HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 103-67~OLI~TION ~©o. 103.F67.. WNERF~A8~ Ordinance Noo 1709 New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ declaring a need for and creating a Redevelopmerit Agency ~Yithin ~e City of Bakersfield, was enacted Decsmba~ 18~ l~6Y~ and ~~S~ said Agency ~as crea~ed by. reason of ~o~ said Agency predicated upon cez~ain background infom~ion ~de~s~anding~ and policy limi~a~ion~ a8 hereafter se~ (a) A petition ~eques~ing ~he City Co~cil ~o implemen~ a plan fo~ ~he revi~atl~a~ion of certain a~ea~ of ~he central section o~ Bake~sf~eld generally as ~h~ d~o~m area~ filed ~i~h ~he City Council October 1O~ 1966~ by prop~r~y ~ers and busines~en located tn ~he do~to~ azea, said petition sponsored by ~he Do~,m Businessman e s Associa~iono (b) Mee~ings held by and between ~he Do~to,~m meno$ Association and members of the City Couucil of t~ City of Bakersfield ~o establish stan~rds relative to revi~a~ization~ ~e general land area ~der consideration for ~i~lizatton and the need for such revt~altzation dete~ined~ (d) ~ the proper ageracy ~o be crea~ed by the City Co~ciX be a Redevelopant Agency purs~mt Comi~ ~edevelopmem~ hwo being Par= 1 Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code of ~he S=a=e of Califo~ia o {e) ~e p~posed agency would be self~suppor~lng~ providing for its financing ~hrough gifts? .ass.~,sment of area u~bers~ or issuance of bonds ~overi~ only ~h~ agemay w~uld no~ b~co~ a general obligation ~f f~r or ~e~ed from ~he City of (f) ~.e various depar~en~s of ~he City are ~vs~lable ~ am a~o~ capaci~y~ h~ever~ ~he agency ~x~ll provide for it~ o~ legal~ engineering and p!a~g s~ffs where necessa~ ~ the use of eminent detain be ul~tely the de~emination of the Bakersfield City and t~ prope=~y acquired by the agency should be acquired ~h=ouEh ~er pa=~ic!pa~ion~ purc~se~ leaee~ o~ gifto ~~S~ Section 33310 of the Meal~h and Safety Code pr~idee for the City Co~cil to deei~e a su~ey area for possible redevelo~m~ N~ T~MFO~ BE XT ESOLVED by the Council of ~he City of Bakers field as ~ ~e area desl~ed a su~ey area for possible ~ed~elop~n~ projec~ is ~t land area lying bemoan Tr~ Av~ue on ~he sou~h and 23~d Street on the north~ and be~een M Stree~ ~ ese~ and G Street on ~he wes~ ~ls ares is more defini~e!y demcribed in Exhibi~ "A~' a~tached he=e~o and mde a par~ of ~his remolu~ion~ along ~h Exhibit "B~" , amp of the su~ey 2~ No f~ds =o be budgeted for agency use~ 3o T~t purs~n~ ~o Section 33110 of ~he Health Safety Code and Ordi~mce No. 1709 New Series~ the P~yo= of of Bake=afield p=oceed with the appo~mnt of ~mbers of the ~edevelo~m~ Agency~ .......... OO0 .......... I I~REIIY 8ERT~F~ tha~; ~:he £orego~mg Resolution w~e pammea an~ adoptea by ~he Co~ncil of the C~ty of Baker~field a~: a regui~= mee~:~ng thereof held on the 26th day of Decembe=~ 1967~ by ~:he follew~ng vo'~e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, RGES. RUCKER. STIERN, VETTER. WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ,~ ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: /~,(~{.,/,_ AsISTAINING COUNCILMEN:/~ APP~OVED: Boundary Description for Downtown Redevelopment Agency A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California and being a portion of SeCtion 25, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M. Do Bo & M. and Section 30, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the west right of way line of "G" Street, of 82°5 feet in width, with the south right of way line of Truxtun Avenue, of 115 o5 feet in width, said intersection also being the northeast corner of Block 317, as said block is shown on a map designated as "Map of The City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California", filed for record November 25, 1898, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; THENCE (1) northerly along the west right of way line of "G" Street to - intersect the north right of way line of 23rd Street, of 82°5 feet in width, being also the southeast corner of Block 157 as said Block is shown on said map; THENCE (2) easterly along the last named north right of way line to intersect the east right of way line of "M" Street, of 82.5 feet in width, being also the southwest corner of block 150 as said block is shown on said map; THENCE (3) southerly along the last named east right of way line to intersect the south right of way line of said Truxtun Avenue, being also the north- west corner of Block 310, as said block is' shown on said map; THENCE (4) westerly along the last named south right of way line to the point of beginning. · ...t 91\:''~ 17th. Truxtun 285 ~ 286 168 ~ 191 ~ -.: 247 r 287 MAP FOR RE.B:--VELOPMF_NT AGENCV 4.00'