HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-68 RESOLUTION NO o .44-_68~ RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCXL OF THE CITY OF BAKEPaFIELD ORDERING T~E VACATXON OF A PORTXON OF 2ND STREET~ C][TY OF BA/(ERSFXELDo %~ERF~$~ on the 15th day of=Aprll~ !968~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ pursuant to.the' provisions of the '~Street Vacation Act of 1941"~ being Division 9~ Part3, Of the Streets and ~ighways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted its ~esolution of Intention No, 830, declaring'its intention to order the vacation of a portion of 2nd Street~ City of Bakersfield~ California~ and .- ~a~EF~S~ said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in orobjecting to said proposed vacations which said hearing.was held on.the 6=h day of May~ 1968, after notices were duly posted as required'by .law~ and WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter~ does hereby find and resolve as follows:' 1o That that portion of 2rid .Street', situate in Ithe City of Bakersfield~ County of Kern~ State of California~ more partic~ ularly, described as follo~-ys~ is unnecessary for present prospective public street purposes ~ All of that 'portion 'of 2nd Street of 82~5 feet in width be~een "A~' Street and Holtby Road in the City, of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 12,.Block 2, Coode Tract as recorded May 2~ 1910, Official Records of Kern County~ THENCE (1) east along the north right. of way line of 2ndStreet, a distance of 305°25 feet to'the beginning of a tangent curve con~ cave to the east~ said beginning of curve being also the southeast corner of Lot 7~ Block 2, Goods Tract; THENCE (2) along said cuz~e concave to the east through a cen~er angle of 13L?.18' 00"~ an arc distance.of 11~,o58 feet to a point of intersection with the south right of'way line of 2rid Street~ THENCE (3) west along said south right of'way line of 2nd $~reet of 'A'~ Street~ . to a poin~ .on the east right of way line ' TMENCE (4) north along the prolongation o.f the .easterly right of way line of 'aA'~ Stree~ to the point of beginning, RESERVING the southerly 41,25 feet for purposes of eas~nen~ and drainage easement and resep/ing the westerly 10 for purposes of ~ public utilities e~semen~, 2, ~a~ s~id portion of 2nd S~ree~ be and the same he=~by closed up~ vscat~d and abandoned for public stree~ pu~oses~ subj~c~ to ~md in conformity wi~b. the reservations and exceptions con~ained in and contemplated by said Resolution of indent!on No, 830~ ~eference ~o said Reaolu~ion of In~en~ion is hereby ~de for ~r~h~r particulars. 3, The C~y Clerk shall certify "to the passag~ of Reaolut~on and s~ll cause a certified copy hereof~ a~es~ed by ~h~ Clerk'ruder ~he meal ef the C~y~ ~o be-recorded ~n ~he office of ~he Co~y Recorder of ~he Co~y of Kern~ Californ~a~ I ~REBY CERTIF~ that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield st a =egula= meeting ~he=eof held en the 6th day of l~ay~ 1968~ by the £o110wing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, H{{~, REES. RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: *~'TZg'/f,--,~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~,-.-x ' , ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Cou~cil of the City of Bake=sfieldo ,r, * -- · ' ' ,d%,~PROVED g