HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 20-68A P~ESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAEE~SFXELD CALLING A SPECLA_L MUNICIPAL ELECTION FO~ ~ P~OSE OF S~MXTTING TO ~ Q~LIFIED MGIS~D E~C~S A PROPO~ SiTiON TO ADOPT ~ O~DI~'CE AL~RING T~ BOUntIES OF ~C~ OF ~E S~EN WA~$ OF T~ CI~ OF ~~FIE~ WH~ES, in accordance with the provisions of Section llol of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield~ the Council of did~ on the 18th day of ~l?rch~ 1968~ duly pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1726~ New SerieS, alterinS ~he boundaries of the seven wards of the City in order that each ward shall contain as nearly as po~sible~ an equal number of qualified reSistsred electors therei~and WHE~S~ the Charter provides tha~ said ordinance be submitted to referendum° N~ TNE~EFOE~ BE ST RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfieldu as fotlowsg lo That a special m~micipal election be held~ and the same iS hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield~ on 4th day of June~ 1968~ for the purpose of submittins to ~he qualified registered electors of said City~ a proposition for the approval or rejection of Ordinance No. 1726~ E'ew Series~ entitled OrdinanCe Altering the Boundaries of each of the Seven Wards of the City of Bakersfield~ California'~ a correct copy of ~hich attached hereto and inco~pora~ed by reference° ~sgu3La~ u~Lng ~h~o~ h~lcl on ~h~ 18~:h day o£ M~ch~ 1~8s ~y AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTERo WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ -( ABSENT COUNCILMEN: /7~4~/,,t. _ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~'/Z~ M~rian So Irvin ~T~ CLE~ 'and Mx~Off~i~'{~l~ Council of the Cit~ of ~kersfield, 1726 SERIES BE IT ORDAXITBD by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECT%ON 1o The boundaries of the First Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: All of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the inter~ section of the south right of ~ay line of Bernard Street and the centerline of Alta Vista Drive~ thence southerly along the centerline of Alta Vista Drive ~o ~he centerline of Lincoln Street~ thence easterly along the centerline of Lincoln Street to the centerline of Telare Street~ thence southerly along the centerline of Tulare Street to the centerline of Sta~e Route 178 Freeway~ thence westerly along the cen~erline of State Route 178 ~ree~ay to the centerline of Alta Vista Drives thence southerly along the centerline of Alta Vista Drive to the centerline of Monterey Street~ thence easterly along the centerline of Monterey Stree~ to the centerline of Baker Street~ thence southerly along the centerline of Baker Stree~ to the centerline of the Ao To & So Fo Railroad right of way~ thence southwesterly along the centerline of the A~ To & So Fo Railroad right of way to the cen~erline of Union Avenue~ thence southerly along the centerline of Union Avenue to the north right of way of East California Avenue~ which is a point on the City Limit lines thence easterly and along the various courses of the City Limit line to the point of Beginnings also beginning at the intersection of the west right of ~ay line of Union Avenue and the centerline of California Avenues thence southerly along the west right of way line of Union Avenue to the north right of way line of Brundage Lane~ thence westerly along the north right of way line of Brundage Lane to the east right of wa~ line of the Central Branch of the Kern Island Canals thence northerly along the last named east line to a point 250 feet south of the centerline of 4th Street] thence easterly to ~he centerline of e~T~" StreetB thence northerly along the centerline of ~eT~ Street to the centerline of 8~h S~reet~ thence ~esterly along the centerline of 8th Street ~o the centerline of R StreetB thence northerly along the centerline of R Stree~ to the centerline of California Avenue~ thence easterly along the centerline of California Avenue to the last named point of beginning, SECTION 2o boundaries bf"the SeCor~d Ware are hereby read as follo%.~s: All of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the lines thence easterly and along various courses of the City Limit line to intersect the northerly extension of the centerline of Haley e ~he centerline of' Vande~bilt Drive~ ~hence easterly along the center.~ line of Vanderbi~t Drive to ~he c~terline of the first alley east of P~ena $~ree~ thence northerly along ~he centerline of ~aid alley to ~he centerline of ~he fir~ alley ~e~h of ~ke Drive~ ~hence easterly along %he cen~e~fllne of said ~as~ named alley ~o ~he cente~ line of Oceiden~al $~ree~B thence no:rtherly along ~he centerline of Occidental S~ree% to tb, e cen~e~line of University AvonnaB thence ~terly along the censerline of University Avenue to ~he centerline of Mount Venom AvenueZ thence eouther%y along the centerline of Me~t Ve~on Avenue to the north ri~h~ of ~my lane of Ce%~bus Aven~F~e~ ~ich iea poin'~ on the C~.~y Limi~ ?~ineZ ~hence ~esteriy and along ~ou~h right of ~ay line of ~ernard $'~reet and the centerline of A~a Vista Drive~ ~henee ~eutherXy along the centsFilms of Vis~ Drive ~o the cenSerline of L~acotn Stree~B thence along the cen~erline of Lincoln Stree~ to the cenSerline of Tu!are ~e~e~ly along '~he cente~i~e of the A~ To & S~ ~o ~il~oad of ~,3ay to the center%ins of Union Avenue~ ~hence northerly along the ~xten~ion to the ~est ~igh~ of way line of Union Avenue~ Zinc the of T~act 2644B thence ~resterly along the soutk bounda~ of Tract 2644 and northerly along ~he ~s.~es~ bo~%~cTZ of T~acta 2644 and 214~ SECTXO~ 3o T~e bo~aaaaries of the Third Ward are hereby altez~ed to All of tha~ par',~ of the f~!ty of ~ake.~fsfield= beginning at the ln~e~eect!on of the cem.~ezcline of F~o Vernon Avenue and the north ~ight of ~ay lime of CeX%~bue Aven%~e~ which is a point on ~he L~l~ line~ ~hence em~erly and alon~ ~he various courses of lithe of Fenderhilt DriveB the~ce easuerly along ~=he cen'~erline of Vande~bilt Drive ~e ~he ~en'~erline o:[ the first nlley ~$~ of ~e ~he centerline of the fire~ alley south of ~e Dr!ve~ thence easterly along the cemter~ine of said la~ named alley to the cemterline of Occidental $%ree~B thence northerly along the cente~ ' ~'lk~OF~i~~'~ereet to th~ ~en'cez'line o~rstty-A~enue~ thence easterly along the centsfilms of University Avenue centerline of Molar Ve~Dn Avenue~ thence ~outher!y alon~ the centsfilms of Mount Ve~on Avenue to ~he point of begi~ing~ The boundaries of the Fourth ~,~ard as hereby alteL~ed to All of that part of ~h~ City of ~akersfield~ beginning at the ~nter~ection of the centerline of 8th Street and the centerline of ~ S~reet~ thence nor~her].y along the centerline of R Street to the cen~erline of California Avenue~ thence easterly ~lo~ the line of California Avenue ~o ~he ~es~ ~igh~ of way line of Union Avemue~ ~hence northerly along the west right of way line of U~ion Avenue ~o ~he north riEht of way line of Califo~ia Avenue~ ~hence easterly alons the north riEht of way line of Califo~ia Avenue ~he cen~erline of Union Avenue~ thence northerl7 alone ~he centerline of Union Avenue to the easterl~ extension of the south rfSht of line of 3~th Street~ thence ~es~erly alon~ said extension to ~es~ riEht of ~qa7 line of Union Avenue~ thence northerly alo~s ~he ~est right of way line ~o the southeas~ co~er of Tract 26~ ~hence ~ea~erly along the aou~h bound.~ of Tract 2644 and northerly along the west be~da~ of Trac~$ 2644 and 2146 to the horniest co~er of Trac~ 21~ ~hich tsa point on the City Limit line; ~hence ~es~erly and alonE various courses of the City Limi~ line ~o ~e~sec~ion of the %~eat riaht of ~ay l~e of U, S~ Reu~e 99 Freeway and the sou~h right of way line of ~he San~a Fe ~ilroad Colony ~inline trscks~ thence easterly along ~aid eou~h right of way line ~o the east right of ~.~ay line of Uo S~ Eoute 99 Free~ay~ thence ~eu~hea~terly along said east right of ~ay line and the north ~igh~ of ~y~y line of Galife~ia Avenue to ~;he wes~ riEht of way line of Oak Street; thence southerly alone ~he ~est riEh~ of way of Oak $~ree~ ~o ~he centerline of Califo~ia kven~e; thence easterly ~he een~erline of Califo~ia Avenue ~o ~he cen~erline of A ~hence noLetherl7 and e~sterly alonE ~he centerline of A Stree~ and 13th St~ee~ ~e the centerline of C Stree't~ thence northerly along the centerline of C S~ree~: to the centerline of l~th Street~ thence easterly alon~ the 'center].ins of l~h S~ree~ ~o ~he cen~erline of F St~eet~ thence northerly along. the cen~erline of F Stree~ to ~he cente~line of A~ T~ & S~ ~?o ~il~oad ~ight of way~ thence e~ste~ly along the centermine of said right of way to the cen~erline of cen~erline of 7~h Street~ thence easterly along the centerline of 7th Street to the cemte~iine of Chester Avenue; thence along the cente~line of Che~ter Aven~e to the centerline Of St~eet~ thence easterly along the centerline of 8th St~ee~ point of beginningo SECTXON 5~ The boundaries of the Fifth Ward are hereby altered to read as follows All of ~hat part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the inter~. section of the cen~erline of T Stree~ and the cen~erline of 4th St~ee~ ~hence ~ee~e~ly along the centerline of 4~h Street ~o ~he cen~e~line of N Street~ thence ~outherly along the cente~line of ~ Street to the centerline of 2nd St~eet~ ~hence westerly alonE the cen~e~llne of 2nd Street to the centerline of A Street~ thence northerly alone the centerline of A Street to the cents=line of 3rd Street~ thence ~este~.y along the centerline of 3rd Stree~ the cen~erline of Pine Street; thence ~outheriy along ~he centerline' of Pine Street to the centerline of Bank Street; thence along the center~ine of B~nk Street to the centerllne of Oak thence southerly along the centerline of Oak Street, 380 feet more o~-~ess~ to a poin~ on the City Limit line~ thence ~esterl~ and ~.len~ the va~!ou~ cou~se~ of the City Limit line ~o the of the %3e~t right of ~yay line of U, So .Route 99 Free~ay.and the ~o'uth right of w~y line of the Santa Fe Pailroad Company meinline e t~ack~; thence easterly along ~aid south ~ight of way line to ~he ~a~t right of way l~n~ of U. S. ~ou~e 99 ~re~y; thence ~ou~hea~terly aXong ~aid east righ~ of way line and the north ~ight of way line of California Avenue to the west right of way line of Oak Stree~ thence southerly along the west right of way _toe of Oak Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence easterly along the centers line of California Avenue to the centerline of A Street~ thence northerly and easterly along the centerline of A Street and 13th Street to the cen~e~line of C Street~ thence northerly along the cen~e~line of C $~ree~ to the centerline of 14th Street; thence easterly along ~he canoe=line of 14th Stree~ to the centerline of F Street; ~hence northerly along ~he centerline of F Street ~o the centerline of Ao To & So Fo Railroad right of way; thence easterly along the centerline of said railroad right of ~ay to the centerline of H Street; ~hence southerly along ~he cen~erline of H Stree~ to ~he cen~ezline of 7th Streets thence easterly along the centerline of 7~h Street to the cenCe~line of Chester Avenue~ ~hence northerly along %he centerline of Chester Avenue to the centerline of 8th Streets thence easterly along ~he centerline of 8th Street to the cem~e~line of T S%reetB thence southerly along the centerline of T 8~reet to the point o£ beginning° The boundaries of the Sixth Ward a~e hereby al~erea to AlX of that par~ of the City of Bakersfield: begimming at the intersection of the centerline of Wilson Road and ~he centerline of ~ible Road~ thence easterly along the cen~erline of Wilson Road ~o the centerline of ~ughes lane; thence northerly along cen~e~llne of Hughe~ lane to the cen%e~line of Echo Avenue~ thence esete~ly alonM ~he centerline 0£ Echo Avenue ~o the centerline of ~enton St~eet~ thence northerly alon~ the centerline of Street to the cente~i.ine of Custer Avenue~ ~hence easterly along the centerline of Cu~te~ Avenue to the centerline of Ma~-hall thence northerly along ~he cen~erline of Marshall Street c~erlime of Dooli~tle Avenue~ thence easterly along ~he cem~e~line of Doelittle Avenue ~o ~he centerline of Fr~on~ Stree~ thence ~ou~herly along ~he cen~erline of Fr~omt $~reet to ~he cen~e~line of Cu~te~ Aven~ ~hence easterly along ~he cen~e~line of kVen~e and ~he ex~ensto~ ~he~eof to ~he eas~ ~igh~ of ~ay line of ~he ~e~ Xsland Cable %3hich poin~ Is on ~he Ci~ Llmi~ l~e~ northerly and alonE ~he various courses of the City Limi~ line to the in~ersec~ion of the north right of way line of BmndaEe ~nd ~he eas~ right of way line of the Central Branch of the ~e~ Xsl~nd Canal~ thence northerly alon~ ~he last named east line to a point 250 feet south of the centerline of 4~h Street~ ~hence easterly to the centerline of T Street; thence northerly alone the cen~erline. of T Street to the centerline of ~th Street~ thence ~esterly alon the centerline o2 ~th Street to the centerline of N Stree~ ~hence southerly alone the cen~erline of N S~reet ~o ~he cen~erline of 2ha Street~ thence ~esterly alone the centerline of 2nd Street the ~en~t~{ne of A Street~ th~ee~northerty along~he-centerline' of A Street to the centerline of 3rd Street~ thence westerly alonE the centerline of 3rd Stree~ to the centerline of Pine ~hence southerly alon~ the centerline of Pine Street ~o the center~ line of Bank Stree~ thence ~esterly along the centerline of. Bank $~ree~ ~o ~he centerline of Oak Street~ thence southerly alon~ ce~teriine of Oak Stzeet~ 380 feet moz+e or iess~ to a poin~ City Limit line~ ~hence e~steriy and alonE the various courses/of e the City Limit line to the intersection of the south righ~ of way line of Planz ~oad and the centerline of Wible ~oad; thence northerly and along the west line of Section 12 to the point of beginning° SECTION The boundaries of the Seventh Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: All of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Wilson ~oad and the centerline' of Wible ~oad~ thence easterly along the centerline of Wilson ~oad to the centerline of Hughes L~ne~ thence northerly along ,the centerline of Hughes Lane to the centerline of Echo Avenue; thence 'easterly along the centerline of Echo Avenue to the centerline of Ben~on Street~ ~hence northerly along the centerline of Benton Stree~ to the centerline of Custer Avenue] thence eamterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue to the centerline of Marshall Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Marshall Street to the centerline of Doolit~le Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Doelittle Avenue to the centerline of Fremont Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Fremont Street to the centerline of Custer Avenue~ thence easterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue and the extension thereof to the east right of way line of the K(ern ~sland Canal~ which point is on the City Limit line; ~hence southerly and along ~he various courses of the City Limit line to the intersection of the sou~h right of way line of Planz Road and ~he east right of way lime of Wible Road~ thence ~esterly along the westerly ex~ension of the last named south right of way line ~o ~he centerline of Wible ~oad; thence northerly to the southwest comer of Section i2~ T 30 S~ ~ 27 E; thence northerly along the ~est line of said Section 12 to the point of beginning° SECTION 8o This ordinance shall be submitted to referendum"pur~uant to Section ll~l of the CharGer of the City of Bakersfield~ and in the event a majority of the qualified registered electors voting he~eon vote in favor hereof~ shall become effective upon the passage of the resolution of ghe Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring ~he results of the election° ........ o0o ........ X H~REBY CERTXF~ that the foregoing Ordinance pammed ~nd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield regular meeting thereof held on the ~lB~h~day of~arch~ 1968 by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY. HOSKING. REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VEI'rER, %VHITTEMOItE NOES: COUNCILMEN:/~a,,,~L~c ABSENT COUNCILMEN: /~,,,/f..,,< . ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /~"~//,,~ _ Mar fen So Irvin Council of ~he City of Baker~field