HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-68P~ESOLUTION NO. 17 - 6~8~ WHEBS~ the governing body of any incorporated area within ~he county may petition ~he board of supervisors of any county which provides county funds for $~uc~ural fire protection in the co~ty~ four exclusion of property within the inco~ora~ed area~ of said co~ty from the le~ of ~xes for such pu~ose~ by =e~olu~ion adopted by mzid governing body~ finding ~ such in~ corporated city ~s ~n organized fire depar~en~ in opera~ion and existence which is~ a~ such ~ime, providing adequate s~mc~ural fire pro~ection ~o all property wi=hin such inco~ora=ed city, and ~ no additional benefi~ is received or required by such proper~y from s~c~ural fire p~o~ection given by the co~y, and ~MS~ ~his Council finds 'Cha~ ~he City of Baker~field~ a municipal co~o~ationc. has an orgsnized fire depar~en= in operation and existence which is providing adequa'~e mt~c~ura~ fire p=o~ection ~o all property ~ithin said incorporated ci~y~ and no additional benefi~ in fire protection ~s received o= required by such proper~y from et~ruc~ra! fire pro~ec~ion given by ~he co~y ~ N~, ~FO~Z~ BE XT ~SOLV~ZD tha~ the City of Bakerm~ field doe~ hereby petition ~he Board of Supe~isore of ~he County of Xe~ for ~he exclusion of six p~ope=ty ~yt~hin ~he co~o~a=e limits of ~he City of Baker~field fr~ ~he levy of ~axes for ~mc~ural fire p~otection in 8aid inco~ora~ed area for ~he fiscal y~= 1968~1969~ and ~Y~ the ~yor be and he is hereby authorized and directed ~o si~ ~aid petition and have ~he same presented ~he Board of-Supervisors of the Co~~ of ~e~m~ .......... o0o ......... I HEREBY CERTXF~_ that the foregoing Resolution was paesed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of March, 1968, by~he following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHI1TEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ ABSEiNT COUNCILMEN: /~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ Marjan So Irvin Council of ~he City of Bakersfield APP~ED o' PETITION %~ THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPgRVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN~ STATE OF CALIFOKNL~ Pursuant to the provisions of Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California~ the City of Bakersfield does hereby apply to your Honorable Body for the exclusion of all property within the corporaate limits Of said ci. ty.-from the levy .of any tax for structural fire protection of areas in the County of Kern for the Fiscal Year 1968~1969o This petition is su]gported by a Resolution of the 'Council of the City of Bakersfield~ which ie .attached hereto~ finding that said City of Bakersfield has an'organized fire department in operation and existence which is-providing.adequate structural . fire. protection to all property within such incorporated city, and that no additional benefit in fire protection is received or re~ quired by such property"from structural fire protection given by the ty o Kern°' ........ -' '