HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2-68WP~REASs on =he tlth day of December= 1~68D Ch~ Council of the City of ~akersfield~ pursuant to the provisions of the situate in the City of Bakers field ~ County of ~e~m~ State of and WI~REAS~ said Council'did fix a time an~ place fo~ hea~ing this Council after duly considering zhe m~Zer~ does hereby find and resolve as foiled, s: lo That the alley in Block the City of Bake~mfield~ County of ~ern~ State of ,PA~.L 1 Beginnin§ at ~he southeast corner of Lot 16 in Block 58 a~ shema on ~he Modified Map of the Bernard Addition'to ~he Cl~y of ~ke~afie~dn filed M~rch 17~ 1902 in the office o~ ~he N l~°52e20~$~ 40o74 feet along ~he eas~ 'line of Lots 15 a~d X~ of ~ld Block' 58 ~o ~he beginning of a ~amgen~ cu~e~ ~ence (2} along said cu~e concave ~o the ~e~t with radius 14 feet-~nd-c~t~a-~- anSle of 123°02°06'~ ~hrough a dis~anc~ of 30~06 feet ~o m poim~ of ~amg~cy on a lime ~h~ch bem~$ S 73'50 14a~; ~ence (3) N 73°50 70o28 fee~. along ~he back tangent ~Z said las~ named llne to the begging poim~ of a cur~e~ fr~ %yhich poin~ the ~ngen~ of cu~e bears $ 73°50014°~ ~ence (4} along ~aid cu~e concave to the ~ou~h ~i~h ~adius 38 fee~ and cem~ai angle of 56°57°~°°~ ~h~ou~h (7) ~ 73~07 Zg'~ 34~00 fee~ alouS ~ sou~h line of said ~t 23 All t~t portion of the northeast o sou~hwes~ alley~ of the office of ~he ~n~y Re~order of ~he ~o~y of ~ seu~eas~ alley ~ s~ld Block 58 and the southerly line of feet of the above described Parcel and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and abamdonea fo~ 3o The Cl~y Clerk '~bmll certi~ ~o~u~iom ~md ~1 c~use a certified copy ~he clerk under ~he ~eal of the Ci~y~ ~o be recorded in the office of ~he County l~eco~der of ~he County of EsZx'ta Califoniao ,o=¢=.~=,==,==000,=~= ....... ~e~ular meeting thereof held on .the 8th day of January~ ~968~ b~ ~he followins vote~ AI~SENT COUNCILMEN: Council of the City of Bake~fi®l~o APP~OV~q~ c