HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 56-6856-68 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO INCLUDE WITHIN TRE GREATER B~ERSFIELD SEP~RATION OF GRADE DISTRICT A PORTION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS 'eCALIFORNIAAVENUE NOo le~ AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE INCLUSION OF SAiD TERRITORY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT° WHEREASs proceedings have been commenced for the annexation of certain unincorporated territory, designated as '~California Avenue Moo 1'~ to the City of Bakersfie!d~ and WHERFJ~S~ a portion of said territory lies outside the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and WEEREAS, Section 8290 of the Streets and ~iEhways Code of the State of California~ provides that the unincorporated territory of a county which was not included within a separa~ion of S~ade district at the time of the formation of such districts and which subsequent to the formation of such district is annexed to or otherwise included within a city which is a part of such district, shall immediately upon such annexation to such city be included ~ithin the district and shall thereafter become a par~ of the district to the same extent as such city~ except such portion or portions thereof which the City Council has detennined~ will not be 5enefited by inclusion in the district° NOW, TFEREFORE, BE XT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as follovfs: 1. That a description of the unincorporated territory described in the annexation proceedin~s~ is as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern~ State of Californla~ and beins a portion of Sections 26~ 34 and 35, Township 29 South~ Range 27 East~ MoDoBo & Mo~ and Section 3~ Township 30 South, Range ~7 East~ MoDoBo & Mo~ and more particularly described as foliages: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of said Section 35 with the north llne of the south 85 feet of said Section 35~ T~ENCE {1) easterly alon~ ~he north line of the south 85 feet of said Section 35 ~o intersect the westerly boundary of Tract Moo 1751~ as said tract is sho~m on a map recorded April 12~ 195~ in Book 9 ~ ~ou~S~: N 34 3~ 00 ~, 185 ~ 91 fee~; 843°00 feet; T~ENCE (4} N 29°lSe00"E~ 530°00 feet~ TMENCE (5) S 74°30e00"E, 309°54 feet, to the northwest comer of Tract Nee 1750, as said Tract is she~a~ on a map. recorded January 1955 in Book 8 of Maps~ Page 181~ Records of said Kern County; TMENCM (6) as p~er map of said Tract Nee 1750, along the following 2 cou~ses~ S 74°30 00~vE, 305.46 feet; TM}~CE (7) N 52°30e00~'E, 172.03 feet, to intersect the westerly boundary of Tract Nee 1753, as said tract is shown on a ~p recorded Ju~y 14, i954, in Book 8 of Maps~ Page 139~ records of said Ke~ TEM~CE (8) as er ~m~p of said Tract No..1753, along the follo~ing 2 courses: N 5~°30 00~E~ 397°97 feet~ TKENCE (9) N 20°45e00~4~ 339°90 feet0 to the southwest comer of Tract Nee 2483, as said tract is sheldon on a map recorded December 1960 in Book 11 of Map~s Page 1550 Records of said Kern Co~y~ TMENCE (10) as ~er ma~ of said Tract Moo 2483, along the relieving ~ 2 2 courses: N 20 ~5°00 ~ 37o10 feet~ TMENCE (ll) N 18°00~00~'~E~ 162o31 feet~ to intersect the westerly extension of the south property line of Lot 27, Tract Nee 1800 ae of ~ $s PaSo ~3~ ~ecords of said Ke~ Co~ty~ said intersection also ~eing the sout~yes~ co~er of the Coun~ Drainage Emm~en~ adjoining said Trac~ No~ 1800~ TMENC~ (12} as per map of said Tract No. 1800 and also bein~ alon~ ghe westerly boundary of said County Drainage Easement, N 18 00s00 E, THENCE (13) N 39°45~00~aE, 9°89 feet to a point on the southerly ~iEht of way line of C~rnsey Lanes being also a point on noutbeste~ly ~ight oZ way line of County Reed Nee 2099 as said southwesterly ~ight oZ way line is described in. thai: certain deed recorded an Deed Book 3220~ Page 332~ Official Records of said ~ern County; TMENCM (14) alon~ t~e follo~'in3 3 courses of the last named deed line to intersect the northwesterly right of way line of said County Road No. 2099~ TP~ENCE (15) N 35°lYe25'eE~ along said northwesterly right of line ~o interseC~ ~he northeasterly ~'i'~h~ of ~ay line of-~a~d~ounty- Ro~d No. 2099; TMENCE (le) $ 48°59e57"E~ alone said northeasterly right of way line of said County Road No. 2099, being course 5 of said deed dese~tp~ion~ to a point which is the intersection of the northerly righ~ of way line of Chester Lane and the westerly boundary lane o deed~ recorded December 11~ 1958~ in Book 3049 of Deeds~ Page 249~ Official ~ecerds of enid ~ern County] T}~ENCE (17) along th? following 2 courses of the last named deed description: N 31°15 0O~°g~ 95°30 feet~ to the northwest corner of ~he last named pa~cel~ TMENCM (18) N 89°53°15~E~ 111o34 feet, to the northeast corner of ~he last named pmrcel~ enid northeas~ corner being a point on the toEpotato boundary of the City of Bakersfie~d as defined by Ordinance Noo 1493~ ~ Serie8~ the corporate bounda~y of the City of Bakersfield as defined 519a20 feet~ alon~ ~he last named ~outh right of way line~ TF~C~ (22) S 0°%1~48~E~ 250°00 fee~; T~E~CE (23) S 89°48~12~q~ 850°00 fee~; T~CT~ (24) $ O°lX'°48u~ 50°00 feet; T~C~ (25) $ 89°48~12'%q, 1~16o99 fee~ ~o a point on ~he seu~heas~e=ly S 47°49e~2~, 599~9e feetD along said southeasterly TMENCE (28) $ 2e°SOD42=~p 868.75 feet along $~id b~nk to in~ersec~ ~he ~est l~me of said Section south along the last named ~em~ line~ 828°77 TE~NCE (30) S 57°11~24~q~ 64.029 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the ~ou~heast, having a radius of 2855 feet; TF~CE (31) sou~h~qes~erXy along said curge~ through a central angle of 56°39~40' an arc d'/mtance of 2823,37 fee'~ to a point of ~ngency; TaENCE'(32) $ 0°31e44'~, to inte~sec~ the easterly extension of the south line of that certain parcel of la~d as described in a deed ~ecorded July 1O~ 1953 in Book 3023= Page 963~ official records northeast comer of l:hat certain parcel of land as described in deed recorded October 30~ 1964 in Book 3780, Page 707~ official records of said Kem~x County; THENCE 04) southerly along the east line of the last named parcel of land and southerly extension thereof, to intersect the south right of way line of County Road Noo 2341 in said Section 3; THENCE (35) easterly along ~he last named sou~h right of w~y line to a point which lies 6~5o28 fe~t westerly as measured along said south right o~ way line from the northwest corner o£ that certain parcel of land as described in a deed recorded February in Book 3813~ Page 796~ official records of said Kern THENCE (36) S 0°31~44'~ 270°36 THENCE (37) $ 35°48'40"E~ 553°86 feet; THENCE .(38) S 62°51'13"E, 53.44 fee~ TRANCE (39) $ 89°53u49"E~ 528o91 feet~ to a'point on the east right of way line of New Stine Road, of 110 feet in width, said e~st rEi~ht of way line being also the east line of ~he west 55 feet of the of the E% of said Section 3; THENCE (40) N 0°06'17"E, along =he last named east right of way line and the northerly extension thereof, to intersect the north right of way line of County Road Moo 2341 in said Section THENCE (41) easterly along the last named north right of way line ~o ~he point of beginning; Excepting therefrom that portion of the SE% of Section R 27 E~ described as beginning at the intersection of the south righ~ of way line of the Atchtson~ Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad with the west righ~ of way line of $~ate Highway Route 99 thence (1) S 89°48 12'~ along said south right of way line~ 519.20 feet; thence (2) S 0°11~48"E, 200°00 feet~ thence (3) N 89°48~12'~E~ to intersect said west right of way line~ thence (4) northerly along said west right of way line to the point of beginning. 2o That unless any portion shall be excluded by the City Council, all portions of said unincorporated ~erritory sh~ll upon annexation to the City of Bakersfield be included within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District° 3o That Tuesday, the 5th day of August, i968~ at the hour of 8:00 PoM., in the Council Chambers of the City Rall~ 1501 Truetun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place Where, objections to inclusion within the district will be heard° I I~I~BY CgXTI~I~ ~hat the f6regoinE ~esolu~ion waa paaaed and adopted by ~he Council of ~he Ci~y of Bakerafield at a regular mee~ing thereof held on the iTCh day of June, 1968, by ~he following vo~eg AYES: COUNCILMEN, HEISEY, i, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETrER, WHITTEMOR[~ NOES: COUNC'.LMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAININ6 COUNCILMEN: