HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 104-67~SOLU~ION NOo 104-67 A RESOLVYflOX~ OF PROTESTS ~ITO~ D~S~~D AS 'PROPOSED FIELD ~ W~EREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 19~h day of December~ 1967~ requea~ing that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield9 and WP~E~S~ said petition was si~ned by the owners of not less than one°fourth (1/4) of the area of the land in such and representinE not less than ones fourth ~1/4) of the assessed value of such territozT according to ~he last preceding e~ualized assessment roll of the County of Kern° NOW~ TaEREFORE~ in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of .i939~ Chapter 297~ as amended9 BE IT Pa~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfteld~ as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed ~o the City of Bakersfield are described as follews~ A parcel of land situated in '~he County of Ke.rn~ State of California~ and being a portion of the Northwest one°quarter of Section Township 29 South~ Range 28 Eas~, MoDoBo & Mo and more particularly described as: Beginning at southwest corner of Lot 5 Tract Moo 26~, as said lot is shown on a map of said Tract No o 26A4, recorded December 6~ 19~1 'in Map Book !2~ page 108.~ records of 8aid Kern Ccunty~ said $outh~ west corner beinE a point on ~he corporate boundary of the City of Bakers field as defined by Ordinance Moo 118~, New Series~ / T~ENCE (1) easteri~ alons the last named corporate boundary~ being also along the sou~h proper~y line of said lot 5~ to in~ersect the ~est righ~ of way line of Union Avenue, .... of 115o5 feet in width, being also a point on the cer~ orate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined y Ordinance No. 984~ New Series; TEENeE (2) southerly along the last named corporate boundaz~]~ being also alonE the last named west right of way line, to interseo~ the south right ~f ~ay llne of 34th Streets> as said 3~h $~re~ i8 desc~ibed in t~t cer~in deed recorded April 27~ 1927~ Ln Book 163~ Page 230~ Official ~cords o~ s~d ~m Co~y~ ~a~d sou~h ~gh~ o~ w~y line being al~c on ~he coverage bo~~ of ~he City of ~aka=~field~ as defined by ~t special election held ~h 21~ 1939~ and ~ch results ~e=e certified by ~he Secre~a~ of S~e on ~rch 28~ 1939~ ~es~arly~ along the last named corporate boundaQF and south right of ~ay line, Co the southeast comer of desi~ed ~emortal Hospital Si~e~ as defined by Ordi~nce No ~ 1002, New Series ~ THENCE (4) northerly and northwesterly along the last named coro pora~e boundary to the northeast corner of the tas~ named annexaCion~ said northeast comer beinE a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield defined by Ordinance Noo 1429~ New Series; nor~h~es~erly~ westerly and southerly along the last named corporate boundary ~o ~be northwest corner of the aforementioned annexa~ion designa~ed '~Memorial Hospital Si~e~ being a point on the corporate boundary of the Clcy of Bakersfield as defined by aforementioned Ordinance Mo. 1002~ New SerieS~ southerly amd westerly along the last named corporate boundary to the southeast corner of Block 630~ as said block is sho~m on chat certainnmp dared March 10~ 1904~ entitled "Sales Map of the ~ern County Land Co~any Showing Subdivisions of its addl~ions ~o the City of Bakersfield, ~m County~ Califo~ia"~ recorded April 19~ 1904~ in the office of the Co~ty ~eco~der of said County~ THENCE g> northerly~ departing from said corporate boundary'.,, along the east proper~y line of Blocks 630~ ~58~ 3 and extensions thereof~ as said blocks are shown on the last named sales map, ~o intersect the extension of ~he north line of Tract No o 21~e ~rac~ is sho~v~ on a ~p recorded Ju~y 1~, 1958~ ~p Book lO~ Pages 27 and 28~ Records of said Co~ty; easterly along the last named westerly ex~ension to the northwest corner of ~sid Tract No. 2146~ said northwest comer being a poin~ on the corporate bom~ of the ~i~ of Bakersfield as defined by aforementioned Ordinance No ~ 118~ ~ New Series 3 sou~heaste=ly~ southwesterly and southeasterly along ~:he las~ named corporate boundary to the south~es~ comer of Lot 5~ said Tract Moo 264~ being the point of beginnin~ and containing ~2o50 acres of l~nd~ mo~e or lasso BE XT FUrTHERRESOLVED, chat Monday, the 12th day of February~ 1968, at ~he hour of eight o"clock PoM.~ in the Council o Cha~be~ of ~;he ~y ~11~ 1501 Tru~%~m Avenuep Bakersf~eld~ ~1~e~ ~$ ~he ~ ~e~ an~ ~he phce ~he~e any ~e~en e~mg ~?~ any o~5ec~ons ~o ~he proposed a~exa~on ~y appear before ~he Council of ~he C~y of Bake~sf~eld and show cause ~hy such ~er=l~o~ should no~ be a~exedo ........ o0o ......... AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING. REES, RUCKER, STIERN. VETTER. WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: /,~ ~ . .... ABSENT COUNCILMEN: /~(~'/t,,,~ ~. ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /72~r,,).,.;,~,,t,_ Council Gf ~he City of Bakersf~e~do A~M~LOV~D ~h~ f6~d eceee~ 67o AP~ED ~