HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 39-68RESOLUTION NO o~,3,9 - 68 RESOLUTION OF TI4~ CITY COIR~,iCIL OF TI{E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE AI~E}[ATION OF CERTAIN PROPER~ DESXGI~TED 34TH ST~MT~ WHERFAS~ an application was filed with the Kern .County Local Agency Formation Conmission for ~:he annexation of certain property contiguous to the City of Bakersfield designated 34th Street; and WHEREAS~ pursuant to law the Kex~ County Local Agency Formation Commission issued i'~s Resolution Making Determination relative to 34th Street~ and ~HERY~S~ said Resolution Making Determination approving the annexation to ~he City of Bakersfield the territory designated as 34th Street° NGW~ THEREFOItE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun. ci! of the City of Bakersfield as follows :: io That the ~erritory designated as 34th Street particularly described as ~ Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 630 of the City of Bakersfield as shown on that certain map dated March 10~ 1904~ entitled "Sales Map of Kern County Land Csmpany Showing Subdivisions of its Additions to the City of Bakers field ~ Kera County~ California"~ and filed April !9~ 1904 in ~,he office of the County Recorder of Kern County~ said southeas~ corner being also a poin~ in the north line of 34th Stree~ as sho~ on said map~ ~hence southerly along the southerly extension of the easterly line of sai~ Block 630 ~o a point in the sou~her!y line of 34th Stree~ the last said point being also a point in the corporate boundary of ~he City of Bakersfield~ as said corporate boundary7 is defined by a Special Election held March 21~ 1939~ the canvass of said Special Election by the Council of ~he City of Bakers field was filed with the Secretary of 8~,ate~ State of Caiifornia~ March 29~ 1939~ thence wes~eriy on and along the said south line of 34'~h $~ree~ being also on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field as defined by said Special Elec~ion~ to a poin~ in Zbe westerly line of Chester Avenue~ said last named point being also a point in said co~porate boundary of ~zhe City of Bakersfield as defined by said Special Election; ~hence northerly on and along ~b.e westerly line of said Chester Avenue and. corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by said Special-Elec'~:i:on to-~he--intersection of said westerly line of Chester Avenue with the northerly corporate boundary of the Ci'~y of Bakersfield~ said poin'~. being also a point in the northerly line of 34tb Street as sho~m on said "Sales Map of Kern County Land Company", thence easterly on and along said northerly line of 34th StEee~ to the point of beginning for this description, containing 5.25 acres more or less~ is hereby approved for arm. exat. ion to the City of Bakersfteldo I BER~BY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a ~e~ular meeting ~hereof held on ~he 29~h day of April, 1968, by the following vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING. REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VET[ER. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ~. ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: ~'~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /~a:~7.x~,.' -, APPROVED: ~