HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 52-68RESOLUTION NO. 52-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CO~qCY. L OF THE CITY. OF BAKERSFIELD ORDERING TM.E WORK IN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 821 AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO POST NOTICE I~I~TING BiD-q ~HE~LEAS, the City Council of the City of P~akersfieL'] did on ~he 6th day of May~ 1~8, <tuly adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 82~a~ declaring its intention to order the construction an~ inst.mlL~a'~ion of a water sup?!y syste~n a~ described therein~ and WHEREAS~ said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published twice after its 8~option a~ required by =he Improve~n~ A~t of 19t1~ in the Ba~rsfieXd Californian, a daily nev~'spape:~ publis~e~ and circulated in said City~ an~ ~esi[~nated by said City Co~cil for that purpose~ an~ '~!EREAS, notice of the passage of said Resolution of ~n~e~tlon No. 8218, headed ~'NOTICE OF ~I-~ROVE~NT~ ~,~as ~ul.y and legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improver,~.ent and along all open streets ~.~ithin said district, a~ noc more than three hundred (2~00) feet apart, in ~he time~ form and ~nner required by la~; and k~EREAS, said posting was ful~.y completed more than ~en (!0) d~.ys before the date of hearing protests and objections; and ~!EREAS, notice of the adoption of said Resolution of IntentS. on ~3as given by ~il in the ~.nner ~equired by the Improve~ ~nt Act of 1911 and tha~ said ~iling x~as ccmpleted not less ~han fifteen (15) ~iayS from this da~e of pubi~.ic hear2~ng; and ~H-IEP~AS~ the ti~ set for pubiC. it hearing of objections on ~.~~mDlution of-inEe'~j~tioa ls mox-~ ~2h~n fifteen (]~) but less than s~.xty <60) days from the date cf adoption of said resolutionB and WHEREAS~ at said hearing held the 27th day of ~y, 1968; all ~csons desiring to be heard ~ere fully hea~cd and all oral and ~ritten protests and objections, if any~ were fully heard, and t'his City Council having given all persons present an opportunity to hear and be heard in respect to any matters relating to the work · proposed, the boundaries of the proposed assessnmnt district, the serial bond to be issued to represent ur_paid assessment. s, the q.n3~estion of whether public convenience ~:nd necessity required such improvement, or in any suSject related to such proceedings posed by Resolution of Intention No. 821a; and ~{EREAS, this City Co%u~cil ba~; receiw~d evidence relating to the proposed work, the boundaries of the proposed assessment distL~ict, and the benefits to the property to be included in the proposed assessment district and is fully infonned on the premise. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Co.~ncil of the City of Bakersfield, California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, FIND, DETERMINE, AND ORDER as follows: SECTION 1. THAT the foregoing recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2o THAT written protests and objections heard and received at t}.~e hearing were insufficient to constitute a nmjority protest of the work and assessment proposed by Resolution of Intention No. 821a or if such majority protest was received, that this City Council specifically overrule such protest by an affirmative vote of foursfifths (4/5) of its members. SECTION 3o THAT the City Council having acquired jurisdiction by ~he provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 to order the work of improvement described in said Res01Ut_i..0.r~. of Inten[_lon~ does order the work therein described be done to wit? T~e construction and installation of a water supply system on Pierce Road commencing at the east side of the ~<ern River Bridge on Rosedale Highway, north.- ~ HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a re~lar rosering thereof held on ~he 2?th day of May, 1968~ by the follo~ing vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHIll'EMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN:. A.sENTcou.cILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: , APP~OVED: west to Pierce Road and thereunto the south side of the Galloway Canal with an easterly extension along Gulf Street for a distance of approximately 1,0-50 feet. Said work mhall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved and ~dop~ed by th~ City Co'cncil and so modified by Remolu~ion No. 41o-68~ For further pmrticul~rs, reference is hereby ~d~ =o R~solu~iom of In~ention No. 82!a ~he Pl~ms and S~cific~ionm now on file in the offices of the City C~erk and City Engineer~ SECTION 4~ T~T ~he City Clerk of ~he Ciey of B~kersfieid is b~reby direc~ed~ in ~he ~i~ fo~ and ~nner provided by la~ ~o pos~ mo~ice referring ~o ~he plans and specifica~ion~ thereof~ conspic~ uoum%y fo~ five (5) d~ys on or near ~he door of ~he Co~cil Cham~rs of ~he Co~cil of ~he City of ~kerzfi~!d inviting ~ealed proposals or bidm for doing ~he work herein ordered~ ~e City C~erk is f~her directed ~o publish a no~ice inviting said proposals bids ~md referring ~o ~he epecific~ion~ on file~ ~ice in Ba[~rmfleld C~liforni~n~ a d~ily newspaper published ~nd circulated in m~.id City ~nd heretofore d~si~ated for ~h~ pu~pose~ ~T bid~ sha~l be sealed ~nd filed w'i~h ~he City Cle~k of ~he City of ~mfield ~na sh~ll be delivered ~o said City Clerk ~ her office a~ City H~I~ ~501 T~un Aven~ in s~id City up Eleven A 11 ~nd mot later eh~n ~ O~clock ~.M. (~:00 ~.m.) Friday, ~he 7~h d~y of June~ 1968~ AlX sealed bids so filed ~.~ith the City C~e~k shal!~ in open session, be opened examined and declared by ~he City Clerk ~C maid ~i~ ~nd place~ Said Ci~ Clerk shall ~h~ remul~ of said bidding ~o ~he Council ~nd ~ach cer~ific~ion~ o0o