HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 50-68RESOLUTION NO. 50-68 P~SOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TI~ CITY OF BAF, ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND CONFIRMING ASSESS- MENTS OF THE COST OF DOING THE WORE ORDERED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTIOb] OF INTENTION NO. 824. W~EREAS, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield~ California, has heretofore made and filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City, an assessment and diagram for that certain work and improvements in the City of Bakersfleld, done under and pursuant to the Improvement Act of 19~.1 (commencing at Section 5000, Streets and Highways Code)~ and Resolution of Iratention Moo 824; and WHEREAS~ after the filing of said assessment and diagram, the C~ty. Clerk has given notice of the filing of said assessment and of the time and place set for hearing there~ by the City Co%~cil~ and said City Clerk having executed an affidavit setting forth the time and manner of mailing~ posting, and publishing of said notices; and WHEREAS, at t~he ~ime and place stated in said notice, a hearing was duly held by the City Council, and said assessment and diagram were-presented and consi~ered~ and all ~rttten appeals~ protests and objections~ if any: were duly presented, read, heard and considered and all persons ~esiring to be heard thereon~ were heard in respect to any matter relating to said work or improvement or to any act or determinations of the Superintendent of Streets in relation thereto~ or to the contract for said work or the performance _0f said work, o_r to the omissions_Or the incluSions_ .0f a_n_y__pp!~ion of the work in said contract~ or to the correc~gess of said assess- ments or said diagrams, or to any other act~ de~e~nation or proceedings of said Superintendent of Streets, or to any matter relating to said ~ork~ the assessment' district or the proceedings ~herefors and said City Council having received evidence relating ~o ~he foregoing; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of ~he City of field, California DOES HE~BY F!~ ~SOLVE, DETE~I~ A~ O~ER as follows: SECTION 1. Said hearing has been duly held~ and notice ~hereof been given according to SECTION 2. All protests and obJections~ ~rit~en and oral9 if anyp ~de or filed wi~h ~es~c~ go said assessx~n~s~ diagrams and o~her ~er~ heard by ~he City Co~cil~ be and ~he sa~ a~e hereby ~uled and denied. SECTION 3~ E~ch and every s~ep in ~he p~oceeding~ prior ~o and including said hearing, has been duly ~nd ~egularly ~a~n~ and this City Co~cil is satisfied wt~h ~he correcgness of ~he ~he diagram~ ~he proceedings and all ~t~ers rela~ing ehe~e~o~ and doe~ hereby c~fim said p~oceedin~s and said assessmn~s and SECTION 4. Tha~ pu~m~n~ ~o Section 311~ of the S~ree~$ and Highways Code,' ~he City Cler~ is hereby ordered and shall cause Co be ~ecorded in the office of the County Recorder a copy of the assess~n~ disFaro and no~ice of said assess~n~ for ~blic lmprove~nC District .......... o0o ......... I }~REBY CERTI~f that the foregoing Resolution was passed end adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield st a regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of ldsy~ 1968~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VE1TER, WHITItMOR~ NOES: COUNCILMEN://~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN:/~.~.~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Marjan So irvin Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED c