hrounh an "':"' "- anqle of 10°51 ~20" an arc dis'i-once of 145.888 foe-l- -1o a 'poin-I- of 'l'angency; ""' 'fl~ence (65) Norlher ly a I qng 'l-he sai d Eas-I' r i 9h'l' of way I i ne t-o 'l'he beg inn i ng of a 'l'a. ngent curve, said b.egi nni.ncj of curve bears S O°02LOI"W alqng-l't'~e Wes'l' line of said Section 11~ 800.763 fee-l- and N 89°50~42"E, 15.912 fee-l:~ from-lhe West one-quar'l-er' corner of said Sec'l'ieF~ 11; ~hence (66) Nor-H'~das-l-erly along said East r. igh-f of way line and along 'i'he los-l- named curve. corK:ave 1o 'lhe Sou'l-t,eas'l-, wi'i-h a radius of 970 fee-l' 'lhrqugl~ an angle of 30°53~50' an arc distance of 523.081 feet I-o a point of -l'angency, said poin-l' of 'l-angency bea~:s S 89°25~38"E. al.ong Nor-H~ line o{ 'lhe SW 1/4 , of said Sect-ion 11,329.57 feet and S 30°44~32"W~ 347.839 fea-i-~ from 'i-he' Wes'l- one-cluar-l'er corner of said Sec-l-ion ]1: 'timnee (67)-N.30°44~32".I~, 313.139 feet, along said East right of..Way line I'o.. in-I'ersec-I-'l'he Sou'l-h' I'ine of 'l-l~e Nor-i'h 30 feet of -l-he SW 1/4 of said · Sec-l-i on 11, sai d Sou-l-h I i ne be i.n~l a I so' 'l-he. Sou-l-h r i 9h'I' of way I i ne of Wilson Road; l'h&nce (68) Eas'l-erly along -l-he last norned Souih line -I-o in'l'ersec-l' 'l'he South-- ~;~es-l-erly pro!oncja'lion of 'l-he Nor'H)wes-l'erly I:'LZr,'z2-Z:%':f~ line of l.o-I' 1, 'frac-l- No. 2532,.as said -l-tact is sho',:zn on a map recorded l'.~ay 25, 1961 in Book 11 of Maps, Page 198, Records of said Kern Courrl'y; ]'hence (69) Nor'l-heas-l-erly ~lorlg 'l-he last named prolOnga'l'iorl and Nor-H-~wes-l-erly IFZ_'-7;i:E'!'2:;a line of said Lo'l- 1 and-l'he i'~'or-l-heas-l'erly prolonga-l-ion 'l-hereof to -l'he Nor-ll-nves-l- corner of Lot 4, Trac-i- No. 2533, as said 'l'rac-l' Re. 2533. is shov,,n on a map recordc;d'Sept'ember 15, 1961 in Book 12 of r,-faps, Rage' 66, Records of said Kern Coun'ly, said Nor-l'hwes-l' cot'net bein,cl also a poin-l- on 'l-he [:orlmra'l'e Boundary of 'i'he Ci '[-y of-.Bakersf i.e'l c.l.;:.as. clef i ned by Ordinance No, 1690,. Nev; Series; · '[henc6 (70) Nor'lhv,'es'l-er ly a Iong course 6 .of 'l-he l as'l-. named Corpora.-1-e 13our, da'ry, .'1'o in'l'ersect .'lhe Wes-l-e'rly r. igh-l- of. v;ay line of S-l-ine Canal as said Canal is shown on a map en'l'i'l-led "Sales Map of Lands of Kern COLn'l'y Land Cornp'any in Sec-l-ion I1, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B. & M., ·filed January 25, ]894, in -I'l'~e Office of said County Recorder, said in'l'ersec'l-ion being a point- on · Corpora-l-e Boundary .of. 't'he City of Bakersf i~;Id as def i ned by Ordinance No. 1500, New Series; ': : .- . ... " 'l"her~ce (71) Sou-l-hwesterly a'nd Nor-l-herly along course 10 and 1I of -l-he las-l-.~n:dmed Corpora-te Boundary -i'o 't'he Nor'lheas'l-corner of said Sec:l-ion 10, bei.ng t-he poin-l' of b.eginni.ng for -l*his descrip-l'ion and con-l-aini.ng J374.60 acres, IllOre or' Iess. EXCEP]'ING THERE'FRO['/i Lot' 1, Tract No. 2963, as said Tr~c-i-No. 2963 is shovm on a n'~ap.'recorde.'d Oc'l-ober '19, 1965, in Book 14 of Maps, P.a.qe 153, records of said l(ern Courrl'y, .. -AN['.JEXA'1'ION 0F' S'rOCI,~D.'-',.LE N0. 3 ', 'i'O'YI-[E CITY OF' f3AKERSF'IE[.D UI'.,~DERORD!NAi'.!CE N0, I'LS. LEGEND "'-' ,~,REA, ,,37,'..~0 ~,¢_ '. ~-..~. AGR'~GI:.JLTUP./~L PRESF-RVE ' ' ' NO. "~='~'~'='~ ANNEXATION I:3OUN, DARN" E,Y,I.-.IIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B!'