HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 89-67e R_~SOLU~ION NO~ 89-67 A RI~SOLUTION OF TIiM COlTHelL OF Tt~ CITI OF ~RSFIELD CONSEnTInG TO T~e OF ~~ATION P~OC~EDING~ FOR ~ ~~~0~ TO ~E C~ OF E~P~FYE~ OF CE~N COUN~ OF E~s S~TE OF Ci~IFO~,~ COICIGU~ OUS TO T~ CITY OF ~I~[SF~ELD~ DES~G~.~D WBEI~EAS~ a request ~as presented to ~he City of ~akersfteld requesting the Council to give its consen~ to ~he commencement of a~e~a~lon proceedi~Es in connec~ion wi~h certain ~bi~ed te~i~o~ ~herein referred ~o and de~cribed~ which is contiEuous ~o ~he City of Bakers field ~ and ~~S~ the PlanninE Collation of the City field ~$ rendered ~ts report to this Council, and ~~$~ i~. is ~he desire of ~he Co~cil to Eive consent to the co~encement of such ~nne~lon proceedi~Es upon condition t~t the electors within said terr[to~ he info~ed the ~e ~he petition for aDmexati~ is ci~cu~].a~ed that ~he question to be submitted ~o said electors s~ll be whether the s~ll be a~exed ~o the City of Bakersfield and ~he prope~y the te~lgo~ ~o be a~exed be subjected ,~o ~xation after a~exatlon eq~lly w].~h ~he proper~y within ~he City of Bake~efield~ to pay ~he bonded indebtedtea of the Ci~ of BakeEsfield standins for ~he acquisi~ion~ cons~c~i~ or c~le~ion N~ ~EOE~ DE ~T PaSOL~D by the Co~cil of the City of Bakerefleld~ as foll~s~ !~ ~t coneen~ is hereby E~an~ed fo~ ~he co~ence~ 6f ~nnexa~ion proceed~Ss ~ ~onnection ~wi~h said inhabited ter~i~o~ in accordance with '~he tnv. e~tio~ Act of 1.913 provided ~he petitton fo~ a~exation concave a request ~ ~1%e question ~o be ~b~i~ed ~o the electors residin~ In the territo~ proposed ~o bs annopted ~hall be whsther ~he territory shall be ann~e~ ~he City of Bake~sfiel~ an~ ~he p~oper~y im ~he ~em~i~o~ ~o be a~exed be subjected ~o ~a~iom after a~e~a~ion eq~lly p~opa=~ within ~hs Gi~y ~f Baka~sfisld~ ~o pay ~h~ bondsd e~es~ of ~he City of Bakersfield ou=m~and. img for ~he acquisi~iom~ const~ction or c~le~ion ~f m~icipal ~ed as ~P~A NO~ 1"~ is b~ded g~e=ally a~ follows: situated generally north of Ming Avenue and wes~ of South M Stree~ lying within Sections 34~ 35 and 36~ T~ship 29 Sou~h, ~nge and Sections 1~ 2~ 3 and 11~ To~ship 30 Sou~h~ ~nge 27 is more particularly described in ~he =eques~ on file City of ~kerefield~ which descrip~i~ i~ imco~orated heroin by ~eference and rode a pa~t hereof as if ee~ forth hereln in full~ 3~ The Ct~ Clerk shall certify ~o ~he adoptiota "~ ........ OOO ......... AYES: COUNCILP.4EH I-IEiSr:Y, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COU,C,LME,: ~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~