HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 87-67 ~ESOLUTIO~ MOo 87-67 A ~S~LUTI~N ~F TES COUNCIL ~F T~ C~ OF ~~F~ELD FI~ING A~ DEC~ING ~T A ~.JORI~ PRO~ST ~S MOT BEEN M~E A~NST T~ AN~T~O~ OF MXNG NO~ W~EREAS~ a ~rit~en petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ requesting that certain inhabited ~er~ltoz~y therein described be annexed ~o t~e City of Bakersfield, and ~$~ by Resolution Mo~ 81~67~ ~he Co~cil of the 8i~y in certain inhabited ~e~rt~o~ con~i~ous ~o said city proposed to be a~exed ~o said city~ for the purees of submit~ing to the q~lified eXec~e~s residing in said ~:ez~fito~. the question whethe= e~ not said ~er~tto~ shall be annexed to ~aid city~ and se~ing ~~S~ a copy of said resolution was published as required by law~ and W~S~ October 30~ 1967~ a~ the hour of 8:00 Po Mo was the time set for hearinS protests and a ~jori~y protes~ has no~ been ~de by any person ouing proper~y within the aforesaid ~~3~ all proceedinSs have been had in accordance wi~h the Annexa~ion Ac~ of 1913~ reference ~here~o heine made for further particulars ~ N~ ~MFO~ BE IT F~SOLVED by the Council of ~he City of.Bakersfield, as follows: T~t at ~he ~tme set for hearins protests to the proposed election and a~ ~he time ~o which said henfinE was held a ~jority p~o~es~ h~s ~o~ bee~ mmde by p~i~a~:e o~ae~s of ~he ~e~i~ proposed ~o bs annexed, eq~X~z~d as6as8men~ =~1~ or by publ~c and p~vate o~er~ eq~l ~o ens=~lf of ~e value of sa~d ......... 000 ......... X MERgBY CE~TIF%[ ~ha~ the foregoing Resolution passed and adopted by the Council of the Ct~y of'Bakerafield a~ s ~egularmee~img thereof held on ~he 30~h day of October, 1967, by the following AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES. RUCKER, STIERN, VETrER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ,9~ ~ I _ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~