HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 92-67e EESOLUTIO~ NOo 92-67 I~aSOLUTION OF TItE CIT~ COUNCIL OF AB ODE~G ~ FILIBG OF BANS ~ $~ECX~ICATIO~$~ CA~ COST ESTATES, DISTRIC~ ~, INaTAL~TION OF A gA1~ Sb~PL~ SYS~ ~N ~ ~ROPOSED P~LXC ~ PRO~NT DIST~XCT NO~ 821 (Public Improvement District No. 821 Piezcce Road) ~EPaAS, proceedings a~e to be ~:a~;~n ,under the Ac~ of 1911 and the Xmp_vovement Act of 1913 for ~e and construction .o~ a wa~e~ supply system on Pie=co Road~ Gulf and o~he~ s~ee~s in ~he City of Bakersfield; and ~E~AS~ ~he City Emg~ee~ of ~he City of Sa~rsfieid c~pliamce wi~ ~he o~de= of ~his City Co~cil expressed ~ ~i~ No~ '32j~7, has prepared in cooperation ~i~h C~lifo~ia Service C~pany~. careful esti~es of ~he cos~ and expenses of ~o=k, ~p of Assessment Dis~ric~ fo~ P~ic, Xmp=ove~n~ Ois~ic~ No. 821~ sbo~in~ ~he bounties oZ ~he ~e==i~o=y ~o he bene[i~ed ~nd ~e~eesed ~o pay ~he cos~ and expenses che=eof~ Dia~am Public Xmproveu~n~ Dis~ric~ No~ 821 ~nd Lis~ of Es~i~ed Assess~n~ on PFope=~ie~ for Construction of a ~a~e= 8u~ly System in Public prove~ Dis~Fic~ No~ 82~ and Plans and S~cifica~tons foF imp=ovemen~ ~o=k and cons~=uc~ion ~he~e!n ~ and ~E~$~ City Council deeiFe8 ~o ~pp=ove and place on [i~e ~aid phne a~ 8~c.ifiea~ions~ cost e8~i~es~ dis~=ic~ and di~am ~i~h proposed assess~s. N~, ~FO~ the City Council of ~he City of Cali. fomiaa Does Hereby Rose!re, De~e=~ne and Order as SECTION lc S~id es~ima~ea~ plans and ~pecifica~ioce the co~s~c~ion and ins~~io~ o~ a ~s~e= ~upply ~he ~e~ ~ide o~ ~he ~ ~ B~idge on Reu~e ~e~ ~o in~ec~le~ ~l~h Pierce ~d~ no~h ~ Pierce ~d eo~h mide of the CaXlo~ay Ca~l wt~h an easterly ex~ensio~ along Gulf ~oad~ a=e hereby app~oved and a=e orde=ed ~o City Cle=~ S~CTION 2c Said ~p of ~he Dis~rie~ Dial=am a~d Lis~ of ~i~ed Assseethes a~e hereby app=oved. ~e directed ~o endorse her certificate on ~he o=iginals and a copy ~he~eof; ~o file ~he o~igiuals in ~he Office of ~he ~o zlle ~he copies wi~h ~he Co~y ~co=de~ of ~he SECTION 3: All phns and ~pecificati~s~ es~i~es~ die~=ic~ ~p~ diag=ams and assessments o~ any o~he= ~ed in conJ~c~ion with said ~ork shall be descried and entitled '~ ~ o Fo= Public Imp~ove~n~ Dis~ric~ No. 821~ X HEPa~BY CEI~TIFY tha~ the foregoing l~ee~lut~on ~ae ~sed an~ ~dop~ed by the Ce~c~i of ~he C~y of B~rsfXe~d a~ ~'=e~ula~ ~e~n~ ~hereof held on ~he 13=h day of ~ovembe~ 1967~ by ~he follo~in~ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING. REES, RUCKER. STIERN, VE"FI'ER, WHITTEMO~,E ',,,:,-: couNc,LME,,,: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: /~ ~ ABsTAiN,.~ COUNO,~,~EN: CX.%'TTT'CL'iE'R~ And 'Ex-OffK~f~"~k ~f ~e Council of ~he City of Ba~rsfield.