HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 88-67 PJ~SOLUTXON '~0 o_ .:, 88~6.7 .... A I%M~OLUTION OF TME CITY OF BAKeRSFIELD CALLING A SP~CXAL ELMCTv_ON TO B~ I{E, LD ON TM~ 9TM DAY OF JANUARY~ 1968s P~RTAINING TO ~ ~TION OF MING NO~ 4 ~ T~ Cl~ OF BA~F~KLD~ EST~LIS~X~G VOTING P~CINCT~ POLLING P~8E A~ OFFICEM OF E~CTION FOR SAID E~CTION~ ~ PES~IBXNG FEES TO BE PAID TO SAID OFF~CE~ 0F E~CTIOM ~ FOR SAID ~[G P~.CE~ WI{EREAS, a written petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ requesting ~hat certain inhabited territory therein described be annexed to the City of Bakersfield~ and WMEREAS~ by Resolution Nee 81o67, the Council of the City of Bakersfield declared i~s in=on=ion ~o call a special election in certain inhabited ~erritory contiguous ~o said city' proposed be annexed to said city~ for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territoz7 the question whether or no~ said territory shall be annexed ~o said city~ and forth a time and place of hearing protests against said proposed e~-ec=lon~ and NMERF~Ss a copy of said resohti~ was published required by law~ and W~$~ prior ~o and at ~he time se~ for hearing pro~es~.s ~o the proposed election writgem protests were not ~de by o~ere of oneshalf of ~he value of the ~erri~o~ proposed to be a~exed~ ms sho~ by the last eq~lized assessmen~ tel! and no protest was ~de by public and private o~ers eq~l ~o one~[mlf of ~he ~alue of said ~e~ri~O~ and ~~$~ all proceedings ~ve been had ~ accordance said resolution -and ~he -~nexa-~ion--Act-o{- 1913 f =eference-~he~e~o hereby being ~de for ~rther N~ ~MFOM~ BE XT MSOLVED by ~he Council of of Bake~sfield, as SECTXON A special election i~ hereby eelled ~o be held on 9~h day of January~ 1968~ in ~he ~er=i~o~ he~ei~f~er desc~be~ &nd pToposed to be a~exed to ~he City of Bakezsfield~ for the pose of submitting to the qualified electo=8 residing in said ~errito~ the question whether or no~ said ~erri=o~ s~ll be. a~exed to ~he City of Bakersfield and ~he property in the ~o be a~nexed be subjected to ~axation af~e~ annexation ~i~h ~he proper~y wi~h~ ~he City of BakersEteld~ to pay ~he be~ded ~debeednese of ~he City of Bakers field ou=$~nding for the That said te==i~ory is hereby designated snd identified for such election purposes and for use upon ~he ballots at such election as ~I~G MOo 4s~ and is described as follows: Description of a parcel of !and to be ~ ,~,~ea to' the City of Bakersfield and which is to be designated as MiNG ,'~'O. 4, 'said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being o e ha. (PQ-) of Section ii, a po.~ion of the East ~ ' ~ ToWnship 30 South, Range 27 Eas~, .M.D.B. & M: 7 Beginning at the intersection of ~he easterly right of way line of Real Road, of 80 feet in width, and the easterly prolongation of the south line of LOt 3 of said Section l i, as said Lot 3 is shown on the "Sales Map of Kern County L-~' C-re. any in Section 1i", filed 7anuaD/25, i894, in the office of the said County Recorder, and as said Real Road is shown on the ~ap of Tract. No. 2628, recorded November 24, 1961, in Book !2 of. Maps at page Records .of Kern County, said intersection also being on ~he corporate bounda~ of the Ci~y of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance R'ew Series, ce;~ified by the Secre~a~% of Sta{e on October 24,~1963; THENCE (i) noXherly, eas~eriy, northerly, easterly and northerly along " corn-sos (8), (7), (6), (5) and (4) of said corporate boundeD/%o the noXh- .' west corner oz Lot 27 of Tract No. 2720 as said Lot 27 is shown on the IS00,'< -:.... -':.... .. .....~ , map of said Tract No. 2720, recorded 7une !S',. 1962 in Book !2 of Maps ' ":. ' '; · . ':.'7. a% pages i96 and 197, Records of Kern County, said norti~west " · · corner also being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as "-. :'. . .. "' · : .. '. defined by Ordinance No, 1478 ,. R'ew ·Series, certified by the Secretary of :..; . .' ..:::.....': · . State on May 31, i96~; ....~./....::'...~ ~::j..:-:. · . ,..7. : " ' : ... ..:7': .:~ ...., ......: ...~ .'THENCE (2) along co'~-ses '(17)tlrough (8) of said corporate bounda~'as "7.' ..-" ."..7 .'.':. '.. ':':1::" 'follows:. S 88~48'49"E ~20,00' feet;..'.;:.<,':.:.:::',:"L.:":~:.' ..... ': ..~.: '......-.:.:::.':':.:'.'..: ':'."'.':.:71'~'. '.')...'...": '.jr · .. "- .' ... ' .. "'. ???:i",.l.:':.][.'/:..[ '.ff.'~e::::,'e:/..:;: '~[::..'.:'. )~:.'.::.. :: .. ': :: ' ~zz~-cz (s) s so ~ ~z"z z"z, z 06, ~s ~ee=;" '.':'. "<<:..? ~./'.:~ >t~C<:<c::7:'::.:.::.<~::'~' <>:': ':','~.'.. :':'."~: ::<j ':?'..'. ::: :':: ::'.':':.::' "'.~'~.: "..'. '.' ~1' :" . ..~... ..... ,..7. :':1., .: '.:':..7>. :1:":'.:...:.: :..'.:::.>?.,.: :~:::;t= '.::'::f ..:.. ::..:...'.:, .:'~:'., ,.,..>.,. :.~;,. < :-..:. '~'., ? ::...': .,, .:" . - . """' . :::':".":.:'./"'.'<;>'.':':"7.:':' '(:[.:'.'.:'::-':.:"': :?'~/,<..'<':f~.~:~:, :' '. ,::. '.". h:'.;. :...':,:.'..:.. "-: ' '. :.' '.. THE~'OZ ~S) S S4~27'SO"E, 67,SS feet; '>.' ~...~.(/:~<<~..7~.:~7:>~>~:...J..:::<..:..?.~.~.~<:..`~.~f~..~:~>.:...~..~..:..~..~.~..:.:::~...`.:. ..,,...~;:[:'/': .".dr .. :<:..'..:.::'.::~.,::.:.:,.>:1;;~'::~...:,~:.:'~.::,(.: .....:...:'.<.;...'....'....: :',..'.......: ..1'::......... '.:.-..'-...', :.'~ ~ '.....~ .: .' :. zzzx-cs (6) s 2zo0s'so"z, sz~.'~s fee~;' "':~'.';::.,':>'..c.;m:.'::<.V.~":f;:<<'::.'::..:"':<";?,:'~.'j':'.::'."'? .'..:'.',.:: "....'.::.":','.'::..""".." :: .. · . .: · '::.:.:~::>./:':..::..::.f'Z..?>';::'..:::<..'.~'..',:':.'::. :.. :....'.'...:' :.:. :.-....~ .. .... · z:~zxcs (7) s zs~s~'0s"z;"z4z.zz fee~;. ":"" ':..'.:'j "":.::'.'::":'::":"'. ": "':'" ." '7." '~ .':'f'. "..:. '. '. . . · ... ' . ', '... '... ' ..: "'" Ti~ENC3 (8) S 23~51'01"3, 250.90 feeW "" ~ ' · ' . ' .'. '= '.:".':.:,.:'.'. ".'; .:'.v':..:~ -THER'G3 (9) S i0c02'01"3., i69.44 feet; ~HE~'GE (10) S 0~20'06"3,266.90 feet to the southeast corner of said ~ract 2~28, said corner also being o~ the westerly right of way line of "' U. S. ~9 Bakersfield By Pass (State.RSute Ke'r-4-C).as per Zha~ certain G'ranz deed to the State of California recorded December i0, Book ~z .~ a~ page' SZg, Records-of Kern 'Ooun~y~ .. Ti{ElCE (i i) southerly along the west line of said dead zo intersect ihe north line of the south one half .(S~) of the northeast .q'aa~er (NE 1/4) of the southeast quarter. (BE ."!/4) 'of %he "nonhe'astlquaner (lYE' !/4) of said Section I I; Ti~F~R'C2 (12) continuincff southerly alon,i the wast hne of said daed~ dapan- inC fi-on~ the corporate boundary, ~o in~arsec~ ~hs north ~-- of ~he sOu~i~ one' half (S{-)' of ~he sourhaas: quarter (SZ i/4) of.:h~ nonh~as~ qua~er ~'~ i/4) of said SectiOn ii; THENCE (13) S 2°01'.45"F~, 70.74 'Ti-~E.'q'CE (14) S .0°S0'00"W, to intersect zi:e south !ine'of~iqe north 30.00 feet .: .. ".~ "': · of the southeast quarter'of said Section !i, said south line ~ " :':. ..'i'-:..':' :: . ,: .: : SECTXON 3o Ao Mo of ~he day he~ein fixed for the holding of said ele=tiom and s~ll be kep~ open ~ll 8 o~clock Po M~ of ~he same day, ~hen polls s~ll be ~ ~ PK0~ IN SUC~ ~XTO~ BE~ AFaR SUC~ ~o T~ON~ SUBtenD T0 T~T~0N EQU~Y WI~ ~ P~OPE~ ~nd 'No' ~d ~o ~he ztEh~ of each of ~se las~ ~o wor~s ~he~e ~o~ ~o ~he ~t~y of Bakersfield~ and if an elector s~ll s~a~ Ac~: of 19130 (a} [or the pu~ose of said election there is hereby e~ablished in the ~e~i~oz~y proposed to be ann~ed~ one precinct consist~g o-f a portion of ~cres Moo 1= which ~11 include 81action precinct amd ~he follo~inS ~d persons are hereb~ Place: 3600 Wes~ches~e~ Argue (~o L, De~in~) gudge'~ Clerk: ,Clerk: Mrs, Melen To Breda ~ 350~ Oro Vist~ Avenue M~so Marguerite Resslar - 3400 Westchester Avenue MrSo Rhoda So Thompson - 3605 Sor~uno Avenue said ~nspec~or shall receive $24,00~ said Judge shall receive. $21o00s and said Cle~ks shall receive $21o00 each~ and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shall receive the use of such premises in connection with said election oE The City Clerk shall publish a no~ice of said spec~l election as re~uiredBy the Annexation Ac~ of 1913~ at leas~ once a week fo~ the fou~ ~} weeks prio~ to the elect~ons in ~he Oildale Mews~ a newspaper of general circula~ion, printed and pubXished outside the city~ but in the county in which the ter~i~o~ i~ si~ua~edo AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETrER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ (~){_,( _ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: %~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: