HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 41-68tIESOLUTION NO, 41-68 RIgSOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI[ OF BAI(ERSFIELD, CALIFOR~' NIA~ APPROVING ~ O~ERING CERTAIN ~NGES ~D MODIFICATIONS IN ~E WO~ TO BE DO~ IN PUBLIC MROVE- MNT DIST~CT NO. 821. I'aiEREAS, this City Council did, on the 4~.h day of December, 19679 adopt its Resolu~ion of Intention No, 821 declaring its inteno tto-n to construct a water supply system in Public Improvement District Neo 821 in accordance with the plans~ profiles and s~cificatiom~ referred to in said Resolution of Xnten~lo~ and on file in the office of ~e City Clerk of =he City of Bakersfield~ and ~E~AS~ ~his City Co~cil dia~ on the 15~h day of April, ~968~ adopt i~s Resolution No~ 30-68 declaring its in~en~i~ ~o order ~ certain change and modification in the pipe location proposed to be ima~alled purs~nt to Resolution of Intention No. 821; and ~E~S~ said Resolution of ~m~en~ion to Modify Boo 300~8 wee duly published at least ten (10) days prior to the da~e of public hearing hereon, in the Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of gemo oral circulation in ~he co~unity and so desi~ated for this pumpoae~ ~~$~ a hearing has been held on said proposed change all in the ~mmer and fom proact!bed by law, and mo~ or insuffieien~ w~i~tem objections hayins been ~de by ~he owners of one-half of the' area of the pro~rty proposed to be assesscall and the Contractor havinE e~nsemted to the ~kins of ouch chanEe~ and this City Co~cil now havX~E jurisdiction ~o order said chanae a~d modifica~ion. . NOW, ~EMFO~, BE IT [SOLI~D by the Couacil of the City of ~kersfield, California as follows r~ SECTlOB 1. That the public interest and convenience require a certain change and ~odifica~ion in the work for the Assessment District~ originally set forth in Resolution of Intention Nee 821, which change amd modification are duly described and set forth in Resolution Nee 30o68~ adopted by this Council on the 15~h day of April, 1968~ and this Co~cil hereby consents to and so orders that the location of ~he 12 .inch A.C, pipe ~o be constructed along Pierce Road in P~blk Xmprovemen~ District. No~ 821 be relocated four (4) feet eas~ of the .~,. ~, eas~ e~line of said ~oad instead of ~O (2) fee~ east of the east c~bline of Pierce Road as previously des~ribed in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of ~refield, Califomia~ SECTION 2~ ~a~ the Su~rintendent of Streets of ~he City' of Ba~rs~ field is hereby authorized and s~cifically directed to rake such alterations upon the plans~ s~cifications and other dra~inSs on file in his office and the office of the City Clerk of said City showins ~he chanEe and modification heroinabove ordered and to file with said plans~ specifications and drawinEs a copy of this resolution authorizin~ such change and modification~ SECTION 3~ ~at the contract for said improve~n= to be entered into fo~ the doins of the work in Public limpreverent District No~ 821 should include the chanEe and modification ordered by this resoiution~ ......... o0o ......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoimg Resolution paseed end adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at ~ regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of April, 1968~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VEI"I'ER, W .......... ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN:/77~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /~d"'/'t ,./,._ Marjan S. Irvin ~'ITY CL'E'R~'ahd Ex-0fficio Cle=k"0f'the' Council of the City of Bakerefield APP~O%~D: CYT.V A~~' '